Part Two
Our organization spent the better part of the last year doing case law research in support of our two pro se law suits against the State of Arizona. In our research, we came across two startling discoveries: (1) The law which encumbered Wittmann properties violated both State and Federal law and could never have achieved its stated aim which was to save the State’s military bases from closing; and, (2) The three separate uncompensated, encumbered areas, victimized by HB 2141, shared a commonality that contains both national and international implications.
A Trojan Horse: The Law That Could Not Count
Every legislator that we have spoken to at the legislature has touted HB 2141 as the "Save Luke Air Force Base Bill". The attitude reflects the belief that if the State supports an expansion of Luke activities, the base will be spared from closing. On the surface, the actions of State Government appear to be a genuine effort to preserve Luke Air Force Base and other military bases in the State. However, the actions of the legislature cannot even be considered by the Pentagon’s Base Realignment and Closure Commission (BRAC) when making decisions on whether to close a base as evidenced by the following Federal laws.
The Defense Base Closure and Realignment Act http://www.acq.osd.mil/installation/reinvest/manual/dbcra90.html#s2903) (Public Law. 101-510) states that BRAC cannot consider any land changes (i.e., zoning) when deciding the fate of a base. Further, U.S. Code Title 10, Chapter 159, Section 2684 further asserts that any effort to prevent encroachment on a military base can only be initiated by the Secretary of Defense. Therefore, the State of Arizona was effectively banned from independently creating the buffer zones around its military bases.
ACPPR’s notion that the law is meaningless for the purpose of saving Arizona's military bases is reinforced by Raymond Dubois, the Pentagon’s chief architect for the 2005 BRAC Base closures, when he told LA newspapers that if local governments think they can lobby and spend lavish amounts of money to influence the closing of bases, they are wasting both their time and money. This same statement was essentially repeated in the Arizona Capitol Times (12/28/04).
Certainly, Senator McCain and the key sponsors of HB 2141 knew, or should have known that what they were to doing to private citizens was illegal but most of all constituted a needless sacrifice of several thousand citizens’ land rights and property values.
What could the political elites in Arizona have been thinking? Are they woefully ignorant, have they gone mad, or is their a deeper agenda?
There are three uncompensated and separate geographic areas which are encumbered by HB 2141. These areas are Tucson, Gila Bend and Wittmann.
All three areas share one additional commonality: Each victimized community lies on, or adjacent to, the NAFTA/CAFTA transportation arm, namely, the CANAMEX Corridor.
The Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) and the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) are on record bemoaning the fact that acquiring inexpensive rights of way along the CANAMEX corridor is problematic largely due to residential encroachment. On their guiding list of principles, ADOT lists acquiring affordable rights of way as the number one principle out of the ten policies guiding their hand. After land is acquired, locally, then Federal matching funds are obtained.
One does not have to be a rocket scientist to realize that if ones land is encumbered and one cannot legally affect repairs resulting from storm damage and fire, the value of the home is greatly lessened. If these same areas are located on or adjacent to a CANAMEX Corridor and the main concern is the acquisition of rights-of-way purchases, the strategy becomes obvious. In our case, the ripple effect of property devaluation which will extend the short distance (i.e., 285th avenue to 347th avenue) to the CANAMEX corridor is undeniable.
ACPPR calculated the odds that HB 2141 and the CANAMEX corridor are related. The results were a stunning 1.8 billion to 1 that the two seeming separate events are intimately intertwined. Add to the fact that John McCain is the co-sponsor of CAFTA (which will use CANAMEX for NAFTA and CAFTA) he has his handprints of support all over HB 2141; the noose of association is tightened beyond any reasonable doubt.
Further exacerbating this dastardly connection lie in the statements of Arizona Governor Napolitano in which she publicly boasted that she encumbered twice the acreage as required by law. Why the overzealousness? Why would the Arizona Governor encumber one more citizen and one more acre than absolutely necessary unless there is a separate agenda to acquire additional “affordable” land under the guise of protecting bases? It is clear that HB2141 was nothing more than charade to make available inexpensive right of way purchases along the CANAMEX corridor.
As if ACPPR needs any more proof, we refer to the visual evidence. One picture is always worth a 1,000 words. Please click on the following link to see the coincidence between the three affected areas (i.e., parts of Tucson, Gila Bend and Wittmann) and their location on, or adjacent location to a CANAMEX corridor. http://www.mag.maricopa.gov/pdf/cms.resource/canamexroutes_995.pdf
It is also interesting to note that several legislators told ACPPR that they did not actually read HB 2141. State Senators such as the honorable and decent Marilyn Jarrett stated that she did not read the bill as it was hurriedly passed at the end of a session. Senator Jarrett stated that she was told that the bill was “Save Luke (AFB) and nobody was getting hurt”. Arizona State Senator Jack Harper validates this fact when he told over 400 Wittmann residents that most of the East Valley (Metropolitan Phoenix) legislature probably did not read the bill in its entirety. In short, the majority of the legislators were hoodwinked by a minority of the bill’s supporters into passing it without reading the fine print. Also, the bill was deceptively passed as a Technical Road Amendment Bill which was to keep the true intent of the bill from becoming public in the Wittmann area. Further, Wittmann citizens were never notified of the proposed zoning changes which are required by State and County law. What were the leadership of the State Legislature and Senator McCain hiding?
