
We would like to personally welcome you tothe 5th annual International Vision Conference. It’s an exciting time for us as we add new programs being responsive to your needs. OD Excellence (ODX) is aware of the many changes occurring in health care and the new ICD 10 regulations. At this conference we will continue to bring the best team together in forums like this to make sure your practice remains at the cutting edge.

We would liketoshare with you whatyoucanexpectat the 2015 InternationalVisionConference.

  • 16 hours of “COPE” approved education for doctors
  • 14 hours of Office Manager education leading to certification
  • 13 hours of staff training
  • Coaching Sessions by leading consultants
  • Exhibitors delivering unmatched savings
  • Social events sponsored by our exhibitors
  • Networking with your peers in beautiful San Diego where the weather is always near perfect during summer.

Let us give you a brief update on where we are going.

We are transforming the tools we offer to you so you can test your staff, hire, and train to improve operations. We have added the tools to take managed care to levels that will make it easier for you to deliver qualityeye care. We have added more courses to our CE programs that are the very latest on practice management and clinical. We are very proud of where we are today and excited about where we are headed.

This Conference will bring together experts and scientists from academia and industry to address significant problems, current developments, planned research directions and challenges which will be presented by our educational team.

We have been joined by our European and Asian colleagues from all over the world. In the past years our Annual Conference has happily become a truly international event. We are certain that this 2015 IVC will witness an even greater International presence, something from which we will all benefit.

ODX and PFO Global are your hosts at the IVC so please let any of us know what we can do to enhance your experience.

A special thank you to each of you,

JerryLieblein,OD, CEO JerrySude,OD,Chairman



THURSDAY, August 27,2015

FRIDAY, August 28, 2015

SATURDAY, August 29, 2015

**Coaching Sessions (Open to doctors and management only)



OD Excellence Practice of the Year



Staff Education Schedule



JeromeSude, O.D.

Jim Grue, O.D.

JohnA.McGrealJr., O.D.

John W.Lahr, O.D., FAAO

Kimberly Reed, O.D., FAAO

Valerie A. L. Manso, ABOC, FNAO


Richard E. Castillo, OD, DO

Bob Schultz

Jon Weeding

Stephen Farebrother

Rebecca Johnson

Nathan Lighthizer, OD

Mike Della Pesca, ABOM

Jameson M. Rynerson, MD

MeetingRoomFloor Plan


THURSDAY, August 27,2015

11:00 AM / - / 6:00 PM / Registration
Grand Foyer
1:00 PM / - / 6:00 PM / Education Classes
Grand B
6:00 PM / - / 8:00 PM / Exhibit Hall Hours
6:00 PM / - / 7:30 PM / Welcome Reception in Exhibit Hall
Grand C-D
8:00 AM / - / 6:00 PM / Registration
Grand Foyer
7:30 AM / - / 8:30 AM / Coaching Sessions**
9:00 AM / - / 12:00 PM / Education Classes
12:00 PM / - / 2:00 PM / Lunch in Exhibit Hall
Grand C-D
2:00PM / - / 6:00 PM / Education Classes
6:00 PM / - / 8:00 PM / Reception with Food Stations in Exhibit Hall
Grand C-D

FRIDAY, August 28, 2015

SATURDAY, August 29, 2015

8:00 AM / - / 6:00 PM / Registration
Grand Foyer
7:30 PM / - / 8:30 AM / Coaching Sessions**
9:00 AM / - / 12:00 PM / Education Classes
12:00 PM / - / 2:00 PM / Lunch in Exhibit Hall
Grand C-D
2:00PM / - / 6:00 PM / Education Classes

See IndividualDoctorsScheduleonpage10 andStaffSchedulesonpage12.

**Coaching Sessions(Open to doctors and management only)

Limitedseatingavailable – Coaching Sessionswillbefirstcome,firstserve- advancesign-uprequired.

CoachingSessionshavebeenexpandedfor thisconference– eachsessionwillbeonehourandwillbeheld inaprivatemeeting area

FRIDAY 7:30AM–8:30AM:





SATURDAY 7:30am- 8:30AM:







ODX Affiliate (D) Member Registration ($1,390.00 Value) is FREE and includes:
Credit for up to 1 night stay at the Manchester Grand Hyatt in San Diego, Ca. / $280
Admission to Thursday Welcome Cocktail Reception with Guest / $100
Admission to Friday Cocktail Reception with Guest / $160
Coaching Sessions** / $100
Admission to Exhibit Hall (includes Lunch Fri/Sat and includes a guest) / $240
All Education Classes / $510

ToqualifyforthefreeAffiliate (D)Member registrationpackage, youmustbea paying AffiliateMemberofOD Excellenceatleastthreemonthspriortotheconferenceorhavepaidforaminimumofthreemonthsduespriortothestartoftheconference.MembersmustbeingoodstandingorhavepaymentarrangementsapprovedbytheODXFinanceDepartmentpriortoreceivingthebenefitsofthefreepackage.

