WES Site Council
Monday, September 1, 2015
Location: Library
*Todd Flory, faculty/staff (chair)*Darrel Stinson, parent
*Katey Johnson, faculty/staffGeorge Matthews, student
*Jenna Sprague, faculty/staff*Lily Ryan, student
Erin Baker, parent*Abby James, student
*Amanda Schuster, parent*Emberlin Lewis, student
*Kelsey Lewis, parentKarson Stinson, student
Rachel James, parentWill Baker, student
*Stacey Ryan, parent*Riley Schuster, student
Elton Armbrister, principal
***Neil Broderick, Food Service Director
Meeting Dates: September 1, October 12, November 2, January 11, February 1 and March 7(last meeting held at the Dairy Queen in Andover). All meetings are at 4:00 in the WES Library and are limited to one hour or less. Your time is very much appreciated!!
- 4:00 Introductions:members were introduced and shared a little about themself.
- 4:15 Food Service overview presentation: Mr. Neil Broderick, Director of Food Service
Neil Broderick brought some To-Go samples. Program will roll out soon to staff. Teachers will be able to get meal in staff fridge instead of going through line. Also, water bottles will be provided for students. Can choose 10 oz. water in place of milk, or can pay $0.25 for extra water. Program will start soon!
Question: How will we handle the plastic recycling with the new program? (Will new recycling company accommodate plastic?)
Kindergarteners can get water instead of milk at snack. Answer: yes
- 4:30 General information: Mr. Armbrister
What is Site Council?
Bridge between school and community
What if I can’t make a meeting?
Just let someone know you are unable to meet.
Can my other children come?
Casual, can bring kids if needed.
How long do I serve on the committee?
2 Year obligation if you can.
Other Items Addressed
Car Pickup—
Some feedback is that they are glad change in procedures with pickup due to student safety. One concern from some neighborhood residences that has been discussed in the neighborhood is the traffic on Flutter St. and backup on 21st street. Mr. Armbrister shared that he is contact each year with Wichita PD and their only concern is for parents to be attentive to following traffic laws. The officer assigned to this area has been our several times and has shared that the dismissal is the most efficient way possible and had no new suggestions than what WES has considered previously.
District added a Student Resource Officer—total of 3 SROs
- 4:40 Review enrollment data: Mr. Armbrister
Enrollment up—over 440. Consistent growth throughout the grade levels
- 4:45 Review School Improvement Plan: Mr. Flory
Will take at least 3 times a year
STAR Building Proficiency (at or above 40%):
Reading—81% Fall Data Results
Math— 88% Fall Data Results
Walk Though Data:
Building Rigor—
Mr. Armbrister will take a snapshot of how rigorous each classroom
Will Look for:
- Student/Teacher & Student/Student interaction
- Is teacher leading?
- Student support?
Reading Action Plan—
Using STAR data to note strengths and set goals.
Math Action Plan—
Using STAR Math to note strengths and set goals.
Resources: OPA handout, SIT document, Verbal data shared on enrollment, car dismissal and Site Council overview.
Next Meeting: October 12th