Dates for ParentsSeptember – December 2017
We aim to keep to these dates but will inform you if any changes occur. Please do keep checking the website, newsletter and weekly teachers emails.
Dates / Any eventsWeek 1
4th-8th Sep / Mon / Whole school training day
Tues / Foundation Stage training day
Week 2
11th-15th Sep / Mon / Year 5 Mr Ash working with Mrs Johnston in the Art Studio this week
Fri / Friends Hungry Hometime after school
Week 3
18th-22nd Sep / Mon / All Reception children here full time
Year 5 Mr Ash working with Mrs Johnston in the Art Studio this week
Wed / Year 6 Mr Kaye class assembly 9am. Parents invited. 8.45am parents welcome in the café before the assembly.
Whole school parents meeting 6-7.30pm for new and existingparents.
Lots of important updates regarding the whole school.
Fri / Year 6 trip to OtleyChevin. 9am-3pm. Information to be sent home shortly.
1.30pm Parents Art Celebration for Y5RA, in the hall and studio.
Week 4
25th-29th Sep / Mon / Friends AGM 5.30pm in school.
Year 5 Miss Murphy working with Mrs Johnston in the Art Studio this week
KS1 Film Night 3-5.30pm, details tbc.
Wed / Year 4 Miss Bell class assembly 9am. Parents invited. 8.45am parents welcome in the café before the assembly.
Fri / Year 6 MacMillan Coffee Morning
Start of Black History Month
Week 5
2nd – 6th Oct / Mon / Year 5 Miss Murphy working with Mrs Johnston in the Art Studio this week
Tues / Samuel Pepys visitor for Year 1
Year 2 trip to Leeds
Wed / Year 2 trip to Leeds
Year 3 Miss Kelly class assembly 9am. Parents invited. 8.45am parents welcome in the café before the assembly.
Thurs / Year 5 and Year 6 Parents Maths Workshop, 3-4pm and 6-7pm
Fri / 1.30pm Parents Art Celebration for Y5LM, in the hall and studio.
Week 6
9th – 13th Oct / Mon / Year 2 Mr Spink working with Mrs Johnston in the Art Studio this week
Tues / Ilkley Literature Festival, both Year 6 classes.
Wed / Year 2 Miss Savage class assembly 9am. Parents invited. 8.45am parents welcome in the café before the assembly.
Thurs / International Food café. Details tbc nearer the time.
Fri / KS2 Gold Book Celebration, 2.15-3pm in the hall
Week 7
16th-20th Oct / Mon / Year 2 Mr Spink working with Mrs Johnston in the Art Studio this week
Tues / Harvest Festival assembly
Wed / School early closure at 12.45pm. Parent Consultations 2-8pm.
Year 1 Miss Cooke class assembly 9am. Parents invited. 8.45am parents welcome in the café before the assembly.
EYFS Divali Celebrations
Thurs / Parents Evening 3.30-5pm
Fri / 1.30pm Parents Art Celebration for Y2MS, in the hall and studio.
Autumn Half Term
Week 1
30th Oct – 3rd Nov / Mon / Year 2 Miss Savage working with Mrs Johnston in the Art Studio this week
Year 6 swimming at GSAL this week
Tues / School nurses doing nasal flu spray immunisations for Reception, Y1, Y2, Y3 and Y4 children
Wed / Year 6 Refugee Awareness and Stigmatising Behaviour Workshop run by the British Red Cross.
Fri / EYFS Story Café in the morning, 9-10.30am
Year 5LM MacBeth dress rehearsal at the Carriageworks Theatre
Year 5LM performance of MacBeth 7pm. Tickets needed, purchased from The Carriageworks.
Week 2
6th – 10th Nov / Mon / Friends Meeting 6.45pm Sainsburys cafe
Year 2 Miss Savage working with Mrs Johnston in the Art Studio this week
Wed / Year 3 Miss Stewart class assembly 9am. Parents invited. 8.45am parents welcome in the café before the assembly.
Harry Potter London trip, departing school 8am.
Thurs / Parents Maths Workshop for Nursery and Reception 3-4pm and 6-7pm
Children return from Harry Potter London trip, returning to school approx. 8pm.
Fri / 1.30pm Parents Art Celebration for Y2HS, in the hall and studio.
Anti Bullying Week
Week 3
13th – 17th Nov / Mon / Open Day for 2018 Reception parents. 9.30-10.30am and 1.30-2.30pm
Year 3 Miss Hopkinson working with Mrs Johnston in the Art Studio this week
Tues / Year 3 and Year 4 Parents Maths Workshops with Miss Kelly, 3-4pm and 6-7pm.
Wed / Year 1 Mrs Carter and Mrs Duba class assembly 9am. Parents invited. 8.45am parents welcome in the café before the assembly.
Thurs / Year 1 and Year 2 Parents Maths Workshops with Miss Bell, 3-4pn and 6-7pm.
Fri / Take Over Day
Week 4
20th – 24th Nov / Mon / KS1 Film Night 3-5.30pm
Year 3 Miss Hopkinson working with Mrs Johnston in the Art Studio this week
Wed / Open Day for 3YO nursery January 2018 starters. 9.30-10.30am and 1.30-2.30pm
Year 5 Miss Murphy class assembly 9am. Parents invited. 8.45am parents welcome in the café before the assembly.
Thurs / 2YONursery Stay & Play for new January 2018 starters, 9.30-10.30am
Fri / Fire Fighters charity collection
1.30pm Parents Art Celebration for Y3LH, in the hall and studio.
Week 5
27th Nov – 1st Dec / Mon / Year 3 Miss Kelly working with Mrs Johnston in the Art Studio this week
Tues / 2YONursery Stay & Play for new January 2018 starters, 9.30-10.30am
Wed / Year 2 Mr Spink class assembly 9am. Parents invited. 8.45am parents welcome in the café before the assembly.
Fri / KS2 Gold Book Celebration in the hall, 2.15-3pm
Week 6
4th – 8th Dec / Mon / Year 3 Miss Kelly working with Mrs Johnston in the Art Studio this week
Wed / Reception Nativity am. 9.30am
KS1 Nativity pm. 1.45pm
Thurs / KS1 Nativity am. 9.30am
Reception Nativity pm. 1.45pm
Fri / Friends Hungry Hometime on the playground after school
2YO Nursery Stay & Play for new January 2018 starters, 9.30-10.30am
1.30pm Parents Art Celebration for Y3RK, in the hall and studio.
Week 7
11th – 15th Dec / Mon / Year 6 writing with Mrs Johnston
Tues / KS2 Carol Service at St Johns in the afternoon. Time tbc
Wed / Years3-6 school trip to Rock & Roll Panto at Leeds Civic Varieties. Matinee performance.
Year 4 Mr Moore class assembly 9am. Parents invited. 8.45am parents welcome in the café before the assembly.
Thurs / Year 2 trip to see The Little Mermaid at Leeds Grand Theatre
Fri / Christingle service pm in school. 1.45-2.30pm.
Christmas Holiday