What is Writers on the Road?

Writers on the Road is an author touring program funded through the Statewide Public Library Development Projects. It is designed to promote the best of contemporary Australian writing and writers through public libraries across Victoria. Free events are organised to enthuse communities about books and reading. The program also seeks to promote the Victorian Premier's Literary Awards winning and short-listed authors. Some of the writers who have participated in the program are Les Murray, Joanna Murray-Smith, Alex Miller, Peter Bakowski, Julie Capaldo, Leigh Hobbs, Sonya Hartnett, Michael Pryor and Jeanette Rowe.

A full program can be found at <Any library service wishing to participate in Writers on the Road should submit an Expression of Interest by Friday 8 August 2003.

Why would my library service want to participate?

By participating in Writers on the Road you will be offering your patrons a free additional service, raising the profile of your library service in the community; recognising the importance of a program that links readers and writers, and assisting your library staff to develop event management skills.

When and where does the program travel?

Tours are conducted throughout the year except over December/ January and can be scheduled for weekdays or weekends. The adult tours generally involve authors travelling in pairs with the Writers on the Road Project Officer to a library service for a two-day program of events. In 2004 the priority is on visiting library services in regional Victoria. The youth tours involve authors travelling singly to a library service anywhere in Victoria for a one to three day program of events.

How many tours can my library service host?

Libraries can express an interest to participate in both the adult and youth programs, although, to maximise the number of library services participating, it is possible that the first preference only will be fulfilled.

What sort of authors participate and what do they do?

Award-winning Australian writers writing in all genres – poetry, fiction, non-fiction, playwriting, and film and television scriptwriting – participate. Their tour program consists of up to three one-hour daytime and evening sessions per day, with a variety of workshops, talks and ‘authors in conversation’ sessions (on adult author tours). Authors may also participate in literary lunches or dinners in the library or local cafe, travel on the mobile library, be interviewed on the local radio station or hold book signings at local bookshops. They will present sessions to a range of audiences ranging from school-aged children to interested members of the general public in a public library setting.

What will it cost my library service?

There is no direct cost to your library service. You are asked, however, to provide lunch and morning or afternoon tea for your guests, as well as evening meals at functions at which the authors are guests. Other minimal costs may include materials to create displays, or extra staff time. It all depends on the type of arrangements that your library service wishes to make.

How is a tour organised?

Each tour is organised collaboratively between a project officer at the State Library and the host library service. The project officer’s role is to manage the successful creation and delivery of the program. She sources author(s) for consideration by the library and negotiates with both parties to secure suitable dates and develop an interesting and varied itinerary. All administrative, travel and accommodation arrangements are handled by the project officer. The itinerary and administrative arrangements take 2–3 weeks to organise and need to be finalised 4–6 weeks before the tour, at which stage a kit of support materials is sent to the host library. The host library’srole is to organise, promote and host the library at the local level. Please refer to the enclosed handout ‘Your contribution’ for both programs for further information.

What if our library service has never organised an event like this before?

One of the aims of the program is to assist public libraries to develop the skills required to co-ordinate author events, so staff are not expected to ‘know it all’. The main factors for a successful author visit are enthusiasm and a willingness to have a go. The project officer can be called on for assistance with, or advice on, any aspect of your program. She is also responsible for producing a kit of materials containing author biographical notes and photos; promotional materials including flyers, a sample media release and media tips; a guide to timing the events and evaluation forms.

How does my library service apply to host a tour and when do we find out if we’re successful?

To be considered please complete the attached ‘Expression of Interest’ and return it by Friday 8 August. All libraries will be notified by Monday 8 September about the outcome of the selection process.


It is important to note that Writers on the Road programming can only be provided to a library service where the majority of events can be satisfactorily held within a branch library. Please read through the accompanying information before completing this form.


Name of library service ______

Name of library service manager ______

Name of program contact person ______

Title of program contact person ______

Contact details for program contact person:

Telephone: ______Fax: ______Email: ______

Days/ hours worked: ______



  • In the event that it is not possible for the library service to host both a youth and adult program, our preference is to host (please tick):

 an adult author program a youth author program

  • Have you hosted Writers on the Road before?

 No

 Yes Adult Year/s ______ Youth Year/s ______


  • Branch/s where adult author event/s could be held:

Branch: ______Venue capacity: ______

Branch: ______Venue capacity: ______

Branch: ______Venue capacity: ______

Branch: ______Venue capacity: ______

  • Please select preference for scheduling of tours (tick multiple months if necessary):

2004  February March April  May June

  • We would prefer a visit for:

 One day (up to six hours programming) Two days (up to twelve hours programming)

  • We would be willing to host a visit on:

 weekdays only weekends only a combination


  • Branch/s where youth author event/s could be held:

Branch: ______Venue capacity: ______

Branch: ______Venue capacity: ______

Branch: ______Venue capacity: ______

Branch: ______Venue capacity: ______

  • Please select preference for scheduling of tour (tick multiple months if necessary):
    2003 September October November

2004 March AprilMay June

  • We would be willing to host a visit during:

 school term time school holidays

  • We would prefer a visit for:

 One day (up to three hours programming) Two days (up to six hours programming)

 Three days (up to nine hours programming)

  • We would prefer an author that writes for (please number in order of preference)

 10 – 12 year olds

 12 – 14 year olds

 14 – 16 year olds

  • We would prefer:

 talks only talks and workshops


The closing date for Expressions of Interest is Friday 8 August.

Please post to:Kirsty Wilson

Project Officer, Writers on the Road

Public Programs

State Library of Victoria

328 Swanston Street


DX: 210089

Or fax to:03 9639 4189

For enquiries, phone:03 8664 7281