ODX Affiliate (DS) Member Registration ($860.00 Value) is $550.00 and includes:
Admission to Thursday Welcome Cocktail Reception, no guest / $50
Admission to Friday Cocktail Reception, no guest / $80
Coaching Sessions** / $100
Admission to Exhibit Hall (includes Lunch Fri/Sat, no guest) / $120
All Education Classes / $510

Toqualifyforthe$330 discountedAffiliate(DS)Member registrationpackage, youmustbea payingAffiliate DSMemberofOD Excellenceatleastthreemonthspriortotheconferenceorhavepaidforaminimumofthreemonthsduespriortothestartoftheconference.MembersmustbeingoodstandingorhavepaymentarrangementsapprovedbytheODXFinanceDepartmentpriortoreceivingthebenefitsofthefreepackage.

ODX Associate(E)Member Registration Package ($860.00 Value) is $460.00 and includes:
Admission to Thursday Welcome Cocktail Reception, no guest / $50
Admission to Friday Cocktail Reception, no guest / $80
Coaching Sessions** / $100
Admission to Exhibit Hall (includes Lunch Fri/Sat), no guest / $120
All Education Classes / $510

Toqualifyforthe $400.00 discountedAssociate (E)Memberregistrationpackage,youmustbea paying AssociateMemberofODExcellenceatleastthreemonthspriortotheconferenceorhavepaidaminimumofthreemonthsduespriortothestartoftheconference.MembersmustbeingoodstandingorhavepaymentarrangementsapprovedbytheODXFinanceDepartmentpriortoreceivingthebenefitsofthefreepackage.

ODX D.E. Member Registration Package employed by Affiliate (D), ($860.00 Value) is $460.00 and includes:
Admission to Thursday Welcome Cocktail Reception, no guest / $50
Admission to Friday Cocktail Reception, no guest / $80
Coaching Sessions** / $100
Admission to Exhibit Hall (includes Lunch Fri/Sat), no guest / $120
All Education Classes / $510

Toqualifyforthe$400.00discountedD.E. registrationpackage,youmustbeaD.E.MemberofODExcellenceatleastthreemonthspriortotheconference.Main membersmustbeingoodstandingorhavepaymentarrangementsapprovedbytheODXFinanceDepartmentpriortoreceivingthebenefitsofthefreepackage.

ODX DES Member Registration Package employed by Affiliate (DS) member ($860.00 Value) is $600.00 and includes:
Admission to Thursday Welcome Cocktail Reception, no guest / $50
Admission to Friday Cocktail Reception, no guest / $80
Coaching Sessions** / $100
Admission to Exhibit Hall (includes Lunch Fri/Sat), no guest / $120
All Education Classes / $510
Non-Member Registration Package with no guest ($860.00 value) is $600.00 and includes:
Coaching Sessions** / $100
Admission to Exhibit Hall (includes Lunch Fri/Sat, no guest) / $120
Admission to Thursday Welcome Cocktail Reception / $50
Admission to Friday Cocktail Reception / $80
All Education Classes / $510
After 07/31 cost is $860
Education Only (Exhibit Hall and meals not included):
All Thursday Education Classes / $110
All Friday Education Classes / $200
All Saturday Education Classes / $200
All Education Classes / $510
Admission to Thursday Welcome Cocktail Reception / $50
Admission to Friday Cocktail Reception / $80
Admission to Exhibit Hall (includes Lunch Fri/Sat) / $120
All Staff Education Classes / $300
Office Manager Certification Course (Full 2-day program) $700.00 Value is $350.00 (50% off) if attending with a doctor and includes:
Admission to Thursday Welcome Cocktail Reception / $50
Admission to Friday Cocktail Reception / $80
Admission to Exhibit Hall (includes Lunch Fri/Sat) / $120
OMCC Program / $450





