Executive Committee Meeting
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
9:00 AM—12:00 PM
SIG Conference Room—550 High St, Auburn, California
- Roll Call – Quorum
- Public Comments
This time is scheduled for comments from members of the public concerning subjects that do not specifically appear as items elsewhere on the Agenda.
1.Approval of MinutesApril 6, 2016 Minutes (Enclosed)
2.Approval of PaymentsApril and May 2016Warrants (Enclosed)
3.Accept Monthly Account StatementApril and May 2016 Report (Enclosed)
& Buy and Sell Transaction Report from PFM Asset Management
- Approval of Patti Eyres Agreement Extension for the period July 1, 2016
through June 30, 2019Proposed Agreement Extension(Enclosed)
- Executive Committee Appointment Schedule(Enclosed)
In accordance with Bylaws Section 2.a(7), the Executive Committee may appoint a replacement to serve the end of the vacant term. As stated in the bylaws, said appointee shall, in so far as possible, represent the same type and size of district as represented by the person vacating the position.
Bylaws Section 2.a(6) states, “The Joint Powers Board shall, insofar as possible, elect the Executive Committee to provide for representation by each different type and size or school district as well as representation by the various geographical areas of the member agencies.
Jim Meshwert retired as of May 1, 2016; Jerry Johnson will be retiring as of June 30, 2016 and Ron Severson is stepping down from the Executive Committee. Nevada County Superintendents have recommended Rusty Clark,Superintendent of Pleasant Ridge School District to replace Jim Meshwert on the Executive Committee. Placer County Office of Educationhas chosen Martin Fregoso, new Assistant Superintendent of Business Services for PCOE, to replace Jerry Johnson. Joe Landon, Roseville Joint Union High School District’s Assistant Superintendent of Business Services, has submitted an email expressing his interest in filling Ron Severson’s position on the board.
Recommendation: Appoint three members to fill the open seats on the Executive Committee, effective July 1, 2016.
2. Employee Assistance Program Approval EAP RFP Summary(Enclosed)
Results from our recent RFP for an Employee Assistance Program brought forth ComPsych as the most viable vendor. ComPsych cost was not dependent on all districts participating. SIG would have the master contract with the vendor; each district would have a sub-contract for the bargaining units covered.
Recommendation: ApproveComPsych as the vendor for the Employee Assistance Program.
3. Meeting Calendar 2016-2017 Approval Calendars(Enclosed)
Executive Committee / Joint Powers Board and EBRC meeting calendars for 2016-2017, changed to match our fiscal year calendars.
Recommendation: Approve 2016 – 2017 meeting calendars for the Executive Committee / Joint Powers Board.
- Holiday Schedule 2016-2017 Approval Holiday Schedule(Enclosed)
SIG Holiday Schedule is attached to packet.
Recommendation: Approve the Holiday Schedule for 2016 – 2017.
- Approval of recommendation to the Joint Powers Board ofAuburn Union School
District’s request to participate in the Employee Benefit program
effective October 1, 2016. Letter of Request(Enclosed)
Recommendation: Approve as a recommendation to the Joint Powers Board
Auburn Union School District’s request to join SIG’s Employee Benefit Program
effective 10-1-2016
- Chiropractic and Acupuncture coverage Rider for
Sutter Health Plus HDHPs.Information (Enclosed)
Recommendation: Approve Landmark as the provider for a Chiropractic/Acupuncture Rider for the two Sutter Health Plus High Deductible Health Plans.
(No action will be taken on these items. They are for discussion purposes only.)
- Update on Sutter Health Plus
Discussion of current and past issue with Sutter Health Plus Plans.
- Update RFP for Health Benefit Management SystemRFP Summary(Enclosed)
There were 3 respondents to our RFP for Health Benefit Management Systems. The Administration Committee (Brad Tooker and Scott Lay) as well as 2 Business Officials from the Executive Committee (Barbara Patterson and Audrey Kilpatrick) will be joining Melissa, Kelley, a Gallagher representative and Bev in this interview process.
- Wellness Program 2016-2017 Health Trails Report, Sample letter(Enclosed) The 2016-2017 Wellness Program will take on more of a directed focus. Focusing on three main top health issues (Stress/Life Balance, Diabetes, and Heart Health) which are responsible for the highest percentage of medical care and prescription usage.
- Wells Fargo Health Savings Account Division SaleInformation (Enclosed)
This time is scheduled for reports and updates from SIG consultants and brokers on subjects that do
not specifically appear as items elsewhere on the agenda.
- Executive Director’s Report (Bev Wilkinson)
- EBRC Report (Joanne Weatherly and Colleen Crowe)
- Consultants’/Brokers’ Reports
- President’s Report (Brad Tooker)
Next Meeting: August 17, 2016
The Executive Committee members will adjourn to Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.5 to consider the following matters:
1. Settlement Authority Workers Compensation Claims
- Update Property Liability Claims
- Executive Director Contract