Language, Literacy and Numeracy Policy
Related Documents
To support this approach The Moreland Group (TMG) will:
Contact information
To outline the method and assessment for students who may be experiencing difficulties in language, literacy and/or numeracy based on the VQF guidelines.
This applies to all students who undertake training with The Moreland Group.
National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011
Australian Skills Quality Authority VET Quality Framework (VQF)
Related Documents
The Moreland Group Continuous Improvement Policy
The Moreland Group Student Handbook
The Moreland Group Recognition for Prior Learning Policy
The Moreland Group Training and Assessment Strategies Policy
The Moreland Group Quality Indicator Policy
The RTO Administrator is to ensure that all staff and students are aware of this policy and can guide students to get the assistance they may require.
This may mean they are referred to an external provider.
All students are expected to have medium to high language, literacy and numeracy skills to be able to complete The Moreland Group qualifications.
This means the likelihood of a student with low language, literacy and numeracy skills being accepted onto the course, is extremely rare. Students undertaking qualifications with The Moreland Group as part of migrant programs (partnership with EEA) must be approved through their registration in the program as having the appropriate visa and its accompanying IELTS result as stated by the program guidelines.
This policy is to be used in the instance where someone does present to the trainer as needing this type of assistance.
All students must answer a question regarding their English capability at the time of enrolment. The enrolment form itself is a demonstration of LLN skills and must be completed by the student themselves as it had declarations of accuracy to be completed prior to submission.
Language, literacy and numeracy skills are critical to almost all areas of work. This is particularly true in many vocations where language, literacy and numeracy skills influence the performance of workplace tasks such as measuring, weighing and comprehending written work instructions.
Research has indicated that many adult learners do not have the language, literacy and numeracy skills they need to effectively participate in vocational education and training.
The increasing importance of employability skills such as communication and problem solving in the workplace highlight the need for underpinning language, literacy and numeracy skills.
To support this approach The Moreland Group (TMG) will:
Assess a student’s language, literacy and numeracy skills during their enrolment to ensure they have adequate skills to complete the training;
Support students during their study with training and assessment materials and strategies that are easily understood and suitable to the level of the workplace skills being delivered;
Provide clear information to students about the detail of the language, literacy and numeracy assistance available (where applicable);
Refer students to external language, literacy and numeracy support services that are beyond the support available within The Moreland Group and where this level of support is assessed as necessary; and
Negotiate an extension of time to complete training programs if necessary.
Contact information
Students wishing to check their LLN capability should contact the RTO Manager of The Moreland Group. This can be done via the following methods:
Postal Address: Level 31, 600 Bourke Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 3000
Telephone: 03 9321 1781
Office hours: Monday to Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm
Policy - Student Admin - Language, Literacy & Numeracy V4.0