Student Registration

ODXsupportsstudentsworkingtoenterourprofession! StudentRegistrationiscomplimentaryforactive,full-timeoptometrystudents,ifyouregisternolaterthanJuly 15, 2015. Studentregistrationappliestostudentscurrentlyattendingoptometryschoolorthoseenrolledforthefollowingsemester.Spaceislimited.Registrationwillbeacceptedonafirst-come,first-servebasis.ThereisnoguaranteeofspaceavailabilityafterJuly 15, 2015


Cancellation/Refund Policy
ALLCANCELLATIONSMUSTBESUBMITTEDINWRITING.olaterthanJuly 31,2015.Afullrefundminusa$50administrativefeewillbeprovidedforcancellationsreceivedonorbeforeJuly 31, 2015.A50%refundwillbeprovidedforcancellations receivedbetweenJuly 1, 2015andAugust 10,2015.Norefundswillbegiven after August 15, 2015.



Hotel Accommodations

WehavesecuredablockofroomsatTheManchesterGrandHyattHotelinSanDiego.Tomakeyourreservations, pleaseclickonthe“Housing”linkontheIVCwebsiteat

Itisrecommendedthatreservationsbemadeasearlyaspossibleduetolimitedspace.Wehavenegotiatedaspecialrateforconferenceattendeesonly shouldtheywishtoextendtheirstay.Theratewillbeat$249.00night+applicabletaxes(3-DayPre/Posteventuponavailability).

Registration Questions?


OD Excellence Practice of the Year



Otherqualificationsforthisawardincludehavingathirstforcontinuedknowledgeandtakingadvantageofthewealthofeducationalclassesofferedwhilebuildingafirmfoundationwiththemedicalmodelwhileutilizingthepracticemanagement toolsavailable.

In2012,ODExcellenceandVSPGlobalrecognizeditsfirstPracticeoftheYearAward,earnedbyDr.StephenHedgesofHedgesFamilyEyecarein Danville, IN whowasabletoachievea37%increaseinhistop-linebybeingamemberofODX.

In2013ODExcellenceandVSPGlobalrecognizedDr.NajibAlbinaofTheEyeCareCenterinChicago,Illinois.Dr.AlbinausedthetoolsODXprovidesaspartofhismembershiptounderstandbillingandcoding,howtomarketproperlyusinga“calltoaction”approach,andmostimportantly,trainingstafftointeractandeducatepatientsinafriendlyandempatheticmanner. Dr. Albina also achieved 36% growth.

In 2014, OD Excellence and VSP Global recognized Dr. MajalHajali with her husband who owns a practice and lives in Elgin, IL. They have been a part of OD Excellence for over a year and she has been able to increase her gross revenue byover 21%. OD Excellence has helped her reduce her Cost of Goods through vendor relationships and also caught up on Health Care Reform topics such as participating in a local ACE.

Please contact Anthony Senander, Member Services for a nomination application or any questions regarding the 2015 Practice of the Year award.


DoctorEducational Information


TheODXcourseswillbesubmittedtoCOPEforconsiderationofContinuingEducationCreditapproval.MostStateBoardsofOptometrynowacceptCOPEapprovedcourses.ForspecificStateBoardofOptometrylicenserules and regulationspertainingtotheCOPEacceptance,pleasecontactyourStateBoarddirectly.COPEapprovedcourses are accreditedinCanada.


Note:Alloptometristsarerequired toprovidetheirARBO/OETrackernumberforCOPEwhenregisteringforcontinuingeducationcourses.

OE TrackerNumber

If youdonotknoworhavenotbeenissuedanOEtrackernumber go to to retrieve your number.

Educational Information

Intheconferencepackageyoureceiveafterregistration,youwillreceivetheattendanceformforalloftheContinuingEducationclasses.Attheconclusionofeachclass,aStudentAmbassadorwillbelocatedattheexittoconfirm yourattendance.Additionalinstructionsandinformationwillbeprovidedatthe Conference.Therewillbe21hoursofDoctoreducation, 14hoursofstaffeducation, and 14 hours of Office Manager Certification (ABOandCPCpending).

Thankyou!Welook forward toseeingyou inSan Diego!

