Cheryl J. Hartman
Email: Phone: (605) 521-8401
Address: 2505 S. Kiwanis Ave #247, Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57105
Summary of Experience
Over20 years of experience in higher education teaching and administration. Awarded four awards for outstanding teaching.Have developed and taught a variety of sociology and English courses. High retention rates in classes. Wrote two major self-studies for college re-accreditation with the Higher Learning Commission. Strong public speaking skills. Task oriented, strong attention to detail, and solutions oriented. Develop strong working relationships based on trust, integrity, and performance. Recently appointed by the Governor to serve on the Board of Counselor Examiners for South Dakota.
PhD in Sociology from South Dakota State University
MA in English from University of South Dakota
BA in Psychology and English and certificate in Secondary Education from University of Sioux Falls.
Certificates in Leadership Development, Online Teaching, Adult Pedagogy, and Accounting
Professional Experience
Lecturer. South Dakota State University (University Center), Sioux Falls, SD2016-present
Teaching Responsibilities
Teach upper-division courses in Theories, Research Methods, Sociology of Work, Deviance, Social Class, Intimate Partner Violence, Criminology, and Juvenile Delinquency. Also teach Introduction to Sociology and Courtship and Marriage.
Advising Responsibilities
Advise thirty students majoring in sociology, assisting in career direction and course selection.
Service to University
Advise the University Center Sociology Club. Create opportunities for engagement, networking, student leadership, and career exploration.
Serve on University Center Marketing Committee. 2017
Serve on Sociology Curriculum Committee. 2017
Social Sciences/Liberal Arts Chair.Kilian College, Sioux Falls, SD1997-2016
Teaching Responsibilities
Teach college courses in Sociology, English, Math, and Statistics, most with online learning component.
Awarded four awards for Excellence in Teaching and earn consistently high scores on student evaluations of courses.
Sociology Courses Taught: Intro to Sociology, Social Problems, Marriage and Family, Race/Class/Gender, Cultural Anthropology, Domestic and Intimate Partner Violence, Family, Statistics, Research Methods.
Administrative Responsibilities
Determined direction for division each year
Recruited, hired, and mentored faculty and managed faculty/student issues
Provided and conducted faculty development opportunities for division faculty
Chaired and facilitated Advisory Boards to develop new degrees and improve existing programs Developed 7 new programs
Built collaboration with area colleges and universities to ensure degree transfers
Public Speaking and Communication
Presented at the Higher Learning Commission’s Assessment Academy in Chicago in November 2015
Presented at numerous sociology, English, and student services conferences.
Selected as guest speaker for Phi Theta Kapa induction ceremony and honor roll members’ reception.
Able to deal with difficult issues such as faculty/student problems or job performance
Evaluation Responsibilities
Served on the college Assessment Committee to improve student learning
Developed assessment plan and methods for evaluating institutional goals, the Liberal Arts and Social Science program goals, and course goals
Adjunct Instructor in Sociology
South Dakota State University(University Center)2010-present
TaughtCultural Anthropology, Domestic and Intimate Partner Violence,and Research Methods II
University of Sioux Falls, Sioux Falls, SDSpring 2016
TaughtFamily sociology class
Development SpecialistCitibank, Sioux Falls, SD
Wrote training materials for New Business Department
Trained new employees in customer service and new business
Taughtcourses for managers and provided new-employee orientation
English Language Instructor/REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT, Lutheran Social Services
Taught refugees writing, reading, and speakingin English
Provided orientation to new culture
Assistedin job search, working with area businesses to develop job opportunities
Community Service
Appointed by the Governor of South Dakota to the Board of Counselor Examiners. 2016-present
United Way Campaign Chair. Kilian College. 2013, 2014,and 2015
Volunteer in refugee resettlement. Awarded Mentor of the Year by Lutheran Social Services. 2010
Social Work Advisory Board. University of South Dakota. 2013-2016.
Evaluator for Northern State University’s Review of the English and Linguistic Program. 2015
The Big Read writing contest committee. South Dakota Humanities Council. 2006
Volunteer and former advisory board member for the Banquet. Ongoing
Dress for Success volunteer.
Mentor of the Year Award
Excellence in Teaching Award
Most Interesting Class Award (won twice)
#1 Instructor Award
Willis-Wright Professional Achievement Award for publication in a professional journal
Robert T. and Mary K. Wagner Graduate Scholarship Award
Article Publications
Article published by Gale/Cengage Learning in Contemporary Literary Criticism Vol. 278, a hard-cover collection of important contemporary authors. September 2009.
“Enriching Sociology 100: Using the Novel Things Fall Apart.” Published in Teaching Sociology journal, a refereed academic journal of the American Sociological Association. Volume 33, July 2005.
Article Reviewing for
Teaching Sociology. October 2004.
The Sociological Quarterly. June 2005 and October 2006.
Short Story Publications
“Grass Burning.” 2002. Vermillion Literary Project journal.
“From the Corn.” 2002. Stormy Wednesday. Won first place for state of South Dakota literary contest
“Garden Scents.” 1999. Stormy Wednesday. Performed on South Dakota Public Radio’s House Blend.
Program Review
Evaluator for seven-year review of Northern State University’s English and Linguistic Program. Reviewed self-study report; met with stakeholders; wrote evaluation. Submitted final report to Provost, Dean, Chair, and English Department faculty. February-March 2015
Conference Presentations
What We’ve Learned. Panel presentation at the Assessment Academy of the Higher Learning Commission. Chicago, Illinois. 2015
The P.A.C.E. Assessment Process. Poster presentation. Higher Learning Commission Annual Conference. Chicago, Illinois. 2015
What Do You Fear: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Fears between Cameroonian and American Students. Great Plains Sociological Association. 2014
Helping Students Be More than “Car-Window Sociologists”: Classroom Techniques and Strategies to Challenge Stereotypes. Panel at Great Plains Sociological Association. 2014
Engaging Non-Majors: Creating Interest in Sociology. Midwest Sociological Society. 2012
Social Distance in Two South Dakota Colleges: Applying and Expanding the Work of Emory Bogardus. Pacific Sociological Society. 2011
Do Social Class, Social Capital, and Life Course Trajectories Matter for College Achievement? Midwest Sociological Society. 2009
Social Class, Social Capital, and the Life Course: Variations in Community College Academic Achievement. Great Plains Sociological Association. 2008
Race, Class, and Gender: Understanding Race, Class, and Gender Theory Related to Social Work Issues. National Association of Social Workers. Des Moines, Iowa. 2008
Race, Class, and Gender Intersectionality Theory. Midwest Sociological Society. 2006
Race, Class, and Gender: Toward an Initial Understanding of Intersection Theory panel presentation. Great Plains Sociological Association. 2005.
Faculty Development/Conferences Attended
Controversial Speakers: Disinviting Speakers and Academic Freedom. Sept. 2017
Diversity Training. SDSU. August 2017
Flipped Classrooms. SDSU. May 2017
Great Plains Sociological Association. October 2016.
Bridges/Building a Supportive Community. Certificate. Sept. 2016
Bridges/Taking Action (Title IX training). Certificate. April 2017
Using D2L for Teaching. April 2017
Using IDEA online Course Evaluations. SDSU. March 2017