ERCOT Monitoring Programs for QSEs/Resource, TSP’s and ERCOT – Draft

Texas Nodal Market Implementation:

Monitoring Programs for QSEs, TSPs and ERCOT

(To be incorporated into Nodal Operating Guides Section 2 when approved by TAC)

Version 0.021

1 QSE/Resource Monitoring Program 3

1.1 Net dependable real power capability testing 3

1.2 Reactive testing 3

1.3 Real-Time data 4

1.4 Written Black Start Procedures 6

1.5 Compliance with Dispatch Instructions 6

1.6 Supplying and validating data for generator models 6

1.7 Outage Scheduling and Reporting 7

1.8 Generation under-frequency relay coordination 7

1.9 Backup control for Resource Energy Deployment 8

1.10 Resource-specific Non-Spinning Reserve 8

1.11 Qualified staffing requirement 8

1.12 Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) and Power System Stabilizer (PSS) 9

1.13 Back Up control facility staffing plan, if primary facility unusable 9

1.14 Current Operating Plan metrics, for QSEs; 10

1.15 Testing and performance of governor for Generation Resources 10

1.16 NERC reliability-related assessments 10

1.17 DRUC and HRUC commitment performance 11

2 TSP Monitoring Program 11

2.1 Rating Monitor Program 12

2.2 Real-time data Monitor 12

2.3 Outage Scheduling and coordination monitor 12

2.4 CIM model performance monitor 13

2.5 Black Start procedure monitoring 14

2.6 Back Up control plan monitoring 14

2.7 Compliance with valid Dispatch instructions monitoring 15

2.8 Voltage and Reactive Control Performance monitoring 15

2.9 NERC standards monitoring 16

3 ERCOT Monitoring Program 16

3.1 Transmission Control 16

3.2 Resource Control 18

3.3 Load Forecasting 20

3.4 System Operating Constraints 21

3.5 Network Operations Model update implementation performance 22

3.6 Network Operations Model validation 22

3.7 Back-up control plan 23

3.8 Written Black-Start Plan 23

3.9 Computer and communication systems Real-Time availability and systems security 23

4 Ancillary Services Monitoring Program 23

4.1 Regulation Control Performance 24

4.2 Hydro responsive testing, for QSEs 24

4.3 Black Start Service requirements, for TSPs, QSEs and Generation Resources 24

4.4 Resource-specific Responsive Reserve performance for QSEs and Resources 24

4.5 Voltage and Reactive support performance for QSEs and Generation Resources 25

4.6 Constant Frequency Control 25

This document is a draft for producing a QSE/Resource, TSP and ERCOT monitoring program to meet the following Nodal Protocol requirements:

8.1 (1)

ERCOT shall develop a TAC-approved QSE/Resource monitoring Program to be included in the Operating Guides.


"ERCOT shall develop a TAC-approved Ancillary Service monitoring program to evaluate the performance of QSEs and Resources providing Ancillary Services."

"Responsive Reserve Service performance must be analyzed by a TAC and a performance metric must be provided in the Operating Guides"


"TAC, or a subcommittee designated by TAC, shall continually review the WEMM’s assessments of ERCOT’s operations and ERCOT’s performance in controlling the ERCOT Control Area according to requirements and criteria established by the Operating Guides and NERC policy and standards operating of Control Areas"


ERCOT shall develop a TAC-approved TSP Monitoring Program to be included in the Operating Guides for TSPs.

2.2.9 1 QSE/Resource Monitoring Program

Reference: Protocol Section 8.1, QSE/Resource Performance Monitoring and Compliance (In Part)

(1) ERCOT shall develop a TAC-approved QSE/Resource monitoring Program to be included in the Operating Guides. The metrics developed by ERCOT and approved by TAC must include the provision of this Subsection.

The Texas Regional Entity (TRE) shall evaluate the ERCOT IncISO functions and participant performance in accordance with the ERCOT Pprotocols, Operating Guides, and NERC and Regional Reliability Sstandards, and shall report to the Public Utility Commission of Texas, the NERC, and the IMM ERCOT Board as defined in their approved procedures. ERCOT Inc. shall report to the TRE as described in the “ERCOT Compliance Process” currently approved by the Public Utility Commission of Texas. Reports may be created on demand by ERCOT when requested by the TRE and will comply with the confidentiality requirements found in the ERCOT Protocols.

The QSE/Resource Monitoring Program describes the process by which TRE assesses QSEs’ compliance and performance and ERCOT’s role in support of this program.

QSEs are responsible for the accuracy of the data they provided to ERCOT and the TRE.

