Northwood School will start school on Monday, August 28. The academic school day will run from 10:00 to 4:30. Students may arrive to school beginning at 9:35 for breakfast and/or recess and will report to their homerooms beginning at 9:55. Students who arrive after 10:00 will be considered tardy. We will begin dismissal procedures at 4:20. Bus routes will be posted on the website and sent via email on Friday, August 25.
We will offer supervision beginning at 7:30 for students of families who are unable to adjust to the new school day. If you are going to utilize this supervision, please send your child with a book, electronic device*, and/or other quiet activity that will keep them occupied. Students who arrive to school early will enter through the front door, check in with the office staff, and then proceed to the cafeteria where they will remain until 9:35. Breakfast will be offered to students who arrive early beginning at 8:00. Please disregard the daily schedule that is included in the Student Handbook. A revised daily schedule is attached to this email.
As we did last year, parents will drop off in front of the school. Students arriving early (between 7:30 and 9:35) will enter through the front door and report to the office. Beginning at 9:35, students will enter through the Kindergarten doors to avoid cars backing up onto Route 4. Students arriving at or after 9:35 will go directly to breakfast and/or recess. Please make sure your child gets out of the car quickly to help keep the line moving. We will assess the traffic pattern and flow over the first few days and make adjustments if necessary.
We anticipate an increased number of parent pick ups at the end of the day. We ask that parents picking their students up please be patient as we refine our system for ensuring that all students are dismissed safely. As we did last year, parents will park alongside the building and go to the courtyard lobby doors to pick up children. To expedite the release of students, please make sure to have your legal identification ready to show school staff.
There is a letter from Mrs. Billcliff, Athletic Director, that outlines our efforts to get fall sports figured out attached to this email.
IMPORTANT: If your child will be arriving to school before 9:35, please email ASAP and provide the following information (you may also call the school office but email is preferred):
Name(s) of child(ren)
Estimated time of arrival
Typical day(s) of the week your child will be here for early supervision
Thank you for your patience up to and beyond this point. We will work our hardest to ensure a smooth opening of school but there may be some bumps in the road as we all adjust to new schedules and routines.
*Please note that once the school officially opens to students at 9:35, use of electronic devices will no longer be allowed per School Board policy.