Unit 4: Planning and Collaborating to Promote Your Programs

Timeline and Checklist for Program Implementation

Good planning leads to successful programs … and fewer headaches! The checklist below is designed to help you organize the various tasks involved in planning and implementing the program series. Each library is unique so you may need to list additional tasks or eliminate others.

Date / Task
Prepare a project budget
Select the program dates
(Be sure to check with your NOAA science partner about the dates)
Reserve the program space
Let the library staff and Friends group know about the program series
Prepare a Marketing and Communications Plan
Identify and contact potential community partners
Order program series books
Begin program marketing
(If helpful, use the marketing tools and templates on the website)
Meet with your NOAA science partner to view videos and prepare discussion questions
Alert local bookstores and reciprocal borrowing libraries about the program books
Schedule staffing in connection with the program
Discuss programs with staff to generate interest and answer questions
Monitor pre-registration for programs
Prepare evaluation forms based on your marketing plan objectives
Arrange for program refreshments
Re-confirm program date and time with your NOAA science partner
Remind pre-registered participants about the program (emails or telephone calls within one week of program)
Day of Program: Program 1
Date / Task
Set up meeting space for programs
Hold program
Distribute and collect participant evaluations
Day of Program: Program 2
Date / Task
Set up meeting space for programs
Hold program
Distribute and collect participant evaluations
Day of Program: Program 3
Date / Task
Set up meeting space for programs
Hold program
Distribute and collect participant evaluations
Day of Program: Program 1
Date / Task
Monitor library materials circulation and use
Review the evaluation responses and use the information to improve future programs
Meet with community partners to discuss program response
Day of Program: Program 2
Date / Task
Monitor library materials circulation and use
Review the evaluation responses and use the information to improve future programs
Meet with community partners to discuss program response
Day of Program: Program 3
Date / Task
Monitor library materials circulation and use
Review the evaluation responses and use the information to improve future programs
Meet with community partners to discuss program response