Probate Court Judge /
25th CIRCUIT COURT- FAMILY DIVISION / Margaret Olesnavage
Director of Juvenile Services
234 W. Baraga Avenue, Marquette, Michigan 49855
Phone: (906) 225-8300
Fax: (906) 228-1533
August 4, 2014
To: Marquette School –Justice Partnership
From: Margaret Olesnavage, Director of Juvenile Services, 25th Circuit Court
Thank you again for your participation in the Marquette Regional Forum on Wednesday, May 28, 2014. We were proudly represented by a team of nine (9) members.
We are now ready to move forward on our local plan.
As the statistics and research have established, kids disconnected from their familiar school environments (whether by suspension, expulsion, arrest, or dropping out) are undeniably at greater risk of following a path to crime and prison. The positive values of continuing education and decreasing crime are of incalculable benefit for our children, families, communities and our nation's future.
We agreed to reconvene as a team at the end of the 2014 summer. Our meeting date is August 26, 2014 from 12:00 noon until 1:00 p.m. at the Juvenile Court. Please call to confirm your attendance with Margaret Olesnavage at 225.8277. At the meeting we will begin to tackle our local concerns:
- Statistics in Marquette County
- Juvenile Court Breakfast Club
- Youth Surveys
- Expulsion in Marquette County
- Resolution Services
- Expansion of Team
We are fortunate that the Marquette Alger Resolution Services will sponsor the 3 day Restorative Practices Training at MARESA on September 8-10 9:00 - 4:30. Marquette County can send up to 8-10 people. We are hopeful that members of our partnerships can attend. Please call me if you are available for the training.
Marquette County Team
Name / Agency / Email addressHonorable Cheryl L. Hill / Probate Judge,
25th Circuit Court /
Bernie Anderson / Assistant Principal
Ishpeming Public Schools /
Debra Asano / Associate Superintendent for Teaching, Learning and Technology Services
Marquette‐Alger RESA /
Bobbi Jo Ferguson / Director, Marquette-Alger-Schoolcraft DHS /
Luanne Peterson / Associate Superintendent for Special Education Services /
Connie Hemmila / Probation Officer
25th Circuit Court /
Margaret Olesnavage / Director of Juvenile Services
25th Circuit Court /
Alan Wikman / Assistance Payments Analyst, Business Service Center /
Doug York / Director, Business Service Center /