Chris Donohue, John McCann, Veronica Donohue, Graham Bunting, Moira Wilson, Susan Buchanan, Cllr Gordon Murray, Constable Scott, Alistair Watt.


Donny Miller.

2) Guest Speaker Mr Martin Dickson, Development officer from Community Services Dept.

It was agreed that the speaker and his successor Mr Rob Lowe would

  1. Suggest suitable sites within Carrickstone for the building of a community hall.
  2. Although NLC has no funding for this type of development, the C S Dept would investigate possible sources of funding which might be available to CCC.
  3. Would provide more detailed map of the water tower and associated pipe.
  4. It was agreed that this information would be provided as soon as possible.

3) Approval of Previous Minutes.

Pro – Chris Donohue Sec – Graham Bunting

4) Matters Arising from Previous Minutes.

4.1 Appointment of ACCC Rep

Graham Bunting was nominated. There were no other nominations

Pro – Moira Wilson Sec – Chris Donohue

4.2 Mobile Phone Mast Appeal

Secretary has lodged appeal on behalf of CCC. Awaiting outcome of appeal.

The water tower issue was again raised. It was agreed to contact Scottish water with regard to painting it and to enquire as to whether this tower was still in use.

4.3 Community Hall Building

Will await response of C S Dept to determine next steps.

5) Reports:

5.1) JAG - chairman

Local public enquiry to start on 3/10/05. Presentation may not be admissible as evidence due to the format. Clarification on reporters role. Reporter has power of veto. Stickies have been produced which voters can choose to place on the back of ballot papers. Cllr Murray asked for help in distributing these in the relevant area.

5.2) CCF – secretary

Guest speaker from CHP outlined role of organisation and details of future developments.

CCF agreed to lend support to the mobile phone mast campaign.

5.3) Treasurer – Veronica Donohue

Secretary has approached the chief executive to request a grant for this

financial year. Request is being processed. Approximate sum will be £400.

Current account balance is £535 approx.

5.4 Town Park Meeting

Cumbernauld News item was passed around and general discussion about the new development ensued. It is still in the very early stages of development

5.5 Children’s Home in Village

On the issue of supporting the campaign against the home, the consensus was that we should await events.

Cllr Murray raised the issue of local bus services and asked why it was not on the agenda. He was informed that their was limited agenda time and that this information has arrived too late to go on the agenda this time. However, it would be placed on the agenda for the next meeting.

6) Items Received

6.1) ACCC Notification.

ACCC meeting clashed with CCC meeting. Secretary will find out date of next meeting and inform ACCC Rep.

6.2) JAG Presentation.

Notification of meeting on 15/6/05

7) AOCB.

7.1 Refuse Collection

Received complaint from Josephine Airlie about refuse collection tardiness and failure to collect.

In the absence of JA it was decided to monitor service for next month and report back.

Meeting closed 9.00 pm.