Please could I remind you of the following practices which ensure that the children enjoy a safe and enjoyable time at school.

Home Contact Book: this is the first line of communication with the school on all matters relating to your child. Money and return slips for trips, clubs, activities and school lunches should be placed in a clearly labelled envelope and brought to school in your child’s book bag/rucksack. It will be collected by the Class Teachers at morning registration and passed on to the School Office if necessary. This will help to relieve pressure on Mrs Beddoe and improve the efficiency of our systems. Thank you for your co-operation in this regard.

Asthma Pumps: these should be handed to your child’s Class teacher. Please ensure that they are clearly labelled with your child’s name and the details of amount and frequency of dosage. Written permission for the school to administer should also be enclosed.

Snacks: only healthy food items please. A number of children in the school have nut allergies - therefore no nuts, Peanut Butter or Nutella or crisps are allowed.

Water: please make sure that your child has a water bottle in school and that it is clearly named.

Coats and waterproof jackets: These should be school green or black and all children should have one in school daily.

Safeguarding at Drop-off:

-Only Reception (Pluto) parents should enter the playground

-Pluto parents should enter the Pluto outside area via the Rainbow Gate and hand over their children to the Reception staff at the back door of the classroom.

- Under no circumstances should parents enter the school through the door between Pluto and Saturn classrooms.

- Parents wishing to see Mrs Beddoe or any other member of staff should ring the buzzer on the green door of the School Office.

-Cars should not wait or park on the yellow zig-zags during the times specified on the notices. Please be considerate to our neighbours when manoeuvring and avoid turning in private driveways.

-Parents wishing to watch their children in the playground should do so from the Village Green - please do not block the pavement adjacent to the green railings.

All parent readers and other visitors must sign in and out at the School Office and must wear a visitor’s badge.

Thank you very much.

David Pyle