PV Terraces Association

2012 Annual Meeting Minutes

March 2, 2012


Minutes of the 2012 Annual Meeting

March 2, 2012

Vice-President Emily Benincasa called the meeting, held in the PVCC Pauma Room, to order at 4:08 p.m. In attendance were twenty one homeowners including four board members.

Vice-President Benincasa requested and Financial Administrator Mindy Houser confirmed that, including the ten returned proxies, a quorum was present. A total of 23 units were represented either in person or by proxy.

A motion was made, seconded and passed that the minutes of the Annual Meeting held on March 18, 2011, be approved as submitted.

Benincasa then thanked Tim Read, who had recently resigned from the board, for all his service to this Association over the past several years and Mindy Houser for all her dedication and hard work.

President’s Report: The major improvements to consider this past year have been how to proceed with the exterior painting of the units, resurfacing the driveways, and dealing with the decline of the extensive number of Olive trees that appear to be dying. Thanks were extended to Larry Kopecky for his diligence on the painting project which is half way completed. It was two years in the planning stages with slight complications upon execution. Those were quickly resolved and the outcome has been favorably welcomed by almost all owners. Minor repairs to wood trim, gates and fences have been done, creating a much needed uplift and overall enhancement to the area.

Upon joining the PV Roadway Association (“PVRA”) in 2010, it was intended that the individual driveways would have maintenance and/or resurfacing done at the same time the PVRA did work on Temet Drive. It was learned that the PVRA schedule called for Temet Drive resurfacing to be done in September 2012 - not the best timing financially for the Terraces Association. The issue was taken to the PVRA board who agreed to reschedule Temet Drive work to September 2013, allowing time for this association to collect assessments for the project. The estimated cost for the work was $33,000 by 2011 standard pricing.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Plavan reports the 2011 year ended with the Association is a much better financial position from the previous year. Accounts Receivables have been cleared up through the sales of those previously delinquent properties and currently totals $0 with prepaid fees from six members offsetting the one delinquent account at year end.

The largest expense this past year has been the landscape maintenance followed by water utility. Miguel has been doing an excellent job and working diligently to keep the water use to a minimum without sacrifice of quality outcome. Roofing repairs also were high as there were many broken roof tiles which allowed for leaks to occur. Looking forward, the large expenses we must budget for are the paving of driveways and the replacement of Olive trees. As previously stated, the paving has been postponed until the fall of 2013 and tree replacement has been put off until a professional landscape plan can be designed. The budget for 2012 was presented as a balanced budget while still allocating sufficient funds to roof repairs and water utility. It is anticipated there will be no increase or decrease in monthly regular and reserve assessments until after the major projects are completed.

Election of Directors: With the resignation of Tim Read, there are three board positions open. Nominees put forth for election were Emily Benincasa, Kathy Kopecky and Dennis Mullen. When called for any other nominations from the floor, Andrea Aston submitted her name for consideration. Upon a motion, second and tally of the votes, the three positions were approved for Benincasa, Kopecky and Mullen – each to serve a 2-year term.

Pertinent Business: Project Manager Larry Kopecky summarized the painting project, stating that 17 units have been completed as well as the pool house and pool fence. Each unit’s repair work has been done prior to the painting and the entire area is slowly being restored to its former glory. Units 1-16 and Units 21-22 will begin work on July 6th and the entire project will be completed by September. Roof tiles are being replaced by the painting contractor as they go over each unit.

The tennis courts continue to be “Closed” due to the surface condition. Upon research, the board has found it as expensive to remove entirely as to resurface the two courts. Suggestions for an alternative use of the area are welcomed by the board and will be considered by all members before any changes are done. It was requested that Miguel be asked to keep the weeds and debris cleared around the fenced courts.

Ground squirrels and gophers are a growing problem with little effective solution other than to poison them. This gives pause to any action due to the number of dogs in the area that could possibly ingest the poison via the intended animal. Again, any suggestions for eradicating the varmints would be greatly appreciated.

Helen Borchelt and John Plavan have met with an arborist to look at the condition of the Olive trees and determine if they can be saved. No formal plan was achieved and it was discussed and agreed that a landscape architect be hired to create an overall look for the common grounds as we move forward. It was suggested that a former owner and PVCC member, Harry Griffiths, might be asked for input as he has considerable knowledge of such issues.

Homeowner Comments: Andy Aston expressed her concern over the lack of notice for the painting project start date, being given only a one month’s lead time. After reading through the previous minutes of board meetings from June 2011 through January 2012, she did not feel the board followed their own timeline as discussed at those board meetings. Aston felt that board communication to its members should be paramount and asked that the minutes from each board meeting be emailed to all members. It was noted that all members are welcome to attend any board meeting as they are posted at the mailbox area 72 hours prior to the meeting date. Members will be asked to leave should sensitive subject matter be on the agenda such as delinquent status of an owner.

Dick Smith asked that an updated member list be distributed along with email addresses. He also requested a copy of the most recent recorded CC&R and By-laws.

Adjournment: With no further business to conduct, this meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m.

Mindy Houser

Mindy Houser

Financial Administrator

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