The following areas shall be covered by the program. Net dependable real power capability testing

Reference: Protocol Section 8.1, QSE/Resource Performance Monitoring and Compliance (In Part)

(3) ERCOT shall monitor the following categories of performance and compliance:

(a) Net dependable real power capability testing for QSEs and Resources

ERCOT shall produce reports annually which present the test results provided by the QSE. The QSE shall provide these results to ERCOT upon completion of NDC testing which shall occur in compliance with the ERCOT Protocol least seasonally. Reactive testing

Reference: Protocol Section 8.1, QSE/Resource Performance Monitoring and Compliance (In Part)

(3) ERCOT shall monitor the following categories of performance and compliance:

(b) Reactive testing, for Generation Resources

The QSE shall provide Unit name, QSE, Date, time, tested capability, reported time and CURL and URL information. ERCOT shall produce reports annually which describe when the last reactive capability test took place, what the MW and MVAR outputs were during the test period, how long the output was held, and a minimum of 4 MW/MVAR pairs describing the CURL of the unit. This data shall be provided by the QSE to ERCOT when reactive testing indicates a change in unit capability and at a minimum of once every 2 years. Real-Time data

Reference: Protocol Section 8.1, QSE/Resource Performance Monitoring and Compliance (In Part)

(3) ERCOT shall monitor the following categories of performance and compliance:

(c) Real-Time data for QSEs:

(i) Telemetry standards;

(ii) Communication system;

(iii) Operational Data Requirements required under Section, Operational Data Requirements.

ERCOT shall produce reports describing data real time performance of QSE’s. These reports shall include measurements of telemetry availability and comparison with the performance metrics established annually by the TAC.

(1) Telemetry Standards

(a) ERCOT shall produce reports as required describing compliance with the TAC approved Telemetry Standards for QSEs. Included in these reports shall be:

(i) Electrical Buses not meeting telemetry performance criteria;

(ii) Quarterly telemetry availability statistics; and

(iii) Critically important telemetry availability statistics.

(2) Communication Systems

ERCOT shall produce reports as requiredmonthly describing the percentage availability of each participants ICCP data link to ERCOT.

(3) Operational Data Requirements

ERCOT shall produce reports for the Operational Data Requirements as listed in the Pprotocols.

(a) ERCOT shall produce reports describing Resource Telemetry availability., Resource Ancillary service provision, generator status, and Generator Net energy and capability availability.

(b) ERCOT shall produce reports describing Ancillary Service Performance including:

(i) General – Resource specific reports on the difference between energy deployments and actual performance by five-minute average MW and per cent deviation, expressed as a monthly average of five-minute intervals inside these bounds.

(ii) Regulation – Resource specific the difference between energy deployments and actual performance by five-minute average MW and per cent deviation, expressed as a monthly average of five-minute intervals inside these bounds.

(iii) Responsive Reserve

a. Capacity – ERCOT shall prepare reports describing each occurrence of available Responsive Reserve falling below the amount the resource is obligated to supply.

b. Deliverability– ERCOT shall prepare reports describing each occurrence of Responsive Reserve committed to a resource that would be unable to deliver the energy within 10 minutes.

c. Availability - Resource specific and QSE summary reports by resource type describing % of deployed resource schedules adjusted to make them available to SCED, or load resource shed thirty (30) seconds after deployment by ERCOT. These reports shall be produced for each deployment event and for average performance across a time period. Normally produced on a monthly basis.These reports will normally be produced and provided to the appropriate TAX subcommittee on a monthly basis.

d. Respond to frequency- ERCOT shall measure and report a resources response to frequency deviations exceeding -.1 Hz describing the droop characteristic of the resource in comparison to expected response from the resource bias setting, and the acceptable droop characteristics. Responsive reserve from load resources will be evaluated and a report shall be generated for instances when the resource did not respond, did not respond within +/-.5 seconds, or did not respond within +/- .005 Hz from the relay setting.

e. Deployment – ERCOT shall produce reports describing each date, time, and duration in which Responsive Reserve was deployed.

(iv) Non-spin – ERCOT shall produce Resource specific and QSE summary reports describing nonspin deployed by resource, and the resource response after 30 minutes. Reports shall detail the Non-spin schedule and actual generation (or load) at time of deployment, the resource specific deployment, the non-spin schedule 30 minutes after deployment, the MW setpoint 30 minutes after deployment, and the actual generation (or load) 30 minutes after deployment, and the MW setpoint and actual generation (or load) at the recall of the Non-Spin deployment.