InternationalVisionConferencesponsoredby ODExcellence and PFO Global


All sessions are in Grand B except where noted
12:30 PM / – / 12:35 PM / Jerry Lieblein, OD
Welcome to the 2015 IVC
12:35 PM / – / 1:25 PM / Jim Grue, OD, COPE# 44684-GO
New Clinical Skills Providers Need in Order to Demonstrate Quality Under Health Care Reform.
1:35 PM / – / 1:45 PM / Current Trends
1:45 PM / – / 2:35 PM / John McGreal, OD, COPE # 41916-PM
The New ICD-10 Codes
2:45 PM / – / 3:05 PM / Break Grand Foyer
3:05 PM / – / 3:55 PM / Jon Weeding, COPE # 43444-PM-PM
Healthcare Reform and the Impact on Optometry Compliance, Medicare Advantage and Accountable Care Organizations
4:05 PM / – / 4:55 PM / Panel Q & A on Health Care Reform
Dr. Jim Grue, Dr. John McGreal and John Weeding - Moderator: Dr. Jerry Sude, OD
5:00 PM / – / 6:00 PM / Keith Manuel, OD, National Aeronautic and Space AdministrationOptometrist
Grand IVC Opening
Join your colleagues to hear Marsha S. Ivins,NASA Astronaut,
a veteran of five space flights totaling over 1,318 hours in space share her History of Human Spaceflight.
FRIDAY, August 28, 2015
All sessions are in Grand B except where noted
7:30 AM / – / 8:30 AM / Dr. Sam Quintero: Practice Management Care, Dr. John McGreal: Coding & Billing,
Dr. Jim Grue: Healthcare Reform, Dr. John Lahr: Insurance Plans and Gary Ware, Practice Acquisitions
Coaching Sessions / Rooms: Americas Cup A-B-C-D, Ocean Beach
8:50 AM / – / 9:00 AM / Current Trends
PFO Global
9:00 AM / – / 10:40 AM / John McGreal, OD, COPE# 39636-SD
SECO 2014 Presents: Laboratory Medicine for Optometry
10:40 AM / – / 11:05 AM / Break
Grand Foyer
11:05 AM / – / 12:00 AM / John McGreal, OD, COPE# (TBD)
12:00 PM / – / 2:00 PM / Lunch Exhibit Hall, Grand C-D
2:00 PM / – / 2:20 PM / Practice of the Year Award
Introduction of Staff and Student Volunteers
2:20 PM / – / 4:00 PM / Richard Castillo, OD, DO COPE # 44480-AS
Dry Eye-related Ocular Surface Disease or Something Worse
4:00 PM / – / 4:20 PM / Break Grand Foyer
4:20 PM / – / 4:30 PM / Current Trends
Zeiss Vision
4:30 PM / – / 5:20 PM / Kimberly Reed, OD, COPE # 44782-SD
Nutrition and the Microbiome: Feeding Your Second Brain
5:30 PM / – / 6:00 PM / Q & A Panel: Dr John McGreal, Dr. Richard Castillo and Dr. Kimberly Reed
Moderator: Dr. Jerry Sude. OD
6:00 PM / Invitation by Joe Donahoe, President to attend the hosted Zeiss dinner following this meeting.
SATURDAY, August 29, 2015
All sessions are in Grand B except where noted
7:30 AM / – / 8:30 AM / Dr. Jon Weeding: Compliance Issues, Dr. Jim Grue: Health Care Reform,
Dr. Jerry Sude: Operations, Dr. Kimberly Reed: Ocular Nutrition and Bob Schultz: Finances
Coaching Sessions / Rooms: Americas Cup A-B-C-D-, Ocean Beach
8:50 AM / – / 9:00AM / Current Trends
9:00 AM / – / 10:40 AM / Jim Rynerson, MD COPE# 44287- AS
A Paradigm Shift in the Understanding and Treatment of Blepharitis
10:40 AM / – / 11:10 AM / Break Grand Foyer
11:10AM / – / 12:00 PM / Bob Schultz, COPE ID# 44407-PM
Tough Questions to Ask Yourself
12:00 PM / – / 2:00 PM / Lunch Exhibit Hall
2:00 PM / – / 2:10 PM / Current Trends
2:10 PM / – / 3:50 PM / Nathan Lighthizer, OD COPE # 41975-PD
VEP,ERG,PERG,MFERG,EOG Electrodiagnostics Alphabet Soup
3:50 PM / – / 4:10 PM / Break Grand Foyer
4:10 PM / – / 4:20 PM / Current Trends
PRN International
4:20 PM / – / 5:10 PM / Kimberly Reed, OD COPE# Pending
Systemic Disease: What Role Does Lifestyle and Nutrition Play
5:10 PM / – / 6:00 PM / Q & A Panel: Dr. Jim Rynerson, Dr. Kimberly Reed, Dr. Nathan Lighthizer and Bob Schultz
Moderator: Dr. Jerry Sude
Total hours = 16 of COPE Approved Classes
21 Hours of Education

