Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences
2006 / 2007
FoundationYearUniversity Examination in Medicine (0MB3)
The subjects of the Foundation Year Examination are:
- Chemistry
- Experimental Physics
- Human Biology
Chemistry and Experimental Physics are examined during the Spring Examination Session, with a repeat examination (if necessary) during the Autumn Examination Session.
Human Biology will be examined during the Summer Examination Session. There will be a repeat examination (if necessary) during the Autumn Examination Session.
Marks and Standards
The European Credit Transfer weighting and marks allocated to the subjects are
Chemistry 15100
Experimental Physics15100
Human Biology30100
Human Biology:25% of the marks will be awarded from continuous assessment, and 75% from final assessment.
Pass Standard:50%
In order to pass the Foundation Year Examination, a Pass must be obtained in all subjects.
Compensation:No compensation is permitted
Exemptions:A student who reaches the Pass standard in Chemistry, Experimental Physics or Human Biology is exempt from further examination in the subject.
Honours:Honours are awarded only if the examination is passed at a single sitting.
The Honours standard is:
First Class Honours:70%
Second Class Honours:60%
Honours may be awarded in individual subjects and in the examination as a whole.
Year 1 of Five Year Medical Course
The subject matter of Year 1 of the Five Year Medical course comprises 10 modules (including two half modules). The European Credit Transfer weighting and marks and allocated to the modules are:
Semester 1
Introduction to Anatomy/Musculoskeletal System6100
Introduction to Biochemistry6100
Introduction to Physiology6100
Introduction to Pharmacology6100
Professionalism Course (On Becoming a Doctor)6100
Semester 2
Cardiovascular System6100
Respiratory System6100
Renal System (half module)350
Gastrointestinal System6100
Nutrition (half module)350
Professionalism Course (On Becoming a Doctor)6100
Marks and Standards
In all modules, 50% of the marks will be awarded from continuous assessment and 50% from final assessment.
Pass Mark:50%
Second Class Honours:60%
First Class Honours:70%
Honours:Honours are awarded only if the examination is passed at a single sitting.
Honours may be awarded based on individual modules and in the exam as a whole. Each module must be passed on its own; there will be no compensation between modules. There will be a repeat examination if necessary, during the Autumn Examination Session. Students will be expected to repeat only those modules in which they have failed. Students failing in the Autumn Session will not be allowed to proceed to the Second Medical Year but will be permitted one further year in which to pass those modules in which they have previously failed. In order to proceed to the second year all modules in the Foundation Year must be passed within 2 academic years.
The subjects of the Third Medical Examination are:
Neuroscience and Biochemistry, examinations for which are held in Winter, with Repeats in Autumn.
Pharmacology and Behavioural Science, examinations for which are held in early Spring, with Repeats in Autumn.
Allocation of Marks
Behavioural ScienceWrittenContinuous Assessment
(Essay & Field Project Report)
Pass Standard:50% in each subject.
The standards for the award of honours are:
First Class Honours:70%
Second Class Honours:60%
Compensation:There is no compensation allowed.
The subjects of the Fourth Medical Examination are:
Medical Law/ Medical Ethics/Human RightsMARKS
Medical Law(45)
Medical Ethics(45)
Human Rights(10)
Bacteriology ...... … 100
Pathology ...... 100
Medical Informatics………………………………………………………………………..100
Social and Preventive Medicine ...... 100
Forensic Medicine ...... 100
Medical Law / Medical Ethics / Human Rights
Examination is held during Winter Examination Session, with a Repeat, if necessary,
in Autumn.
Bacteriology, Pathology & Medical Informatics
Examinations are held in Spring, with a Repeat Examination in Autumn.
Social & Preventive Medicine and Forensic Medicine
Examinations are held in Summer with a repeat Examination in Autumn.
Candidates who reach a standard of 50 per cent in any subject, on the recommendation of the Examiners,
be exempted from further examinations in such subject.
In the subject ‘Medical Informatics’ a candidate must reach the pass standard in each of the three elements
of the Examination, i.e. Written, Thesis, and Practical.
50 %
The standards for the award of Honours are:
First Class Honours:70%
Second Class Honours:60%
Honours may be awarded in individual subjects.
Subject / Written / Practical / Prog.Ass. / MCQ / Oral(incl. Slides) / Essay / Cont.Ass.
Medical Law /
Medical Ethics /
Human Rights / 100 / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / --
Pathology / 50 / 15 / -- / -- / 20 / -- / 15
Bacteriology / 35 / 10 / 10 / 15 / 15 / 15 / --
Social & Preventive
Medicine / 70 / -- / -- / 30 / -- / --
Forensic Medicine / 60 / -- / -- / 40 / -- / --
*Medical Informatics / 50 / -- / 25 / 25
(Thesis) / -- / --
Medicine / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / 10
Surgery / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / 10
* Oral, up to ten marks may be awarded by the Examiners to candidates who are border-line cases for Pass
or Honours.
