NUM Board Meeting Minutes June 2015
Fall League
-We are still moving forward with goalty as our fall league.
-Dean to price Morgan v. Rhodes and a weekday night v. Saturday morning
-Doodle poll vote of Board after pricing
-Dates: Start after the series. Registration up on August 1 (Moxley & Hayslip).
-Set a deadline for an e-mail blast/putting it up on the website/posting registration. (Moxley & Hayslip & Jake)
Monkey Bowl Recap
-Volunteering: Sunday was lacking in help from ALL TEAMS. Saturday was great (start and finish).Sunday HO and Blade poor representation at Sunday morning set up. Leadership was fine. Help from teams was a struggle.
-Club team fulfillment: Tiers will be enforced. The board will allow for an appeal process. (Board vote (8 yes, 0 no, 3 not present) Patrick will forward his notes on volunteers to Kayla. Kayla will send out an email to club teams. Teams will have the opportunity to appeal. If the volunteer hours are not met by club teams, either they will receive a reduction in sponsorship funds or forced to make up volunteer hours at other events, to be decided on a case by case basis.
-Party: 4 kegs went a little fast, there was a little too much food, but not enough banana bread (should’ve put some away), tents well, brackets well, porta potties fine, still missing some cones, trophies great and have trophies for next year already, issue with cutting games short instead of pushing time back, field conditions difficult, Patrick recommends renting a ATV next year if conditions are dry, photographer pay half up front and half once received, preferred less teams (just a few less), not maxing out field space (using bad fields), alternate field sites or two weekends (would help with volunteers!!!), need to consider changing the weekend dates depending on series changing next year, increasing team numbers/weekends – increasing number of TDs. At the very least we should have a TD and junior TD next year.
-Future changes: Volunteers need to get OVER to the tent ASAP after games are over to help volunteer. Good that Patrick had control of following up with volunteer help. Teams need to say beforehand how many and or who will show up for volunteer slots to TD. People were late to set up, so we need to enforce volunteers being on time somehow.
-Goal: $6000.00 profit. Actual revenue from tourney: $6500.00.
-Merch and disc revenue alone: $1200.00. We should always sell discs ourselves in the future.
-MB related twitter account is successful. Should probably clean it up a bit before next year (followers/following). Survey sent to captains and posted on twitter. Could rank and give feedback. Good idea moving forward.
Regular NUM Twitter
-Want to clean up twitter account so we are not following/being followed by individuals we don’t know. Going to have someone start tweeting regularly, using this to inform NUM members, and hopefully bring more people to leagues. (Moxley)
Summer League
-Email about zone and reporting scores and cones to Sam’s car to go out next week, July 7th.
-Survey to captains at the end (zone timing okay?, etc.)
-4th of July Hat Tournament – status & schedule, Who have tasks been delegated to? What tasks still need to be delegated? Sam taking care of water and cones.
-End of season Party – logistics, decisions, etc. are on the radar. Party at Pizza Perfect, pre order pizza (10% off) the day before/earlier in the day, two for ones and sodas on the NUM tab (confirm logistics with PP – Emily).
-Draft meetings $ limit set. Vote: $10 per captain (slightly flexible, mostly just voting to plan draft parties ahead of time) 8 yes, 0 no, 3 not present.
-Cost and profit schedule at next meeting (Ryan).
Sign purchase
-Plan is to purchase a banner in the Spring after we get annual numbers back. Also need to find out if a banner is included in the merchandise contract that we sign later in the fall?
Club Sponsorship guidelines
-Team Rosters submitted to Kayla thus far: Hairy Otter 91% set, Encore 75% set, NME 78% (waiting on set roster), nothing submitted from Blade yet.
-Full amount of funding will not be remitted to teams until roster is set. Small amount will be given in the interim.
-Series deadline is our deadline.
-Kayla will reach out to club teams letting them know after the meeting, specifically NME about volunteering at MB.Captains at meeting informed (HO and Encore). (Emily willet NME know.)
-Summer league captain responsibilities were fulfilled by teams.
NUM Sponsors
-Target for sponsorship for next SL and/or MB. We will need to work on this over the winter.
-Encourage club teams to do the same in the off season!!!
-Have tier of sponsorship done in the fall.
-Need a news crew at the beginning of summer league/mb next year.
-(Carter (primarily), Jake, and Ryan to spearhead.)
-Currently 3 ulty fields=$900. Next year 3 fields = $1200.
-Talk to metro about not jacking up the prices so high. Possible solutions being: arguing the per field charge since we are only using one soccer field – not having to pay double when we don’t have double the players but only an additional small percentage charge for only having a few more players. Arguing per team charge. Requesting better upkeep of fields, etc. (Jake and Dean)
-Creating a tier system for donations from NUM. (ie. YCC, local colleges, etc.)
-Two types:
- Simple donation: Max $50. NUM max for the year on total simple donations will be 1% of the profits from the previous year. Teams can ask an unlimited number of times. Any team that is not currently being sponsored by NUM can apply (YCC and club therefore being excluded). NUM board members must approve every request.
- Sponsorship status: This is basically the club team sponsorship tiers, but is now open for the YCC teams. Tier can include running their own youth league. (Carter to create forms to post on the website for applications)
Fall Youth League
-Reach out to Robby. (Will)