Rate each category according to the following scale: If it is present without errors, full points. If it is not present and/or has errors, zero points. This completed portfolio is part of your final exam grade.
NOTE: It is extremely important that you do not “Publish” your portfolio. If you publish it to check to check it out, you MUST go to the Settings and UNPUBLISH. There are predators out there. I want and need you to be safe from them.
Element / Self-Eval / Teacher AssessmentHome Page (50 points)
1) Contains the final draft of your 60-second infomercial
a) Insert a “text” placeholder
b) Copy and paste the final draft of your 60-Second Infomercial (Re-format, if necessary. It should be single spaced with one blank line between paragraphs.)
Personal Information Page (40 points)
2) Visible and perfect résumé
a) Add a document placeholder
b) Click and upload your résumé from your network drive
i) Don’t fret. It will take a while to “convert” your document, but you will be able to see the entire résumé via a scroll bar when you publish your portfolio Website
c) Also included a down-loadable résumé for when you need the actual Word file in the future. Add a “file” placeholder just below your résumé
d) When directed, click and select your résumé file from your network drive
Individual Goals Page (10 points) (Includes page title and objective stated at top of page)
3) Included list of goals
a) Insert a “text” placeholder
b) Open your Goals document in Word
c) Remove the numbering from each section of goals
d) Copy and paste the goal list into the “text” placeholders
e) One at a time, select each group of five goals and add numbering to them
f) Format so there is one blank line between each section of goals
Critical Thinking/Problem Solving (10 points) (Includes page title and objective at top of page)
4) Included one item and an explanation of your work (Avatar, Fluid Intelligence, or Blabbarize)
a) How you load it depends on which option you chose. Maybe do all three! J
b) Move a “text” placeholder above your uploaded item and write a short explanation of your work.
Communication/Literacy (10 points) (Includes page title and objective at top of page)
5) Included career datasheet
a) Add a document placeholder
b) Click and upload your career datasheet from your network drive
i) Don’t fret. It will take a while to “convert” your document, but you will be able to see the entire career datasheet via a scroll bar when you publish your portfolio Website
Teamwork (10 points) (Includes page title and objective at top of page)
6) Included picture from Bartering Bonanza or Clare Pride Day
a) Add an “image” placeholder
b) Click and upload your picture
c) Move a “text” placeholder above your uploaded image and write a short explanation of your efforts for the project
Proficiencies (10 points) (Includes page title and objective at top of page)
7) Included copy of your best Typing Tutor report with at least 93% accuracy
a) Press “Print Screen” key to use Snagit Screen Capture tool and create a .jpg image file of your Typing Tutor report
b) Add an “image” placeholder
c) Click and upload your Typing Tutor image file
d) Move a “text” placeholder above your uploaded image and write a short explanation of your keyboarding accomplishments
e) Add your Microsoft Office Specialist certifications -- More “how to” info later
Citizenship (10 points) (Includes page title and objective at top of page)
8) Included a picture from Bartering Bonanza or Clare Pride Day
a) Add an “image” placeholder
b) Click and upload your picture
c) Move a “text” placeholder above your uploaded image and write a short explanation your efforts for the project
Personal Testimony (10 points)
9) One (1) Letter (Automatic points for everyone this year.) Be sure to add a letter in the future.
Contact Page for the last page (10 points)
Worked well independently and used critical thinking and problem solving skills to solve problems and complete the e-portfolio project before the deadline. (30 points)
Total Possible Points / ______/200 / ______/200