Medicine...... 100
Surgery...... 100
Obstetrics & Gynaecology...... 100
Paediatrics...... 100
Psychiatry...... 100
General Practice...... 100
Ophthalmology...... 100
Oto-Rhino-Laryngology...... 100
The Examination in Medicine, Surgery and Obstetrics and Gynaecology is held in Summer of the Final Medical Year with a repeat Examination in Winter.
The Examination in Paediatrics, Psychiatry, General Practice, Ophthalmology and Oto-Rhino-Laryngology is held in the Summer of the Fifth Medical year with a Repeat Examination in Winter.
A Multiple Choice Question Examination and a Clinical Examination will be held at the end of the Clinical Course and this will contribute 10% to marks in Final Medicine and Surgery.
Continuous Assessment marks in Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics /Gynaecology will be comprised as follows:
M.C.Q. Examinations...... 50%
Clinical Attachment
Assessment of Attendance Cards and Case Notes ...... 50%
Medicine ...... Four/Five Medical Clerkships.
Surgery ...... Four/Five Surgical Clerkships.
Obstetrics/Gynaecology ...... One Clerkship
Subject / Written / Clinical / AV / MCQ / Oral / Prog.Ass. / OSCEMedicine / 30 / 35 / -- / -- / 10 / 25 (MCQ) / --
Surgery / 30 / 35 / -- / -- / 10 / 25 (MCQ) / --
Gynaecology / 25 / 25 / -- / -- / 10 / 20 / 20
Paediatrics / 30 / selective / 10 / -- / Selective / Ext. / Int. / Attendance / 30
5 / 15 / 10
Psychiatry / 100 / -- / -- / -- / -- / 100 / --
General Practice / -- / 30
component) / 30 / -- / -- / 40 / --
Ophthalmology / 40 / 60 / -- / -- / -- / -- / --
Laryngology / -- / 100 / -- / -- / -- / -- / --
The Final Medical Common Multiple Choice Examination will contribute five per cent (5%) of marks to Final Medicine, this 5% to be included in the present number of marks for the written Paper.
The Clinical Examination in Ophthalmology and Oto-Rhino-Laryngology should comprise the examination of two (2) Ophthalmological Cases and one (1) Oto-Rhino-Laryngology Case. Each candidate in Paediatrics will examine at least one patient.
(1) A Candidate may pass separately any subject of the Examinations, viz.:
(a) Medicine, (b) Surgery, (c) Obstetrics and Gynaecology, (d) Paediatrics,
(e) Psychiatry, (f) General Practice, (g) Ophthalmology, (h) Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
(2)The Pass mark is 50% in each subject - no candidate to be allowed to pass or considered for Honours who does not obtain at least 50% in each subject.
(3)Failure in the clinical portion of the examination in Medicine, Surgery and Obstetrics/Gynaecology
will entail failure in the whole subject
(4) A candidate who obtains 50%, in any or all of Paediatrics, Psychiatry, General Practice, Ophthalmology or Oto-Rhino-Laryngology should be exempted from the respective subject or subjects without time limit.
(5)Candidates exempted from further examinations in Medicine, Surgery or Obstetrics/Gynaecology must complete their examination by passing in the remaining subjects within a period of nineteen months, otherwise they must repeat the Examination in Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics/Gynaecology, provided that in special circumstances the regulation may be suspended on the recommendation of the President of the College, such suspension, with reasons therefor, to be reported to the next Meeting of the Senate. Candidates who have passed the Final Medical Examination of a Licensing Body are allowed to retain their exemptions for a period of two years.
(6)Candidates rejected or absent in Medicine, Surgery or Obstetrics/Gynaecology must, before being re-admitted to the Examination, produce satisfactory evidence that they have during the interval pursued the study of such subject or subjects.
Compensation in respect of Marks as between any of the subjects of the Examination is not allowed.
(1)Honours may be awarded separately in any subject of the Examination.
(2) Honours may be awarded separately in Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology only
if all of these subjects are passed at the same Examination.
(3) The standard for the award of Honours in individual subjects shall be 70 per cent for First
Class Honours and 60 per cent for Second Class.
(4)For the award of an Honours Degree:
Honours standard must be obtained in the total marks of the subjects Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Psychiatry, Paediatrics and General Practice: and the whole Final Medical Examination must be passed within a period of twelve months and the subjects Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Psychiatry, Paediatrics and General Practice must be passed at the first attempt.
