Audit of Requirements - SD Tuition Fee

Autumn I

Autumn I

30% – 40% teaching responsibility (8 lessons per week by the end of the half-term)

Training days / Teaching / Planning / Evaluation / Monitoring and Assessment / Observations / Evidence for Portfolio and General guidance
1 / 1 day: Classroom Management and marking
1 day: Maths
1 hr in school training focus: ‘What is outstanding teaching’ / During the first three weeks the trainees should plan and teach groups and parts of lessons for English (inc phonics) Maths and Science.
Trainee to observe class teacher teaching core subjects – focus observations should be Behaviour Management and Class organisation.
Trainee should have the opportunity to * Read stories to the whole class. * Bring the children in from the playground * Work with small groups / Trainee should attend joint planning meetings with class teacher. / Trainee to write reflections on the observations they have undertaken.
Trainees to draw up the seating plan for the class and groups with children’s names.
Trainee to reflect upon in school training session, c/f to standards and identify two key points to implement in teaching / Trainee should listen to the children read. Begin to keep a record of your observations. / 2 x Informal - CT / Trainee to receive School Handbook
To receive copies of relevant school policies eg: Behaviour Health and Safety Marking
Child Safe-Guarding
2 / 2 days: English ‘How do you develop primary skills in the primary curriculum?
1 hr in school training focus: Linking learning theory to practice / Trainee to look closely at the plans for the week and how they are delivered. / Trainee to reflect upon in school training session, c/f to standards and identify two key points to implement in teaching / Informal - SM
3 / 1 day RE ‘What is good RE?’
1 hr in school training focus: ‘How to plan a lesson and behaviour for learning’ / Trainee to reflect upon in school training session, c/f to standards and identify two key points to implement in teaching / Trainee to choose child for case study to support English Assignment. / Joint -School Mentor and Link Tutor / Trainee to choose child for case study to support English Assignment.
Begin to put together a portfolio of evidence.
4 / 1 day: Maths
1 hr in school training focus: Reflecting on practice / Whole lessons 1 x English
1 x maths
1 x science / Trainee to plan lessons under the guidance of the CT using the PCP proforma.
Lesson plans to be submitted to SM / Begin to record post-lesson evaluations
Trainee to reflect upon in school training session, c/f to standards and identify two key points to implement in teaching
Trainee to go on playground duty with CT / 2 x informal observations - CT / Trainee to begin to collect evidence for English Assignment appendices
5 / 1 day RE ‘Liturgy and worship’
1 hr in school training focus: Keeping assessment records and effective marking / 2 x English
2 x Maths
1 x Science / Trainee to plan lessons under the guidance of the CT using the PCP proforma.
Lesson plans to be submitted to SM / Begin to record post-lesson evaluations
Trainee to reflect upon in school training session, c/f to standards and identify two key points to implement in teaching
Trainee to go on playground duty with CT / Formal observation - SM / Collection of evidence for English and Maths Assignment
6 / 1 day: planning and assessment
1 hr in school training focus: Questioning skills – Blooms Taxonomy / Plan and deliver RE worship for Assignment. / Trainee to plan lessons under the guidance of the CT using the PCP proforma.
Lesson plans to be submitted to SM / Begin to record post-lesson evaluations
Trainee to reflect upon in school training session, c/f to standards and identify two key points to implement in teaching / Draw up an assessment grid for class and begin to keep on-going assessment of lessons that are taught. / QA visit PCP – formal observation

Autumn II

50% teaching responsibility (10 lessons per week)

