Water Pollution Control Authority

Regular Meeting Minutes

October 1, 2013

The Town of East Hampton Water Pollution Control Authority regular meeting was held at 5:30 P.M. on Tuesday, October 1, 2013 at the Town of Colchester–Town of East Hampton Wastewater Treatment Plant, 20 Gildersleeve Drive, East Hampton, CT. All members were in attendance:

Mark Barmasse, Chairman Beth Mackie

David Kelsey Daniel Valentine

John Suprono Ralph Nesci

Also attending the meeting were Ted Turner, Board of Finance Liaison, Scott Clayton Superintendent of the Joint Facilities and Vincent F. Susco, Jr., Public Utilities Administrator

Call to Order

Chairman Barmasse called the meeting to order at 5:30 P.M. and appointed Mr. Susco as Recording Secretary for these proceedings.

Chairman Barmasse indicated the agenda would need to be amended to include the approval of the minutes of the September 3, 2013 Public Hearing. Upon motion by Mr. Suprono, seconded by Mr. Kelsey the agenda was unanimously amended.

Approval of Minutes

Chairman Barmasse called for the approval of the minutes of the Regular Meeting held on September 3, 2013. Upon motion from Mr. Kelsey, seconded by Mr. Valentine the minutes of the meeting were unanimously approved.

Chairman Barmasse called for the approval of the minutes of the Public Hearing held on September 3, 2013. Upon motion from Mr. Kelsey, seconded by Mr. Suprono the minutes of the meeting were unanimously approved.

Public Remarks

There was no public in attendance.

Review of Correspondence

No correspondence was presented.

Board of Finance Liaison

No Finance Committee report was presented.

Joint Facilities Committee

Mr. Susco reported there was no scheduled meeting of the Town of Colchester – Town of East Hampton Joint Facilities Committee in September and that the next meeting of the Committee will be October 15, 2013.

WPCA Regular Meeting Minutes Page 2

October 1, 2013

Operations, Management & Budget Committee

Mr. Barmasse called for agenda item #6.B.1. Mr. Susco indicated the 2013/14 fiscal year financial reports for the WPCA and Community Water Systems operated by the WPCA were made part of the members’ packages and reported that there were no variances to report at this time.

Management indicated the October 1, 2013 sewer use bills, representing revenue of $1,035,531.20 have been send out to 2,661 accounts.

Chairman Barmasse called for agenda item #6. B.1. a, authorization to purchase a 1,450 portable pump. Management indicated action on this item has been tabled twice before and introduced Mr. Scott Clayton, Superintendent of the Joint Facilities, to present additional operational detail that was requested by members at the last meeting.

Mr. Susco recapped pricing information presented at the last meeting by Mr. Suprono and indicated it did not alter the cost presented by management.

Management reviewed the purchasing protocols; indicating the item has been included in the current fiscal year’s budget and that a resolution authorizing the purchase must accompany the purchase order. The purchase will be accounted for in account #5741 Machinery and funded through a transfer from the Capital Sinking Fund (#66). No Town funds will be involved in this purchase. Thompson Pump & MFG Co of West Greenwich, RI can provide the pump under federal government contract # GS-07F-0140V at a cost of $51,875.00 pursuant to a sales quotation dated December 4, 2012. Delivery can be expected in 6-8 weeks. There being no further discussion, the following resolution moved by Mr. Valentine, seconded by Ms. Mackie was unanimously approved:

RESOLUTION: The East Hampton Water Pollution Control Authority does hereby authorize management to proceed with the purchase of one (1) 4” solids handling pump from Thompson Pump Manufacturing Company of West Greenwich, RI under federal government contract #GS-07F-0140V at a cost not to exceed $51,875.00.

furthermore, management is hereby authorized to transfer $51,875.00 from the WPCA Capital Sinking Fund #66 to account #61-58-0581-5741 Machinery to account for said purchase.

Public Water Systems

The Village Center Water System continued to run within parameters during the period. Seasonal maintenance was completed on the booster pumps by Hungerford’s Inc. and no issues were reported. A small leak on the supply side of the Village Center School water meter has developed. After-hour arrangements have been made with Mr. Lee Taylor to resolve the issue in order that the school not be affected.

Management attended the September 24th Executive Session of the Town Council to discuss the request for water service at 13 Summit Street. The Town Manager has been requested to inform the Town Attorney of further actions.

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October 1, 2013

The Royal Oaks Water System continued to run within parameters during the period. The “conditioning” of well #3 by Subsurface Technologies, Inc. has been performed resulting in improved water quality.

Management believes the installation of the third and final automatic blow-off on well #4 will improve the filter run time. An estimated cost will be developed for the next meeting.

Sewer Development

Work continues on the sewer lateral connection for Hope Church.

Old Business

Management presented a possible new schedule of connection charges based upon the intended use of the property and similar to the sewer use schedule. The members discussed the proposal at length and determined no change is warranted at this time and that the issue will be revisited the next time connection charges are discussed.

Management indicated Woodard and Curran has begun their work on Inflow and Infiltration issues along the east side of Lake Pocotopaug.

New Business

Chairman Barmasse reported WPCA representation on the Colchester/East Hampton Joint Facilities Committee is open as a result of the vacancy created by Mr. Dag Lindland. Mr. Susco indicated that membership has followed length of service. Ms. Mackie as the next longest serving member has indicated she does not wish to pursue this at this time. Mr. Valentine, as the next most tenured member, has indicated his desire to be added to the Committee. Upon motion by Ms. Mackie seconded by Mr. Kelsey the following action was adopted by a 5-0 vote with Mr. Valentine abstaining.

RESOLUTION: The Town of East Hampton Water Pollution Control Authority does hereby appoint Mr. Daniel Valentine to membership of the Colchester/East Hampton Joint Facilities.


There being no further business to come before the Authority, Mr. Kelsey motioned, seconded by Mr. Suprono to adjourn the meeting at 6:26 P.M. So voted 6-0

Respectfully submitted,

Vincent F. Susco, Jr.

Recording Secretary

Approved by unanimous vote of the Water Pollution Control Authority on November 5, 2013