Waverly Elementary

Students need to complete the Registration Paper, which is the last page of this packet, by January 14th to participate in the Science Fair.

Waverly Elementary


Science Fair


Intermediate Grades 2015

Waverly Elementary School’s

Science Fair 2015

The annual Waverly Elementary School Science Fair will be held on Thursday, March 5. Finished projects should be returned to the homeroom classroom by Monday, March 2, 2015. Please read the attached materials, especially noting the suggested timeline for completion.

We have been conducting many interesting and exciting investigations this year. Now we would like you to choose a question you would like to investigate about any area of science. As you did in class, you will need to follow the format of the well-designed investigation, making sure to include all of the important parts. Please use the organizer provided as you design and conduct your investigation.

You must also think about how you will share your investigation and findings. You will need to write a final draft of each part of your organizer and neatly present it on a self-standing poster board. Typing is strongly encouraged, however, neat, handwritten work on lined paper is acceptable. Pictures with captions, by camera or hand drawn, showing the steps taken are required to help your audience clearly understand all the parts of your investigation.


1.  The project should be a question that can be tested by the student.

2.  The size of your project may not exceed 4 ft. wide by 3 ft. tall.

3.  All projects must be durable and safe. Your project must be able to stand by itself. Only the project board should be brought to school. Do not bring in the experiment, only pictures of what you did.

4.  Posters or papers explaining the project should be neat.

5.  No harmful chemicals, live animals, explosives, dangerous substances, disease-causing organisms, microbes or fungus (living or dead), expensive items, or drugs may be used. Mold may be grown on food, preferably in plastic bags.

6.  Models of the solar system or of volcanoes are not acceptable because they do not answer a testable question by the student.

7.  The student will keep a diary, journal, or laboratory record book in which observations are recorded.

8.  Pictures taken during all stages of the investigation are necessary and should be placed on the display board with captions.

9.  The student should complete projects with parent assistance, not vice versa.

Timeline for Science Fair Project

Completed by January 14:

1.  Choose topic

2.  Research topic

3.  Form a question

Questions are DUE by January 14 in order to be registered in this year’s fair!

Completed by February 20:

4.  Develop procedures

5.  Gather materials

6.  Conduct investigation

7.  Collect data (pictures, charts, tables)

8.  Analyze and display data (graphs and pictures)

9.  Make conclusions

Completed by March 2:

10. Complete “Well-Designed Investigation” worksheet and create a final draft.

11. Display board (using color, neat pictures, BE CREATIVE!)

March 2: Science Fair Project Due! Please bring your display board to school this day.

March 5:

Science Fair this evening

Science Fair Project Ideas

Your project should be a question that can be tested such as the ideas below. Please no models of the solar system or erupting volcanoes. Projects such as “How do dolphins swim?” do not lead to an experiment but only a research report. We would instead like you to go through the steps of a well-designed investigation as described in this packet.

Physical Science Projects

Does electricity move better through thick wires or thin ones?

Does the type of fertilizer affect plant growth?

Do some colors of M&Ms melt faster than others in a microwave?

Are two magnets twice as strong as one?

Angry Birds: How does the trajectory of a projectile affect the distance travelled?

Which cup material best prevents ice from melting?

Is there a relationship between the size and strength of a magnet?

Which boat shape can support the most weight?

How does the temperature affect the bounce height of a ball?

Do all liquids freeze at the same rate?

Does iron rust faster in salt water or fresh water?

Does temperature have an effect on solubility?

Does an ice cube melt faster in air or water?

Do all objects fall to the ground at the same speed?

Do different watt light bulbs produce different amounts of heat?

Which type of container keeps liquids hotter for more time?

Earth Science Projects

Does music have an affect on plant growth?

Does the color of water affect its evaporation?

Will salt water or fresh water evaporate faster?

How does temperature affect the reopening rates of a Venus Fly Trap?

Does the drop height of an object affect the size of the crater it will make?

Are there differences in temperature in shaded vs. non-shaded areas during the day and night?

Are there differences in shadow lengths during the day?

Do different types of soils have different percolation rates?

How well does charcoal filter water?

How does the size of the ice cube affect its melting time?

Life Science Projects

What is the best way to keep cut flowers fresh the longest?

Does the color of light used on plants affect how well they grow?