Training days / Teaching / Planning / Evaluation / Monitoring and Assessment / Observations / Evidence for Portfolio and General guidance
1 / 1 day: maths
1 hr in school training focus: A learning focussed approach to teaching PE / 3 x literacy (Sequence of lessons)
1 x science
1 x computing
1 x PE / Trainee to plan lesson sequences under the guidance of the CT using the PCP proforma.
Lesson plans to be submitted to SM / Begin to record post-lesson evaluations
Trainee to reflect upon in school training session, c/f to standards and identify two key points to implement in teaching / Maintain a class assessment grid for Maths, literacy and Science / 2 x informal observations - CT / Ensure that mid-term assessment has been completed
RE Assignment hand in
2 / 1 day English:
1 hr in school training focus: SEN (L/A) / 3 x literacy Trainee to plan lessons under the guidance of the CT using the PCP proforma.
Lesson plans to be submitted to SM
3 x maths
1 x science
1 x computing
1 x PE / Trainee to plan lesson sequences under the guidance of the CT using the PCP proforma.
Lesson plans to be submitted to SM / Begin to record post-lesson evaluations
Trainee to reflect upon in school training session, c/f to standards and identify two key points to implement in teaching / Formal observations -Link Tutor
3 / Out of class for week to observe other year groups / prepare English and Maths Assignments.
4 / 1 day: science
1 hr in school training focus: SEN ( Able and GT) / 4 x literacy
4 x maths
1 x Hist/Geog
1 x RE and class worship / Trainee to plan independently and make sure that plans are available for the CT and SM the week before teaching. / Begin to record post-lesson evaluations
Trainee to reflect upon in school training session, c/f to standards and identify two key points to implement in teaching
Trainee to go on playground duty with CT / Formal observations - SM / SM to check evidence in portfolio
5 / 1 day computing
1 hr in school training focus: Class displays / 4 x literacy
4 x maths
1 x Hist/Geog
1 x RE and class worship / Begin to record post-lesson evaluations
Trainee to reflect upon in school training session, c/f to standards and identify two key points to implement in teaching
Trainee to attend an after-school club and write a reflection. / 2 x informal observations - CT / Maths Assignment hand in
6 / 1 day: music and art
1 hr in school training focus: Ofsted Good practice papers / 4 x literacy
4 x maths
1 x Hist/Geog
1 x RE and class worship / Begin to record post-lesson evaluations
Trainee to reflect upon in school training session, c/f to standards and identify two key points to implement in teaching / Formal observations - SM / Ensure that end-of term assessment has been completed
English assignment hand in
7 / Out of class for week to prepare for second school placement

Spring I – Second School Placement

60% teaching responsibility (11 lesson per week from 2nd week of placement)

Training days / Teaching / Planning / Evaluation / Monitoring and Assessment / Observations / Evidence for Portfolio and General guidance
1 / 1 day humanities / Trainee should have the opportunity to * Read stories to the whole class. * Bring the children in from the playground * Work with small groups / Trainee to write reflections on the observations they have undertaken.
Trainees to draw up the seating plan for the class and groups with children’s names. / Trainee should listen to the children read and teach small groups. Begin to keep a record of your observations
2 / To plan and deliver the following for weeks 2 – 6 of placement.
4 x literacy
4 x maths
1 x Science
1 x Hist/Geog
1 x RE / Trainee to plan independently and make sure that plans are available for the CT and SM the week before teaching. / Begin to record post-lesson evaluations
Trainee to reflect upon in school training session, c/f to standards and identify two key points to implement in teaching / Maintain a class assessment grid for Maths, literacy and Science / Formal observation - CT
3 / 1 Day RE: / Begin to record post-lesson evaluations
Trainee to reflect upon in school training session, c/f to standards and identify two key points to implement in teaching / Formal observation SM from lead school
4 / Begin to record post-lesson evaluations
Trainee to reflect upon in school training session, c/f to standards and identify two key points to implement in teaching
Complete weekly evaluations / 3 x informal observation from CT / Ensure that end of placement assessment has been completed
5 / Begin to record post-lesson evaluations
Trainee to reflect upon in school training session, c/f to standards and identify two key points to implement in teaching
Complete weekly evaluations / Formal observation - VT / Science sequence of lessons hand in
6 / 1 hr in school training focus: Marking and feedback / Begin to record post-lesson evaluations
Trainee to reflect upon in school training session, c/f to standards and identify two key points to implement in teaching
Complete weekly evaluations / Formal observation CT
7 / 1 hr in school training focus: SEN / Begin to record post-lesson evaluations
Trainee to reflect upon in school training session, c/f to standards and identify two key points to implement in teaching
Complete weekly evaluations / SM to check evidence in portfolio

Spring II

70% teaching responsibility (11 lesson per week from 2nd week of this new year group)

