Summary of Questions and Answers

RFP #434 – Community Services and Congregate Meals Services in the Excelsior District

Pre-Proposal Conference on September 10, 2009

Written Questions on or before September 14, 2009

Pre-Proposal Conference Attendees:

Jim Illig Project Open Hand 415-447-2300

Florence Mendoza Centro Latino de SF 415-861-8790

Gloria Bonilla Centro Latino de SF 415-861-8758

Karen Garrison Bernal Ht. Neighborhood Ctr. 415-206-2140

Martha Calderon Mission Neighborhood Ctr. 415-206-7759

Pre-Proposal Conference Human Services Agency Representatives:

Karen Rosen Program Analyst 415-355-6790

Linda Lau Nutritionist 415-355-6774

Christina Chiong Contract Manager 415-577-6523

Stella Chu Senior Contract Manager 415-557-5538

II. Corrections and Clarifications:

1.  On page 11, under Section III. C., please delete the following sentences: “Agencies applying for Community Services need to submit a complete response addressing all sections relevant to your organization and provision of community services. Those applying for Congregate Meals need to submit a complete response addressing all sections relevant to your organization and provision of congregate meals. If an agency is interested in applying for both programs, please submit one comprehensive proposal that includes provision of both services.”

2.  Replace “RFP 434 form 2 program approach” with “RFP 434 form 2 program approach_rev” as attached.

II. Questions and Answers:

1.  What exactly are the geographic boundaries of the location requested in this RFP?

Answer: Please submit a proposal that includes a site location easily accessible to the Excelsior area residents.

2.  Shall the congregate meal provider submit a separate proposal and address all sections specified in section III.C.?

Answer: No, unless the congregate meal provider intends to provide community services and be the sole provider for both services. If the congregate meal provider is in a subcontractor, partnership or collaboration relationship it only needs to provide a congregate meal budget and other nutrition or meals-related information to the prime agency applying for community services.

Please note only one response is requested for the provision of both community and congregate meals services, whether it is a sole proposal or joint proposal. The response must include all of the following:

·  form 1 (cover page)

·  form 2 (project approach)

·  section III.C.3 (for the agency applying for community services only)

·  section III.C.4 (if applicable)

·  community services budget

·  congregate meals budget

NOTE: For sections III.C2b, III C.3.e and III.C.3.f, the Respondent must obtain pertinent information from the congregate meal provider to address congregate meal staffing and capacity questions.

3.  If the community services provider would like to provide special programming through a third party, will a sub-contracting relationship be required?

Answer: If the third party is an individual you can list him or her as consultant and establish an agreement with this individual. If the third party is an organization, you need to establish a MOU with this organization provided no cost is involved. If there is a cost associated with the service provision, you need to establish a sub-contract agreement with this organization.

4.  What types of activities this RFP is looking for?

Answer: Activities that meet the needs of the community. Please refer to the RFP section II Services Requested and Service Objectives. Please provide background information such as needs assessment, statistics, etc. to support the activities you are proposing.

5.  If we were to lease a location should we include lease agreement in the proposal?

Answer: Please include a proposed lease agreement or letter of intent or other documents that confirm site control of the proposed service site.

6.  If a congregate meal provider has an existing MOU with the Respondent for a congregate meal site in another location, could we just amend this MOU to include the site in the Excelsior requested in this RFP?

Answer: Yes

7.  The cost indicated in the RFP is for one full year. Given the timeline of this RFP, should we submit a budget that reflects a full year’s operating costs or just a 7-month budget?

Answer: Please submit a 7-month Start-up budget for 2009/2010 including any one-time-only costs if required. Please also submit a three year annualized budget for FY-10-11,FY-11-12 and FY 12-13 assuming flat funding of $100,000 per year for community services and $68,500 for congregate meals services.

8.  If the congregate meal provider intend to sub-contract RD services to the citywide RD should we obtain cost from the RD or from OOA?

Answer: Please obtain cost structure from the RD and include it in the congregate meals budget.

9.  Can the OOA congregate meals provider be the meal caterer?

Answer: Yes.

10. The 95% service objective for meals and unduplicated consumers is not realistic for a new project.

Answer: The Respondent should propose the number of meals and unduplicated clients based on the needs identified for the Excelsior district, taking into consideration time needed for outreach and what is realistic for the time period proposed. The average 50 meals per day mentioned in the RFP is a target to be supported by the estimated maximum funding that DAAS has allocated for the congregate meals. 95% service objective is based on the contracted level for meals and unduplicated consumers. The department does not anticipate the successful respondent to provide 50 meals during the initial start-up period.

11. What is the department’s expectation for service units for community services?

Answer: Please propose what is a reasonable expectation based upon your needs assessment.

12. Is there a minimum square footage required for the site?

Answer: No, but the site should have adequate space to comfortably accommodate the various activities proposed, including meeting ADA requirements.

13. Can a site be located in a senior housing?

Answer: Yes, as long as the site is open to other consumers in the community and have space to accommodate the various activities proposed and meet ADA requirements.

14. page 12 3b please clarify what this mean – can you give examples – a description of not more than three

projects similar in size and scope prepared by your organization including client, reference telephone numbers, staff members who worked on each project, budget schedule and project summary. If join venture or sub grantee are proposed provide the above information for each

Answer: For example, Project #1 Social Services

Client – SF Department of XXX

Reference telephone – 999-9999

Staff members- (program coordinator Mr. A, Senior Center Director Ms. B

Annual Budget- $100,000

Project Summary - to provide grief counseling and housing placement for seniors

Joint Venture – MOU with UCSF, phone #, Clinical Social Worker, for grief counseling

Joint Venture – MOU with Agency A, Community Worker, for housing placement training

Sub Grantee – Subcontract agreement with Agency B, Program Director, $10,000 for providing


15.  Looking for information on equipment purchase related to upgrading the kitchen area, as may have to upgrade our refrigerator and steam table. So is there a dollar cap on capital items purchase.

Answer: The total dollar amount for fiscal year 2009/2010 is not to exceed $168,500 for both

community services and congregate meals, including one-time-only start up and equipment costs if required.

16.  Overall, what are the expectations or guidelines for the facility where the food is dropped off (e.g., the Senior Center) and facilities standards for a kitchen? Specifically, what kitchen items are required?

Answer: All facilities that serve food (e.g., senior center) and the kitchen that produces the food must meet the California Retail Food Code and have a health permit from the local health department to serve food. Refer to page 5 of RFP 434 for link to see this document. In general if food is brought in from a kitchen or caterer and served at the senior center, the requirements for the meal site are simpler. However at minimum the facility must have equipment to maintain the food at proper temperatures and must meet the relevant facility related requirements in CRFC. To apply for a health permit for food handling facilities, contact the San Francisco Department of Public Health’s Environment Health at (415) 252-3800 or visit them at Fox Plaza, 1390 Market Street, Suite 210, San Francisco, CA 94102. You will need to consult with your Registered Dietician or food service management staff to determine what kitchen equipment your agency needs since that will all depend on the meal service and delivery model used, the type of menu served, staffing, etc.

17. Is DAAS going to expand DAAS funded transportation for van services to the Excelsior Senior Center?

Answer: Currently there’s no funding to expand this service.

RFP 434 Q/A pg 2