The McCain Cartel and ACPPR’s Futile Attempts At Obtaining Justice
Armed with a plethora of constitutional and legal violations on the part of State government, our membership and the leadership of a “cousin group” in Tucson (Tucson for Quality of Life, TQL) began a quest to locate a competent attorney to correct these abuses in the courts. Additionally, both organizations launched a massive letter writing campaign to both the Arizona media and various governmental officials in an attempt to gain some much needed public opinion leverage.
To date, we have not been able to obtain the services of an attorney. In fact, we cannot even get an attorney to accept $500-$1000 to obtain a legal consultation to tell ACPPR and TQL that we do not have a case against the State of Arizona. I had personally secured the verbal promise of legal representation by an associate from my days as a high school basketball coach. I was told that “We will have this law overturned in six months”. Two weeks later, the same attorney told me that his senior partners had judicial aspirations that would not be realized if their firm was opposing McCain on this issue. This is incredible since we were seeking to overturn a State statute and McCain is a Federal Senator! Members of our group have quietly been told by sympathetic members of the Republican Party that everyone is afraid of going against McCain on this or almost any other issue. These same officials have told us that Bush struck a deal with McCain in exchange for his support after the contentious 2000 Republican Primary in which McCain has been given the censorship power to informally control the judgeships coming out of Arizona, in exchange for his support of Bush II. This helps to explain why we cannot secure the services of an attorney.
In the media, members of our coalition have been treated with even greater disdain. Our community has been characterized by the media and various State Legislators as being crazy, unreasonable, anti-American and unpatriotic, in this time of war, for daring to stand up for the loss of individual property rights. ACPPR’s consistent mantra has been that “In this war against terrorism, if the first casualty of the war is the United States Constitution; then we have already lost the war. Of course this statement has not been printed one time in our local media.
Additionally, ACPPR has sent DVD’s to various media outlets where State Senator, Jack Harper, is on the record stating that the State Legislature violated the compensation aspects of HB 2141 with regard to the Arizona constitution. The media has printed our questions of unconstitutionality, but they somehow always forget to publish the admission of guilt and the appearance of guilt. ACPPR has confronted the media with Federal statutes which prove that this law could do nothing to save a base and to this date, not one mention of this has been made in the media.
A Conspiracy of Silence?
Senior law partners who want to be judges? Are there really editors and owners of newspapers who would be afraid to confront a presidential hopeful? Are we supposed to believe that every real estate lawyer in Arizona possess so much integrity that they would not accept money for a consultation to tell ACPPR that we have no case? Of course, editors and newspaper owners would never position themselves along side of a Presidential candidate from their home State, would they? As incredible as our allegations are, one has to consider the set of facts that we feel that we have proven:
1. HB 2141 is clearly illegal and unconstitutional on its face.
2. HB 2141 is barred by Federal law from fulfilling its stated purpose
3. HB 2141 coincides with CANAMEX both in geographical proximity and a subsequent climate leading to property values reduction.
4. Acquiring inexpensive rights of way for CANAMEX is a stated goal by local government
5. Presidential hopeful, John McCain, is intimately involved in both issues.
6. The Governor of Arizona encumbered twice the acreage than required by HB 2141 without an adequate explanation.
Occasionally, reasonable persons do uncover conspiracies. ACPPR has uncovered just such a conspiracy which has dramatic implications for the rest of America.
The Man Who Would Be King
ACPPR makes a good case that HB 2141 bill is a not just a sloppy attempt to save military bases. It is a bill designed to further multinational corporate desires and the other forces behind CANAMEX, NAFTA and CAFTA. Among the many overlays of this story, this is, in part, the story of one man who wants the unfettered support of CAFTA’s multinational supporters in his last and desperate bid to be our next President. In the next and last installment in this series, I will detail the dangers that lie ahead under the CAFTA agreement for all Americans. For example, the tens of millions of “guest workers” coming to America with CAFTA protections will completely vanquish the American dream for the next generation. For reasons that will become all too obvious, a John McCain Presidency promises a return to the medieval practice of feudalism.
Also, we will make the case in which we posit that if this country is foolish enough to elect John McCain to be our next President, he may be the last President, on Inauguration Day, who will swear to uphold and defend the American Constitution.
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