“We Aren’t Superstitious” – Stephen Vincent BenetName______-
Use the essay to answer the following questions. USE COMPLETE SENTENCES, FOREVER!
- What is the setting (time and place) for this historical essay?
- Who is the village minister at this time?
- Whom did he bring from Barbados?
- Having you been responding to these questions using complete sentences?
- State the age range of the group of girls.
- In an attempt to combat the boredom of winter, in what unsanctioned (not allowed) activities does this group of girls participate?
- WHY do the girls start accusing others of witchcraft?
- Who were the first three women accused of bewitching the children?
- Who was the presiding judge at the hearing?
- “Exhibit A” of the trial was really a performance. Describe this performance.
- Explain why a person, who is wild and possessed by a witch, can supposedly become “quiet and calm” by touching a “witch.”
- How does the West Indian slave, Tituba, save herself?
- Although Rebecca Nurse’s verdict to die was reversed by the aid of a petition signed by her friends, it was soon overturned and she was hanged. Susanna Martin’s neighbor testified on Martin’s behalf, but she still was found guilty because of the girls’ reactions. At that moment, of what action did the girls accuse Susanna Martin?
- What evidence convinces the court that the Rev. George Burroughs was also involved in witchcraft?
- If a person denied the charge of witchcraft then he was hanged for it was believed he had something to hide. If he confessed he was only thrown in his jail for his confession was looked upon as an attempt to change. On both counts, however, his property and belongings were confiscated from him. He lost everything. In an attempt to save his property for his two sons-in-law who were not involved in the hocus-pocus, Giles Cory simply didn’t answer the charge. The court tried to force him to answer one way or the other. How does Giles Cory die?
- In May, 1693, the witch hunt scare had ended. Realizing people had lied for personal reasons, the court attempted to correct the wrongs it had committed. How did the court recompense the survivors of those who had hanged?
- How many people were hanged because of charges of witchcraft during the scare?