(v) DSR monitoring – DSR Load signal failures greater than 5 minutes will be recorded. Reports shall be generated describing the monthly availability performance. Written Black Start Procedures

Reference: Protocol Section 8.1, QSE/Resource Performance Monitoring and Compliance (In Part)

(3) ERCOT shall monitor the following categories of performance and compliance:

(d) Written Black Start procedures, for QSEs that represent Generation Resources and for Generation Resources;

ERCOT shall produce reports annually containing record(s) of the most recent black start procedure submitted by the QSE including the QSE and PGC name, plant name, and date the procedure was received. The QSE shall provide an updated black start procedure to ERCOT annually and when the procedure has changed. Compliance with Valid Dispatch Instructions

Reference: Protocol Section 8.1, QSE/Resource Performance Monitoring and Compliance (In Part)

(3) ERCOT shall monitor the following categories of performance and compliance:

(f) Compliance with Dispatch Instructions, for QSEs;

ERCOT shall produce reports describing for QSE and Resource specific dispatch instruction performance. Each QSE shall comply with valid dispatch instructions as required under the Protocols and Operating Guides. The ERCOt reports shall include a count of all verbal dispatch instructions for which the TSP was and was not compliant and, for those where they were non-compliant, ERCOT will include the instruction and response.

If ERCOT believes there is a performance problem with a QSE it will document this accordingly.This will be based on deliverable energy, regulation and responsive obligations. Performance will be reported as the average five-minute delta between actual unit MW output and ERCOT dispatch instruction. The QSE shall comply with all dispatch instructions as required by the protocols. Supplying and validating data for generator models

Reference: Protocol Section 8.1, QSE/Resource Performance Monitoring and Compliance (In Part)

(3) ERCOT shall monitor the following categories of performance and compliance:

(i) Supplying and validating data for generator models, as requested, for Generation Resources;

ERCOT shall record when the Resource Asset Registration Form (RARF) was received, and when dynamic response information is received at ERCOT. ERCOT shall create produce reports to present this data. ERCOT shall provide the RARF data, dynamic model and steady state model data to the respective TDSP planning functions as requested by the TDSPs. ERCOT must receive and validate this information for each Resource before it can participate in the Market. Outage Scheduling and Reporting

(1) Twelve-month Outage planning:

(a) ERCOT shall produce a report monthly which lists the Planned Outage or Maintenance Outage plan as referenced by the Protocols. provided by the QSE for the next 12 months. These plans shall be updated by the QSE to ERCOT for a rolling 12 month period. These updates shall also include any changes to previously proposed Outages.

(b) ERCOT shall prepare a report describing how far in advance outages are requested by the QSE. Requests will be broken into three categories:

(i) Requests Submitted or updated in the ERCOT Outage Scheduler 30 days or more in advance of the desired outage date;

(ii) Requests Submitted or updated in the ERCOT Outage Scheduler 8 days or more in advance and less than 30 days in advance of the desired outage date; and

(iii) Requests Submitted or updated in the ERCOT Outage Scheduler less than 8 days in advance of the desired outage date.

(iv) Requests submitted less than 3 days in advance.

(2) Outage Reporting

(a) ERCOT shall produce a report summarizing:

(i) Outages requested, approved, and canceled by outage type;

(ii) Outages requested and not approved within the protocol required time ranges;

(iii) Outages completed early;

(iv) Outages which extended past their initially requested time frame; and

(v) Outages requiring forced extension.

(b) ERCOT shall prepare a report describing how far in advance outages are requested by the QSE. Requests will be broken into three categories:

(i) Requests Submitted or updated in the ERCOT Outage Scheduler 30 days or more in advance of the desired outage date;

(ii) Requests Submitted or updated in the ERCOT Outage Scheduler 8 days or more in advance and less than 30 days in advance of the desired outage date; and

(iii) Requests Submitted or updated in the ERCOT Outage Scheduler less than 8 days in advance of the desired outage date. Generation under-frequency relay coordination

Reference: Protocol Section 8.1, QSE/Resource Performance Monitoring and Compliance (In Part)

(3) ERCOT shall monitor the following categories of performance and compliance:

(m) Generation under-frequency relay coordination as specified in the Operating Guides for Generation Resources

ERCOT shall survey generation resources that trip during frequency deviations between 59.8 and 59.4 Hz. ERCOT shall produce a report listing units which went offline while frequency was in this range without an approved outage. These reports shall be provided to the PDCWG at its request for use under a signed NDA.

1.9 The backup control for Resource energy deployment due to loss of communication with ERCOTBackup control for Resource Energy Deployment

Reference: Protocol Section 8.1, QSE/Resource Performance Monitoring and Compliance (In Part)

(3) ERCOT shall monitor the following categories of performance and compliance:

(n) The backup control for Resource energy deployment due to loss of communication with ERCOT, to be tested by ERCOT randomly at least once a year for QSEs with Resources

ERCOT shall produce a report identifying the date of backup control testing and the success or failure of that test. Results shall be provided by the QSE to ERCOT at the completion of all tests. Backup control tests should be conducted a minimum ofat least annually. Resource-specific Non-Spinning Reserve

Reference: Protocol Section 8.1, QSE/Resource Performance Monitoring and Compliance (In Part)