March 17, 2015
RFP for Special Inspections and Material Testing Services
Project: / Rowan University College of Engineering
Contracting Agent: / Gloucester County Improvement Authority
Architect: / Clarke Caton Hintz
Agency Construction Manager: / Stantec Consulting Services with LF Driscoll
The Gloucester County Improvement Authority is soliciting solicit proposals from 3rd party independent construction inspection and material testing laboratories to perform testing and related field inspection services during the construction of the above referenced project. The testing and inspection shall be as per this RFP and the final project specifications, drawings and documents and performed by qualified personnel under the supervision of a Licensed Professional Engineer. Please note that special inspectors are required to hold all certifications required by the State of New Jersey DCA and by the IBC. We invite proposals for performing this work based on the following unit prices (at a minimum) and the estimated "not to exceed" cost:
Item / Description / Unit / Unit Price1.0 / Deep Foundation System (Piles)
1.1 / Field Inspection of aggregate piers & testing. (Stricken) / Per 1/2 Day
Per Full Day / $ N/A
$ N/A
2.0 / Foundation System and Bearing Material
2.1 / Verification and inspection of footing bottom before construction work is performed, including verification of required design bearing capacities. / Per 1/2 Day
Per Full Day / $
3.0 / Excess/Fill Materials and Compactions
3.1 / Laboratory test of soil material to determine maximum dry density (ASTM D698/D1557 Test Methods). / Per Test / $
3.2 / Laboratory Grain Size Analysis / Per Test / $
3.3 / Field testing of compacted fill/backfill for in place density and moisture (ASTM D6938 Test Methods and Project Specifications). / Per 1/2 Day
Per Full Day / $
4.0 / Concrete
4.1 / NJDCA Certified field inspector to verify that approved mix is batched and batch weights conform with approved mix design. Verify addition of correct admixtures. Check moisture in aggregates and verify total water in mix. / Per 1/2 Day
Per Full Day / $
4.2 / NJDCA Certified field inspector to inspect the concrete reinforcement, including but not limited to rebar size, count, spacing, chair size and spacing, etc. prior to concrete placement for compliance with approved drawings and documents. / Per 1/2 Day
Per Full Day / $
4.3 / NJDCA licensed field inspector to observe concrete truck mixing procedures, perform slump tests, monitor and test concrete temperature, test air content and fabricate concrete cylinders. Unit weight testing on lightweight concrete or as requested. Quantity and frequency of testing to comply with project specifications. / Per 1/2 Day
Per Full Day / $
4.4 / Laboratory compression tests of concrete cylinders based on five (5) 6"x12" cylinders - 2 @ 7 days, 2@ 14 days, 2, @ 28 days and 1 spare for later testing. / Per Cylinder / $
4.5 / Drilled Concrete Cores Drilling Crew / Per Trip / $
Concrete Core Drilling and Patching / Per Core / $
Compressive strength testing of cores / Per Core / $
5.0 / Floor Flatness/Levelness Test
5.1 / Certified Technician and equipment to perform floor flatness and floor levelness testing over the designated slab areas in accordance with ASTM E1155 / Per 1/2 Day
Per Full Day / $
6.0 / Masonry
6.1 / Field inspector to inspect the masonry reinforcement prior to mortar/grout placement for compliance with approved drawings and documents. / Per 1/2 Day
Per Full Day / $
6.2 / Preparation and testing of any required grout specimens and/or mortar specimens. / Per 1/2 Day
Per Full Day / $
6.3 / Laboratory testing of mortar cubes/grout cubes/grout prisms at 7, 14 and 28 days / Per Cube/Prism / $
7.0 / Structural Steel
7.1 / NJDCA Certified Inspector to perform visual inspection of welds for conformance to AWS-D1.1 quality requirements. Verify correct weld size, length and location in accordance with approved project and/or shop drawings. Verify minimum tension requirements of high strength connections using a calibrated torque wrench or visually for tension control bolts. Verify deck welding, side lap connectors, and adequacy of shear stud attachment. Verify joist bridging installation and attachments. / Per 1/2 Day
Per Full Day / $
7.2 / NJDCA Certified Inspector to perform visual inspection of welds for conformance to AWS-D1.1 quality requirements and perform field testing of welds using NDT methods per the approved drawings and specifications. / Per 1/2 Day
Per Full Day / $
8.0 / Spray Applied Fireproofing
8.1 / NJDCA Certified inspector to test and inspect the application of spray-applied fireproofing materials including conformance with UL design requirements, perform thickness and bond strength tests and obtain density tests for laboratory testing. / Per 1/2 Day
Per Full Day / $
Density test in accordance with ASTM E605 / Per Test / $
Bond strength test in accordance with ASTM E736 / Per Test / $
9.0 / Fire Stopping
9.1 / Field Inspector to perform inspection of fire stopping to the project specifications and documents. / Per 1/2 Day
Per Full Day / $
10.0 / Waterproofing
Inspector must be a Qualified Waterproofing Membrane Manufacture Representative to inspect substrate conditions; surface penetrations; membrane application, flashings, protections and drainage components. / Per 1/2 Day
Per Full Day / $
11.0 / Asphalt
Asphalt Paving Inspection & Testing - Asphalt paving inspections and material testing shall include the following:
a.Visual inspection and monitoring of asphalt for thickness, placement temperature and conformance with project specifications and applicable standards. / Per 1/2 Day
Per Full Day / $
b.Field testing for compaction. / Per 1/2 Day
Per Full Day / $
12.0 / Timber Piles
Timber Pile Inspection & Testing –Timber pile inspection and material testing shall include the following:
a.Visual inspection and monitoring of timber pileinstallation and reporting. / Per 1/2 Day
Per Full Day / $
b.Field testing with Pile Dynamic Analyzer (PDA) test. / Per 1/2 Day
Per Full Day / $
13.0 / General Rates
Multi-Disciplined Inspector - Perform multiple inspections and/or testing of soils, footing bottoms, paving, concrete, reinforcing steel and masonry. / Per 1/2 Day
Per Full Day / $
Professional Engineers Rate for additional services / Per Hour / $
Project Manager attendance at project meetings / Per Meeting / $
Preparation of Final Test Report for DCA / Lump Sum / $
Estimated Total "Not To Exceed" Cost of Project (for budgetary purposes) / $
Estimated Total "Hours" for Duration of the Project Based on Attached Schedule of Activities / No. of Hours
Acknowledgement of Addendum No. 1 Signature:
Acknowledgement of Addendum No. 2Signature: ______