Smart Dust Simulation Specifications

Normal.h is found in week3 subdirectory.

Try Dust std div 100

Try Flechettestd div 100/3

Abstract: A time based simulation that illustrates the relationship between “smart dust” sensors, their associated flechettes and the command processor as various targets move through the sensor field.


Attributes (private member data)

Behaviors (public member functions)

Data Structures:

Time step behaviors:

Other functions:



Smart Dust: Heat, Motion, Radiation, Acoustic, Pressure

: Types: H, M, R, A, P //sample for constructor instantiation of type, random chars

: Private Member Data

char Type;

double x, y; (locations held constant)

doublesignal_strength; //set by referee each time step

Associated “Signal” strengths

Sensor type / Frequency of Sensor / Signal range (inclusive)
H / 25% / 0.0 to 1.0
M / 25% / 2.0 to 3.0
R / 5% / 4.0 to 5.0
A / 25% / 6.0 to 7.0
P / 20% / 8.0 to 9.0

The range of the number of sensors: 1,000<N<10,000, user input

Twodecimal place precision is required of all signals.

All signals are generated as values: (0.0 <= s <= 1.0 ) + and offset of 2, 4, 6, or 8 as above.


The number of Flechettes = .02*Number of Sensors

Private Member Data:

Double x, y; kept as const

List <dust*> my_list; //populated by the ref once dust and flechettes are placed


Data[5][4]; //the output..

File output for command would include

Type of sensors and their min, mean, max, and n (GRAND TOTALS)

Public Functions

Sense(){add to a list of signals as long as there is a input stream}

Send(){to command a string of data below}

Compute the frequency N, max, min, and mean values of each signal type.

//left to discuss

Command: receives a signal from each flechette for each time step. This signal may be zero.

Compute the OVER-ALL frequency N, max, min, and mean values of each signal type.

N = sum of individual flechette n values

Min = smallest min of each type reported by the flechettes

Max, same..

Mean = sum(ni* meani)/N


Size of the domain: 0 to 1000, in both x and y;

User Input Signal range for all Smart Dust: initially 25 //will probably change

Initial position for target = (0, y_random) final position = (1000, y_random)

User input of target profile data from file .

Target data file = id, H, M, R, A, P, speed (or one per line, comma or space delimited are both acceptable)

Time steps are committed in groups of 5, with user controls for quit or 5 more.

The command will display each flechette data packet then compute and display the smallest min, largest max, mean of flechette means, total N of each sensor type for each time step.

SPEED OF TARGET determines how many time steps in the simulation

Compute dx and dy of the speed.

PATH DISTANCE (D) = Sqrt( 10002 + (yinit –yfinal)2)

Dx (speed in x direction) =(speed*1000)/D

Dy(speed in the y direction) = (speed *(yfinal-yinit))/D

After every 5 time steps, the user is given the option to output all current dust andflechette data

Each of the following should be different in GNUPLOT

Dust signal==0

Dust signal > 0


GNU output of the stored data is just the 3 color x,y plots of the data above.