Lab6 Report Instructions

  • Preparation:
  • 1- Use DC sweep in PSpice to get VI curve for JFET using DC voltage sources for drain-source (sweep from negative to positive values) and gate-source (sweep from 0 to negative values), no resistor is needed. Use the values in figure 6-1 for start.
  • 2- Compute resistance vales for obtained straight lines (VI curves). Use R = 1/slope. Label the calculated resistance and gate-source voltage for each line.
  • 3- Select the most vertical line (highest slope value) to be RJFETON state, and the most horizontal line (slope ~ 0) to be RJFET OFF state. Select the gate-source voltages associated to those states to define voltage limits for control signal (square pulse).
  • 4- Build circuit in figure 6-3 with R1 10 times larger RJFET ON state, use Vpulse (1 Khz, dc 50%) as control signal with levels from part 3, use Vsin (10 Khz) as input signal with amplitude for drain-source voltage from part 1, run transient analysis, plot output signal for 2 complete periods.
  • 5- Repeat part 4 with Vpulse (100 Khz, dc 10%) control signal.
  • Procedure:
  • 1- Get VI curve for JFET using, record drain-source voltage values for straight lines obtained.
  • 2- Compute resistance vales for obtained straight lines (VI curves). Use R = 1/slope. Label the calculated resistance and gate-source voltage for each line.
  • 3- Select the most vertical line (highest slope value) to be RJFETON state, and the most horizontal line (slope ~ 0) to be RJFET OFF state. Select the gate-source voltages associated to those states to define voltage limits for control signal (square pulse).
  • 4- Build circuit in figure 6-3 with R1 10 times larger than RJFET ON state, use a DC source as control signal for gate-source (use selected values in part 3 for ON & OFF states), use the function generator (10 Khz) as input signal with Vmax=100mV and Vmin=-100mV for drain-source voltage, capture input and output signals with, and register pp voltage values for input and output.
  • Use an extra function generator to generate a control signal with the JFET on and off voltage levels, a duty cycle of 50% and a frequency of 1Khz. Capture the input and output waveforms using scopegrab.
  • Change the duty cycle to its minimum value and the frequency to 100Khz. Capture the waveforms using scopegrab.
  • Analysis:
  • How would you modify the circuit (you can add componants), so it will work for inputs in the range ±5?
  • Do the following with the data obtained in the laboratory:
  • Plot Vout and Vin for the on level. Explain what you are seeing.
  • Plot Vout and Vin for the off level. Explain the results.
  • Plot Vout and Vin for the 1Khz control signal. Explain the results.
  • Plot Vout and Vin for the 10Khz control signal. Explain the results.