AUGUST 1, 2016

Attending: Stanley W. Wood, Commission Chair

Newell Harward, Commissioner

Dennis Blackburn, Commissioner

Ryan Torgerson, Clerk/Auditor

Others in attendance: Colleen Allen, Sharon Torgerson, Rhett Jeffery, Adus Dorsey, Kurt Taylor, Jeri Johnson, Trent Wilde, West Taylor, Kami Taylor, Johanna Wilson, Rick McCartney, Veronica Egan, Ron Mosher, Jeff Gallagher,

Colleen Allen – Treasurer / Recorder – met with the Commissioners. Colleen doesn’t have anything to report today.

Sharon Torgerson – Assessor – met with the Commissioners.

Rhett Jeffery – Road Department – met with the Commissioners. Rhett has lined up Layne Jones to fix the fence at the airport. Also, there are gates on the airport fence that have been taken down and the gates are laying on the ground. He will work on getting them back up.

Jeri Johnson – EMS – met with the Commissioners. Jeri reported that there is training on August 4th for Elected Officials in Richfield. She has registered Commissioner Wood and Commissioner Blackburn asked Jeri to register him as well.

Adus Dorsey – Economic Development – met with the Commissioners. Adus reported on the bike path project. The project is moving forward but construction might be put off until next year if an extension in time for the funding will be granted.

Kurt Taylor – Sheriff – met with the Commissioners. Kurt reported that he has been utilizing the Reserve Officers on the weekends and has equipped their vehicles as well as he can. There was discussion on the shooting range South of Bicknell.

There was discussion on the Goosenecks Music Festival. The festival has been cancelled because of low ticket sales.

West and Kami Taylor met with the Commissioners to get approval for a Conditional Use Permit for a Guest Ranch. West stated that the purpose is for clients that come for 3 to 6 days for horse clinics and others that come to meditate and hike and enjoy the County. Planning and Zoning has approved for this year but West will have to figure something out next year for restroom facilities. They are just using portable toilets for this year but will need something different for next year. The only thing lacking is liability insurance and West stated that it could be in place later today. Commissioner Blackburn moved to approve the Conditional Use Permit upon receipt of the liability insurance that is required. Commissioner Harward seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.

Colleen Allen is representing Allen and Sandra Dietlein for a sub-division. They have met all of the Planning and Zoning requirements. Commissioner Harward moved to approve the sub-division. Commissioner Blackburn seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Wood wanted it known that the Commission is against the Night Sky designation except for in the National Parks.

There was discussion on the Allred Point Park and camping for an extended period of time. Rhett wondered if the County should improve the property so that it could be used for reunions and other events and the possibility of scheduling the park and instigating a rental fee to generate revenue for maintenance. Adus Dorsey was present and will look into funding.

There was discussion on an Inter-local agreement for Utah’s Celebration of Freedom and Lifestyles. The agreement is between Kane County and other Counties of the State of Utah. Commissioner Harward moved to approve and sign the Inter-local Agreement for Utah’s Celebration of Freedom and Lifestyles. Commissioner Blackburn seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.

There was discussion on Planning and Zoning board members. There are 2 vacancies on the board that need to be filled. Commissioner Blackburn moved to advertise the vacancies. Commissioner Harward seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.

There was discussion on the Special Service District #3 board members and administering the Oath of Office to them. Commissioner Blackburn would like to schedule it for next meeting.

There was discussion on 2 special event permits. One is for the Tour of Utah which is this week. The special event committee has met and is recommending that the permit be approved. Commissioner Harward moved to approve the special event permits. Commissioner Blackburn seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. The other one is for the Entrada summer sunset series. Commissioner Harward moved to approve the permit. Commissioner Blackburn seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.

The minutes of the July 18th meeting were reviewed. Commissioner Harward moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting as read. Commissioner Blackburn seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.

Ron Mosher met with the Commissioners to discuss Emergency Preparedness. Jeff Gallagher was present for the discussion. The process of declaring a disaster was presented by Ron Mosher.

The vouchers were reviewed. Commissioner Harward moved to approve the payment of the vouchers presented. Commissioner Blackburn seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Wood announced that the agenda has been covered and meeting is adjourned at 2:45.


Stanley W. Wood, Chairman Attest: Ryan Torgerson, Clerk