Staff Education Schedule

FRIDAY, August 28, 2015
9:00 AM / – / 6:00 PM / Valerie Manso
Excellence in Management Certification Program – All day program
Mission Beach A-B
Breakout Sessions / Track 1 - Pinnacle Program – Day 1 of 2 / Track 2 - General Staff Education
Solana Beach A-B / America's Cup A-B
9:00 AM / – / 10:50 AM / Mike Della Pesca / Jay Binkowitz
Hands-on workshop for Optical and Dispensing / Obstacles and Solutions Uncovered
Solana Beach A-B / America's Cup A-B
10:50 AM / – / 11:10 AM / Break
Mission Beach Foyer
11:10 AM / – / 12:00 PM / Mike Della Pesca / Stephen Farebrother
Hands-on workshop for Optical and Dispensing / Navigating Patient Conflicts
Solana Beach A-B / America's Cup A-B
12:00 PM / – / 2:00 PM / Lunch
Exhibit Hall Grand C-D
2:00 PM / – / 2:50 PM / Mike Della Pesca / Stephen Farebrother
Hands-on workshop for Optical and Dispensing / Giving and Receiving Effective Feedback
Solana Beach A-B / America's Cup A-B
2:50 PM / – / 3:05 PM / Break
Mission Beach Foyer
3:05 PM / – / 4:00 PM / Mike Della Pesca / Rebecca Johnson
Hands-on workshop for Optical and Dispensing / Exceeding Patient Expectations
Solana Beach A-B / America's Cup A-B
4:00 PM / – / 5:00 PM / Mike Della Pesca / Rebecca Johnson
Hands-on workshop for Optical and Dispensing / Optical Math Made Easy
Solana Beach A-B / America's Cup A-B
5:00 PM / – / 6:00 PM / Mike Della Pesca / Valerie Manso, Stephen Farebrother,
Rebecca Johnson
Hands-on workshop for Optical and Dispensing / Panel Discussion: Overcoming Everyday Challenges in Your Business. ABO
Solana Beach A-B / America's Cup A-B
SATURDAY, August 29, 2015
9:00 AM / – / 6:00 PM / Valerie Manso
Excellence in Management Certification Program – All day program
Mission Beach A-B
Breakout Sessions / Track 1 - Pinnacle Program (continued) Day 2 / Track 2 - General Staff Education
Solana Beach A-B / America's Cup A-B
9:00 AM / – / 10:50 AM / Mike Della Pesca / Jay Binkowitz
Hands-on workshop for Optical and Dispensing / Maximizing Your Frame Board Revenue
Solana Beach A-B / America's Cup A-B
10:50 AM / – / 11:05 AM / Break
Mission Beach Foyer
11:05 AM / – / 12:00 PM / Mike Della Pesca / Stephen Farebrother
Hands-on workshop for Optical and Dispensing / Leading Across Multiple Generations
Solana Beach A-B / America's Cup A-B
12:00 PM / – / 2:00 PM / Lunch
Exhibit Hall Grand C-D
2:00 PM / – / 3:40 PM / Mike Della Pesca / Rebecca Johnson
Hands-on workshop for Optical and Dispensing / Releasing Your Inner Champion
Solana Beach A-B / America's Cup A-B
3:40 PM / – / 4:00 PM / Break
Mission Beach Foyer
4:00 PM / – / 5:00 PM / Mike Della Pesca / Valerie Manso
Hands-on workshop for Optical and Dispensing / The Science of Blue Light – Protecting Your Patients in a Digital Age
Solana Beach A-B / America's Cup A-B


We are excited to introduce ourdistinguished2015InternationalVisionConferenceFaculty:



Dr.Lieblein is theChiefExecutive OfficerofODExcellence, LLC, andisa consultantinpracticemanagementandmeetingplanning,andauthorof92publishedarticles.HeiscurrentlyExecutiveDirectorandFacilitatoroftheAmericanSocietyofEyeCareSpecialists,acollaborativevisioncarebusinessgroup.PreviouslyhewasOptometrist andSeniorPartnerinaCaliforniaprivatepractice.Dr.LiebleinisaPast PresidentoftheInternationalAssociationofState Boards,Past Chairmanofthe ContactLensDivisionoftheAmericanOptometricAssociation,andPastPresidentoftheCaliforniaOptometricAssociation.HewastheEye DoctoroftheYearfor California in 1989,andwaselectedtobe oneof100 DoctorsintheUnitedStatesto sit on aNationalHealthpanelcalled


JeromeSude, O.D.


