Enrollment Fall 2017
Dear Shining Light Parent:
Welcome to Shining Light Preschool & thanks for enrolling! School begins the DAY AFTER Labor Day on Tuesday,September 5,or Wednesday, September 6. Please return the paperwork on either of the following dates – to COMPLETE ENROLLMENT:
*** Thursday or Friday, April 20 or 21 between 9:30-11:30 in Room A206 ***
If you are out-of-town on these dates, please email us & make an appointment to return the items before then. We will begin calling people from the waitlist after these dates.
- Downloadpaperwork atshininglightpleasanton.com. Click on Enrollment.
- Read SLP Parent HANDBOOK for tons of helpful SLP info! Click on Parent Resources.
1) Admission Agreement Please circle monthly tuition, then sign date.
2) Parent’s Rights
3) Personal Rights
4) Background Safety Check Complete one for each person who may co-op.
5) Co-op Health Statement You can use ONE Health Statement for several Co-ops
* All Co-op Helpers, including dads, grandparents, nannies, etc. must sign the Health Statement.
* Staple a Neg. TB TestorNote from Dr. stating that you are notin a high-risk group for TB.
(Ask your doctor!) These Pleasanton clinics offer a TB Test:
Pleasanton Urgent Care3128 Santa Rita 462-9300
Pleasanton Health Clinic4361 Railroad 462-1755
* It takes 48 hours for the doctor to “read” the results of the TB Test, so please plan accordingly.
* Previous TB tests within one year of your enrollment date are valid.
* If you are a SLP returning family with a TB test on file within past 2 years, we’ll copyon date above.
6) Child’s Physician Report (Form 701) & Shot Record
* Complete Part A, and then take to your Physician. Call your doctor and ask what their policy is
regarding a Health Statement for a child enrolling in preschool. If your doctor has seen your
child recently, he may allow you to mail or fax the form to him. The doctor’s office can
complete the Shot Record portion of the form or attach a printout of the shots. Please make
sure the shot record is complete, including complete dates (MM/DD/YY).
* If your child has a “three-year old” check-up this summer, your doctor may want to wait &
complete the 701 then. Please attach a note with the appointment date to your returned
paperwork. THEN, return the Physician’s Report within one week of the “summer” appt.
* If your child has a Summer Appt., please bring your SHOT RECORD on above date, since
your child should not receive any new “3 yr old” shots.
Please also bring the following TWO additional items on the above date.
EnrollmentRecord (Given at Enrollment)
Front: Add all names to the pick-up list that will have permission to pick up your child. No one else will be allowed to pick up your child without a written note signed by the parent.
Back: In the event of a medical/dental emergency, list the doctor/dentist you would like us to contact, if we are unable to reach you.
Picture of yourchild
This small (4x6) picture will stay in your child’s folder unless you request it back in mid-September.
EnrollmentFee & September’s Tuition(as listed below)
The $125 Enrollment Fee will be chargednext week. September Tuition will be charged in April when you return Paperwork. Both fees are non-refundable. However, if you move from the area provide proof of change of address before August 1, then September’s Tuition will be refunded.
Coming in the Fall
Meet-your-Teacher Day is Thursday, August 31or Friday, September 1. You and your child can Meet-Your-Teacher (MYT) on the day of your child’s normal preschool schedule.
4-Day Classesvisit on Friday. Ducks visit on Wednesday. M&M meet on 1st day of class.
The AM classes visit from 10:00-11:00 the PM classes visit from 11:00-12:00.
Co-op Calendar Sign-upsare during your MYT Day, so bring your calendar. You will not be able to sign-up for co-op until ALL paperwork is received AND complete. Our September Theme is Friends & Families, so have your child bring a Family Picture to MYT & we’ll hang on the Bulletin Board.
Watch for mid-August emails with more information. Please email us if you do not receive an email in mid-August and we will forward you the info. Mark your calendar for Parent Night on Thursday, September 7 from 6:30-7:30 and the Ice Cream Social on Friday, September 22 from 6:00-7:30.
THANKS again for choosing Shining Light. I am so excited to watch your child grow!
Kelly McIntosh
SLP Director
______is enrolled in Year -2- Grow Prekindergarten (4’s) Preschool (3’s) 2’s
in the Frog Zebra Tiger Monkey Lion Bear Duck M&M
($420)($420) ($320) ($260) ($230) ($115) ($290)
9:00-12:00 8:45-11:45 9:15-11:45 1:00-3:30
______is the Family Number you were assigned when you enrolled.
This Family Number will be used in future enrollments, including future siblings.
4455 Del Valle Parkway, Pleasanton, Ca. 94588 * 925-846-2588 * ch
Let your light shine before men… so you may glorify God! Matthew 5:16