Does the type of potting soil affect how fast the plant grows?

What type of food allows mold to grow the fastest?

What conditions affect the ripening of fruit?

What type of grass seed grows the fastest?

Do vitamins or fertilizers affect the growth of plants?

Does temperature affect the growth of seeds or plants?

How does temperature affect the growth of mold?

How does light affect the growth of mold?

What kinds of materials decompose (rot) faster when buried?

Will bananas brown faster on the counter or in the refrigerator?

Does sugar prolong the life of cut flowers?

Can plants grow without soil?

Does the color of light affect plant growth?

Chemistry Science Projects

Will an increase in baking powder affect a muffin’s density?

Does adding salt to pasta make it cook faster?

Does the power level on the microwave affect how well it makes popcorn?

Does the amount of fat in butter/margarine affect the time it takes to melt?

Can you use a household water filter to remove flavor or color from other liquids?

How does salt affect the boiling point of water?

How does salt affect the freezing point of water?

Do dissolved materials, such as salt, in water affect the absorbency of a paper towel?

Do substances other than salt melt ice?

Consumer Science Projects

What paper towel brand is the strongest?

Which soda decays fallen out teeth the most?

What is the best way to remove a red fruit punch stain from fabric?

What type of adhesive is the strongest?

Does the amount of air space in a container affect food spoilage?

Which type of cheese grows mold the fastest?

Which brand of diaper holds the most water?

What type of cleaner removes ink stains best?

Which brand of plastic trash bag is the strongest?

Which brand of cat litter absorbs the most?

Which brand of battery last the longest?

The Science Fair

Waverly Elementary School

Example Investigation


Does light affect the rate at which a plant grows?


If a plant is not exposed to light, it will not grow at the same rate as a plant that is exposed to light.


o  6 plants (as similar as possible)

o  light source

o  box (to create darkness)

o  water


1.  Collect the six similar plants.

2.  Record the heights of all the plants to have an initial reading.

3.  Place two in total darkness, two in 12 hours of darkness, and two in 24 hours of light.

4.  Record the heights of all the plants once a day for two weeks.

5.  Water the plants at a specific interval (be sure it is exactly the same amount for each plant).


(This is where the chart showing the daily measurements would be shown, along with observations made throughout the two-week period.)

The plants that were not exposed to light showed no growth during the two weeks. The two plants that were exposed to only 12 hours of light per day grew an average of 7 cm. The plants that were exposed to 24 hours of light grew an average of 5 cm.


Light does have an impact on the rate at which a plant grows. Apparently, exposing plants to 24 hours of light is not as effective as exposing them to 12 hours of light. (Conclusion should be expanded upon)

Design and Conduct a Well-Designed Investigation



List the variables you will investigate:

Independent (part you will change) ______

Dependent (part you will measure) ______

Controlled (parts that stay the same) ______

Hypothesis: ______


Materials: ______




Outline the steps you will follow. Write in a list or paragraph form. Explain your materials and how you will use them.








Design and Conduct a Well-Designed Investigation – Continued


What data will I collect? How will I organize my data?



Display your data:

How will you display your data or graph?




What did you find out? What conclusions can you draw? Be sure to include:

·  A restatement of the question you were investigating and your hypothesis

·  A comparison of your hypothesis to the actual results of the investigation

·  The data that supports your actual result

·  An explanation of what was learned, “Therefore, I learned…”

·  Other questions you now have










Science Fair

Plan-Your-Display Sheet


Materials Prediction Collected


Variables Conclusion Displayed


Procedure Pictures of Investigation


Grade Teacher

Please make sure your name, grade, and homeroom teacher are on the bottom right corner. Otherwise people who look at your display won’t know it is yours!

Intentionally Left Blank

Science Fair Registration

If you have decided to participate in the Fair, please turn in this form to “officially register” your project. This will ensure that your name and project are included in the Waverly Elementary Science Fair. Please return this form to your homeroom teacher NO LATER than January 14, 2015.

Student’s Name: ______

Homeroom Teacher: ______

Question being investigated: ______


Please provide a parent email address so that you can receive communication, assistance, and updates from the Science Fair Committee. If you have a spam blocker or junk folder for your email, please allow messages from to get through.

Email (printed clearly): ______

Email (repeat to confirm): ______

Please return this page to your child’s homeroom teacher.