Dr. Sude is Chairman of OD Excellence, LLC, and has extensive experience in establishing multiple optometric sites, including developing one of the largest optometric/ophthalmologic small chains in the U.S. He is an international author, and has been a practice management speaker to several contact lens companies. Dr. Sude is former Midwest Medical Director for Sauflon. Currently he is EVP of the Novus Clinic, a multidimensional group of optometrists and ophthalmologists. He is a Past President of the American Society of Eyecare Specialists and a former President of the Summit County Optometric Society.

Jim Grue, O.D.

Director of HealthPolicyIntegrationforODExcellence

Dr. Jim Grue joined EMRlogic in 2006, specializing in the development of software as a clinical solution that would exceed health care reform and pay-for-performance standards and is now their VP Clinical Outcomes & Connected Care.
Retired from full-time practice, he has been an avid observer of all that happens in Washington pertaining to health care, and eye care in particular. Jim is a frequent speaker on health care reform and its implications for eye care. He is generally considered one of the significant thought leaders of the eye care profession. Dr. Grue is a graduate of the Pennsylvania College of Optometry.

JohnA.McGrealJr., O.D.

Director of ProfessionalEducation, ODExcellence
Dr. McGreal is a graduate of Albright College and the Pennsylvania College of Optometry. He was Chief of Eye Services at Greater Atlantic Health service in Philadelphia, where he also had a private practice. He was a founding partner in Vision Care Consultants, a managed eye care company in Pennsylvania. He was Center Director and Vice President for Vision America Incorporated for seven years. Currently, he is Director of the Missouri Eye Associates, a medical and surgical private practice in St. Louis. He is adjunct faculty at the University of California, Berkeley School of Optometry, the Pennsylvania College of Optometry and the University of Missouri. He is internationally recognized for his educational endeavors. Dr. McGreal served on the continuing education committee for the North Central States Optometric Council and is past member of the Congress continuing education subcommittee of the American Optometric Association. He is a clinical examiner for the National Board of Examiners in Optometry; he was the 42nd Peter’s Memorial Lecturer at the University of California; and the Nussenblatt Lecturer at the University of Houston in 2004. Dr. McGreal was the 1998 Missouri Optometrist of the Year, and the 2005 University Of Missouri School Of Optometry Educator of the Year.

John W.Lahr, O.D., FAAO

Board Member,ODExcellence

Dr. Lahr received his Doctor of Optometry degree from the Indiana University School of Optometry in 1974. He was the founder of The Eye Clinics, a five-office primary eye care group practice in East Central Minnesota. In 1984, Dr. Lahr integrated his practices with ophthalmology and began providing his patients with co-managed care while developing care models with several ophthalmologists. He was an original member of the Clinical Practice Guidelines Committee of AOA to develop practice standards and protocols for the profession. Dr. Lahr served as AOA’s first representative to the American Medical

Association’s CPT coding committee while serving on the Eye Care Benefits Center. He is a Past President of the Minnesota Optometric Association and was the MOA Optometrist of the Year in 1989. Over the past decade, Dr. Lahr has worked closely with ophthalmic and optical corporate entities including Allergan, AMO, Bausch + Lomb, Biosyntrx, EyeMed Vision Care, Nordic Naturals and Oasis Medical.
Kimberly Reed, O.D., FAAO

Director of Nutrition and Eye Care Service, NSU

Dr. Kimberly Reed earned her undergraduate degree at Auburn University and her Doctor of Optometry from the University of Alabama Birmingham. Following residency training at the Illinois College of Optometry, Dr. Reed served as a faculty member at ICO and has been a faculty member at Nova Southeastern University College of Optometry since 1993. Currently she is the director of Nutrition and Eye Care Service as NSU. She is Treasurer of the Ocular Nutrition Society and Chair of the AAO Nutrition, Wellness and Disease Prevention Special Interest Group. She writes and lectures extensively regarding nutrition, lifestyle and disease prevention.

ValerieA. L. Manso, ABOC, FNAO

RVP,VSPand President,Manso ManagementResources,Inc.Director of Staff Educationfor ODExcellence

Valerie is the President of Manso Management Resources, Inc., a training and development company specializing in the ophthalmic industry. Additionally Valerie is Vice President of Sales and Education for BluTech Lenses and Director of Staff Education for OD Excellence.