The standards for the award of an “Honours Degree” shall be:
First Class Honours: At 70 per cent, with not less than 70 per cent in Medicine and not less than 60 per cent in each other specified subject.
Second Class Honours: At 60 per cent, with not less than 60 per cent in Medicine and not less than 55 per cent in each other specified subject.
Bachelor of Science
(Speech and Language Therapy) Year 1
FirstUniversity Examination (1SL1)
The first University Examination will comprise of written assessments and one practical assessment in phonetics. The examinations will be held in Semester 1 and Semester 2 of each year and repeat examinations will be held in Autumn of each year. Candidates will normally be examined at the end of each semester in the modules completed in that semester. Some modules may extend over two semesters and may be examined at the end of the second semester only.
Group 1: Biological Sciences SL100
Module Title / Code / Coursework / Examination / Credits / Session in which assessedAnatomy / AN101 / 100% / 6 / Semester 1 and 2
Human Body Function / SI317 / 20% / 80% / 6 / Semester 2
Group 2: Psychology SL101
Module Title / Code / Coursework / Examination / Credits / Session in which assessedThe Psychology of Learning / PS100 / 20% / 80% / 3 / Semester 2
Developmental Psychology / 3
Cognitive Psychology / 3
Group 3: Linguistics SL102
Module Title / Code / Coursework / Examination / Credits / Session in which assessedLinguistics / SL110 / 100% / 6 / Semester 1
Phonetics Theory / SL111 / 60% / 6 / Semester 2
Phonetics Practical / 40%
Communication Across the Lifespan / SL112 / 40% / 60% / 6 / Semester 2
Group 4: Professional Studies SL103
Module Title / Code / Coursework / Examination / Credits / Session in which assessedIntroduction to Speech and Language Therapy / SL114 / 100% / 3 / Semester 1
Introduction to Clinical Skills and the Principles of Assessment / SL115 / 100% / 6 / Semester 2
Introduction to Audiology / SL113 / 100% / 6 / Semester 2
Group 5: Clinical Education
Module Title / Coursework / Examination / Credits / Session in which assessedClinical Education 1.1 / SL116 / Coursework
Mark does not contribute to year average. Student must pass all components of coursework. / 3
3 / Semesters 1 and 2
Clinical Education 1.2 / SL117
Pass Standard
The module pass mark is 50% based on the aggregate mark of coursework and examination, with the exception of phonetics, in which case students must pass the written examination and the practical assessment.
Unless the Board of Examiners recommends otherwise the maximum mark obtainable on a repeat examination is a pass.
Students may compensate in modules to a total of eighteen credits overall. However, students may only compensate in modules to a total of 6 credits in Groups 1, 3, and 4. Compensation shall be effective at a mark of 45%. To compensate the candidate must obtain excess marks in modules within the Group with an equivalent number of credits, which are at least double the deficiency.
Candidates who reach a standard of 50% in one or more modules may, at the discretion of the Board, be exempted from further examination in those subjects.
Overall Standard
In order to pass the first University Examination a candidate must pass the assessment requirements outlined. In order to proceed to the second year of the programme candidates must pass the first University Examination. Candidates who fail to pass the first University Examinations within two years of the date of entry will be required to withdraw.
Honours are awarded only if the Examination is passed at a single sitting. The Honours standards are:
First Class Honours……………………………………70%
Second Class Honours……………………………………60%
Bachelor of Science
(Speech and Language Therapy)
Year 2 – 2SL1
SecondUniversity Examination (2SL1)
The second University Examination will comprise of written assessments and one practical assessment in phonetics. The examinations will be held in Semester 1 and Semester 2 of each year and repeat examinations will be held in Autumn of each year. Candidates will normally be examined at the end of each semester in the modules completed in that semester. Some modules may extend over two semesters and may be examined at the end of the second semester only.
Group 1: Biological Sciences
Module Title / Code / Coursework / Examination / Credits / Session in which assessedNeuroanatomy / AN208 / 30% / 70% / 6 / Semester 1
Neurophysiology / SI209 / 20% / 80% / 6 / Semester 1
Group 2: Psychology
Module Title / Code / Coursework / Examination / Credits / Session in which assessedHealth Psychology / PS151 / 30% / 70% / 6 / Semester 1
Research in Health / PS158 / 30% / 70% / 6 / Semester 2
Group 3: Linguistics
Module Title / Code / Coursework / Examination / Credits / Session in which assessedClinical Linguistics / SL216 / 100% / 6 / 2
Group 4: Speech, Hearing, Language and Communication Sciences
Module Title / Code / Coursework / Examination / Credits / Session in which assessedDevelopmental Speech and Language Impairments / SL208 / 40% / 60% / 12 / 2
Motor Speech Disorders / SL209 / 100% / 6 / 2
Introduction to Aphasia / SL215 / 100% / 6 / 2
Professional Studies 2 / SL211 / 100% / 2
Group 5: Clinical Education
Module Title / Code / Coursework / Examination / Credits / Session in which assessedClinical Education 2.1 / SL213 / 3 pieces of coursework
Does not contribute to the year average / 2
Clinical Education 2.2 / SL214 / 6
Pass Standard
The module pass mark is 50% based on the aggregate mark of coursework and examination.
