
By Susan

We’ve been working really hard on learning how to make change. We practice during math time with fake coins and dollars. Our teacher says we need to practice a lot because we will need to know how to count up to make change for our whole lives! Some of us think it is easy to figure out change when you write a subtraction problem, but when you have to do it in your head, we think it’s better to count up.

Social Studies

By Michael

Our class is learning about Mexico. So far we have talked about their food, clothes, crafts and daily routines. My favorite part was learning about fiestas. I love parties!


By Mary

In science we have been learning about weather and the water cycle. In the water cycle, water goes around and around, kind of like being recycled. Condensation, precipitation, and evaporation are all part of the water cycle. We also learned that a rain gauge measures how much rain falls. That’s called precipitation. Evaporation is when water on the ground disappears and goes back up into the sky. Condensation is when the water from evaporation bunches up together in the clouds.

Language Arts

By Sally & John

For reading, it’s been a “Judy” month! All of our reading groups are either reading books about Judy Moody or books that are written by Judy Blume. Our group is reading Double Fudge by Judy Blume. It’s about Peter and Fudge, the same characters that were in the last Judy Blume book we read. It’s really fun to see what happens to the characters in each book.

In writing we are learning to edit and revise our stories. That means that once we have finished writing our first draft, we have to go back and read our story again to see if we can make it better. Sometimes we get to have our friends read the story too. That’s called peer editing. When our friends or our teacher edits our story, they tell us places where they think we’ve made mistakes, like spelling mistakes. They also tell us what parts they think are good and what we could make better. Sometimes they even give us ideas that we can use!


By Kayla

We just finished learning about Salvador Dali in art. We learned about the fantasy pictures he painted and then we got to make our own. Mrs. Johnson says that we are going to be doing still-life drawings and clay bugs next. Sounds like fun!


By Alex

We are practicing everyday for our Patriotic Symbols show with the rest of the second graders. We will be singing 4 songs about Uncle Sam, the Liberty Bell, the Statue of Liberty, and the American Flag. The songs tell you some information about each one. Be sure to come and see us perform!


By Tina

We had a busy month in P.E. and learned all about gymnastics. We learned how to tumble and build routines. We also learned several balances and jumps. Now that gymnastics is finished, we are starting a unit on dance.

We’re going to learn the chicken dance, Mexican hat dance, limbo, cha cha slide, twist, and robot.

Important Dates

April 16 – PTA Meeting

April 17 – Kindergarden registration

April 20 – field trip to Smithsonian

April 23 – 27 – book fair

April 30 – PALS testing begins