We Value: Diversity Equity Inclusion Respect Social Justice
Regional Diversity Roundtable
Central Peel Secondary School - Diversity With a Difference: Equity Conference
How Do We Approach Diverse Identities in our School Communities
Developed by: Pamela Uppal & Amrita Kumar-Ratta
March 10, 2015
- Markers
- Flip Chart
- USB with PPT
- Accessible Signs for Privilege Line
A. Privilege Line[15 minutes]
Draw a continuum on the black board
Ask students to gather in an open area, explain the concept
Read questions
- I’m worried that I’m being judged based on how I dress.
- People always ask me where I’m from.
- I will be applying to university when I finish high school.
- If I were having negative thoughts about my life and myself, my experience would be taken seriously.
- I feel like I have to behave a certain way because of my gender.
Debrief with students – speak to the way in which the students understood the vagueness/generality of the questions.
B. Who Are We?[15 minutes]
Regional Diversity Roundtable
DI Charter
Pamela Uppal
Amrita Kumar-Ratta
C. Discussion[5 minutes]
- What does diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) mean to you as students, leaders, athletes, family members, community members?
- What kind of DEI issues do you face in your school community?
Speak to acceptance of any difference, awareness of issues that do not present in the school.
D. CPSS Case Study: Diversity Responsibility[40 minutes]
Introduce the Case Study
- Scenario: CPSS is in the process of planning their 2015 Halloween celebrations, one of which will include costume day. Your principal has asked you all to come with guidelines for costume day. While keeping in mind the conversations around DEI we have had today, discuss the question assigned to your group – What issues do you see arising? Which ones are important for you? How do you think they can be handled by administration/teachers/students? We’ll come together and discuss your brainstorming as a group.
Activity: Split into 4 groups, provide chart paper and markers, let students know they can write/draw
- How would you ensure students who did not celebrate Halloween felt included in the celebration?
- Should there be a separate dress code for girls?
- Are there certain characters/things/people that some students/teachers should not dress up as? Are there certain characters/things/people that students may feel they can ONLY dress up as?
- How important is self-expression for a positive high school experience?
D. Q&A [5 minutes]
What can be done to make equity conversation and diversity with a difference the norm in the school?
F. Resources
- Follow us on FB (RDR and D&I Charter of Peel) and Twitter (@rdrpeel and @DICharter) where we will post relevant resources for this workshop!