Training days / Teaching / Planning / Evaluation / Monitoring and Assessment / Observations / Evidence for Portfolio and General guidance
1 / 1 hr in school training focus: EYFS / 4 x literacy
4 x maths
1 x Science
1 x computing
1 x PE
1 x Hist/Geog / Begin to record post-lesson evaluations
Trainee to reflect upon in school training session, c/f to standards and identify two key points to implement in teaching
Complete weekly evaluations / Informal observation - CT
2 / 1 hr in school training focus:
Revisit ‘What is Outstanding teaching?’ Look at OFSTED criteria / Begin to record post-lesson evaluations
Trainee to reflect upon in school training session, c/f to standards and identify two key points to implement in teaching
Complete weekly evaluations / Trainee to visit EYFS setting / Formal observation - SM
3 / 1 hr in school training focus: Working with EAL / Begin to record post-lesson evaluations
Trainee to reflect upon in school training session, c/f to standards and identify two key points to implement in teaching / Formal observation- CT
4 / 1 hr in school training focus:
Progression / Begin to record post-lesson evaluations
Trainee to reflect upon in school training session, c/f to standards and identify two key points to implement in teaching
Complete weekly evaluations / Formal observation - VT / RE assignment hand in
5 / 1 hr in school training focus: / Begin to record post-lesson evaluations
Trainee to reflect upon in school training session, c/f to standards and identify two key points to implement in teaching
Complete weekly evaluations / Formal observation - SM
6 / 1 hr in school training / Begin to record post-lesson evaluations
Trainee to reflect upon in school training session, c/f to standards and identify two key points to implement in teaching / Formal observation – Head teacher at lead school
7 / 1 hr in school training focus: / Begin to record post-lesson evaluations
Trainee to reflect upon in school training session, c/f to standards and identify two key points to implement in teaching
Complete weekly evaluations / Ensure end of term assessment has been completed
SM to check evidence in portfolio

Summer I and II

80% teaching responsibility (full responsibility – one full day out per week)

Training days / Teaching / Planning / Evaluation / Monitoring and Assessment / Observations / Evidence for Portfolio and General guidance
1 / 1 hr in school training focus: Planning for new year group / The trainee should have one day a week N/C and teach all other lessons. / The trainee should submit weekly planning to the SM with an appropriate level of detail and lesson plans for formally observed lessons / Trainee to complete written evaluations of all taught lessons
Trainee to reflect upon in school training session, c/f to standards and identify two key points to implement in teaching
Complete weekly evaluations / Formal observation - CT
2 / 1 hr in school training focus: Attainment – moderation of work / The trainee should have one day a week N/C and teach all other lessons. / Trainee to complete written evaluations of all taught lessons
Trainee to reflect upon in school training session, c/f to standards and identify two key points to implement in teaching
Complete weekly evaluations / Formal observation of Cross-curricular lesson – SM
3 / 1 hr in school training focus: Attainment – moderation of work. / The trainee should have one day a week N/C and teach all other lessons. / Trainee to complete written evaluations of all taught lessons
Trainee to reflect upon in school training session, c/f to standards and identify two key points to implement in teaching
Complete weekly evaluations / Trainee to visit secondary school / Formal observation - VT / Trainee to ensure that evidence is in place for all standards
4 / 1 hr in school training focus: / The trainee should have one day a week N/C and teach all other lessons. / Trainee to complete written evaluations of all taught lessons
Trainee to reflect upon in school training session, c/f to standards and identify two key points to implement in teaching
Complete weekly evaluations / 3 x informal observation - CT
5 / 1 hr in school training focus: / The trainee should have one day a week N/C and teach all other lessons. / Trainee to complete written evaluations of all taught lessons
Trainee to reflect upon in school training session, c/f to standards and identify two key points to implement in teaching
6 / 1 hr in school training focus: / The trainee should have one day a week N/C and teach all other lessons. / Trainee to complete written evaluations of all taught lessons
Trainee to reflect upon in school training session, c/f to standards and identify two key points to implement in teaching / Formal observation SM / Ensure that final assessment has been completed
Trainees should have sustained at least a secure Grade 2 performance across all Standards
7 / 1 hr in school training focus: / The trainee should have one day a week N/C and teach all other lessons.
8 / 1 hr in school training focus: / The trainee should have one day a week N/C and teach all other lessons. / Files to be made available for Exam Board or External Examiner
9 / 1 hr in school training focus: Being an NQT / The trainee should have one day a week N/C and teach all other lessons.