Around The Block
Al Doblar La Esquina
Technologies andArts in NYC Communities
5 East 22nd Street, Suite 9k
New York, NY 10010
Information and Application for the
Raymond J. Flores Short Play Festival
New York's leading festival of urban-focused theatre
Spring 2015
- Selected plays will be given one or more public readings at the series.
[Note: Around The Block is committed to color-blind casting.]
- All applicants are invited to participate in ATB workgroups.
- A small (≈$50) cash prize will be awarded to the winning playwright.
(ATB Board Members and ATB Directors Committee members are not eligible for prize.)
Dramatic reading pieces are to be short plays in English, Spanish, Chinese, or some combination of these. Content of submitted pieces should correspond to the Series' theme: urban life and dreams.
The Selection Committee will be guided by the following criteria:
(1)aesthetic value (2) how well the work meets the series theme.
Maximum length for plays: 15 minutes. Scripts should be in standard dramatic format. No children's plays. Previously produced or published works are accepted, but playwright must hold all production and publishing rights. Plays submitted to previous Flores Series (but not those previously selected for the series) may be re-submitted.
Only electronic entries accepted. Submissions should be emailed to and should include:
- A completed copy of the application form
- A one-paragraph bio for the festival program
- An electronic copy (no hard copies please) of each script, as a Word, Word-Perfect, Open Office or pdf document, with two title pages: one bearing, in addition to the title and copyright information (if any), the author's name and contact information, the other with only the title (and, optionally, a copyright date, without a name). The rest of the script should not contain means of identifying the playwright.
- A one-paragraph synopsis – in English – of each script.
There is an application fee of $5 per play (fee waived for ATB 2013 members and for plays resubmitted from previous years). Please mail a check, payable to Around The Block, for the (non-refundable) application fee to: Around The Block
5 E. 22nd Street, #9k
New York, NY 10010
ATB will notify the playwright in timely fashion as to selection of submission for public reading.
Submission Deadline: November 30, 2014.
We look forward to reading your play!!!
Around The Block
Al Doblar La Esquina
Arts and Technologies in NYC Communities
5 East 22nd Street, Suite 9k
New York, NY 10010
Application for the
Raymond J. Flores Short Play Series
Spring 2015
Please Fill In All Information
5.Around The Block member (y or n)?
6.Play(s): (maximum of 15 minutes each; playwright must hold all production and publishing rights.)
Title of Work(s) / Estim. length (minutes)By submitting your script you agree to allow us – if the script is selected for the semifinals -- to do a public reading of it at the Flores Series. All rights remain with the playwright.
[Note: Around The Block is committed to color-blind casting.]
Your signature below constitutes acceptance of these terms.
Submitted by: ______
Date: ______
Email a synopsis (in English), a one-paragraph bio, a completed application form, and your script (see above for instructions about cover page), to . If you are not an ATB member,please send us a check ($5 per play) for the application fee to
Around The Block
5 East 22nd Street, #9k
New York, NY 10010.
Submission Deadline: November 30, 2014
Around the Block / Al Doblar La Esquina
2015 Raymond J. Flores Short Play Series Application form