Students may compensate in modules to a total of 18 credits overall. Students may only compensate in Groups 1, 2, and 4. Within Group 1 students may compensate to a total of 6 credits, and in Group 2 students may compensate to a total of 6 credits. Within Group 4 students may compensate to a total of 6 credits. Compensation shall be effective at a mark of 45%. To compensate the candidate must obtain excess marks in modules within the group with an equivalent number of credits which are at least double the deficiency. Compensation is not allowed in Groups 3 and 5.
Candidates who reach a standard of 50% in one or more modules may, at the discretion of the Board, be exempted from further examination in those subjects.
Overall Standard
In order to pass the second University Examination a candidate must pass the assessment requirements outlined. In order to proceed to the third year of the programme candidates must pass the second University Examination. Candidates who fail to pass the second University Examinations within two years of the date of entry to the second year of the programme will be required to withdraw.
Honours are awarded only if the Examination is passed at a single sitting. The Honours standards are:
First Class Honours……………………………………70%
Second Class Honours……………………………………60%
Bachelor of Science
(Speech and Language Therapy)
Year 3
ThirdUniversity Examination
The third University Examination will comprise of written assessments. The examinations will be held in Semester 1 and Semester 2 of each year and repeat examinations will be held in Autumn of each year. Candidates will normally be examined at the end of each semester in the modules completed in that semester. Some modules may extend over two semesters and may be examined at the end of the second semester only.
Group 1: Linguistics
Module Title / Code / Coursework / Examination / Credits / Session in which assessedBilingualism and Communication Impairment / SL311 / 100% / 6 / Semester 1
Discourse Analysis / SL310 / 100% / 6 / Semester 2
Group 2: Psychology
Module Title / Code / Coursework / Examination / Credits / Session in which assessedCognitive Neuropsychology / PS332 / 50% / 50% / 6 / Semester 1
Psycholinguistics / PS333 / 20% / 80%
(Departmental Exam) / 6 / Semester 2
Counselling Communication Skills / PS331 / 100% / 3 / Semester 2
Group 3: Communication, Hearing & Swallowing Impairments
Module Title / Code / Coursework / Examination / Credits / Session in which assessedAudiology & Communication Impairments / SL314 / 100% / 6 / Semester 1
Advanced Aphasia / SL315 / 50% / 50% (Departmental Exam) / 6 / Semester 2
Dysphagia / SL316 / 30% / 70% / 3 / Semester 1
Voice Disorders / SL313 / 100%
(Departmental Exam) / 6 / Semester 2
Communication & Cognitive Impairment / SL312 / 100%
(Departmental Exam) / 6 / Semester 2
Professional Studies 3 / SL317 / 100% / Semester 1
Group 4: Clinical Education
Module Title / Code / Coursework / Examination / Credits / Session in which assessedClinical Education 3.1 / SL318 / 100% / Semester 1
Clinical Education 3.2 / SL319 / 100% / 6 / Semester 2
Pass Standard
The module pass mark is 50% based on the aggregate mark of coursework and examination.
The maximum mark attainable in a re-sit examination is 54%.
Students may compensate in modules to a total of 6 credits overall in Group 2. Compensation shall be effective at a mark of 45%. To compensate, the candidate must obtain excess marks in modules within the group with an equivalent number of credits which are at least double the deficiency. Students must pass both the theoretical and clinical education components of the programme.
Candidates who reach a standard of 50% in one or more modules may, at the discretion of the Board, be exempted from further examination in those subjects.
Overall Standard
In order to pass the third University Examination a candidate must pass the assessment requirements outlined. In order to proceed to the fourth year of the programme candidates must pass the third University Examination. Candidates who fail to pass the third University Examinations within three years of the date of entry will be required to withdraw.
Honours may be awarded separately in any group of the examination. The honours award for individual subjects is as follows:
First class honours70%
Second class honours60%
The overall result will be a pass and honours will not be awarded in the third year. The honours award for the overall degree will be a combination of the marks from years 3 and 4.