German Level IV– SY 2016 - 2017

German IV Curriculum
World Languages and Cultures
AP THEME: Families and Communities
THEMA 1: Familie und Beziehungen / Recommended pacing: 4weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit.
National/State Standards:
GIV.1 The student will exchange information orally and in writing in German on a variety of topics related to contemporary and historical events and issues.
GIV.2 The student will demonstrate skills necessary to sustain extended oral and written exchanges in German.
GIV.3 The student will comprehend spoken and written German found in a variety of authentic sources.
GIV.4 The student will relate information in German, combining learned and original language in oral and written presentations of extended length and complexity.
GIV.5 The student will present in German student-created and culturally authentic essays, poetry, plays, and/or stories.
GIV.6 The student will analyze in German how various perspectives reflect the practices and products of German-speaking cultures.
GIV.7 The student will demonstrate increased understanding of the connections between content studied in German class and content studied in other subject areas.
GIV.8 The student will discuss in level-appropriate German the effects of cultural similarities and differences on social, economic, and political relationships in the global community.
GIV.9 The student will expand understanding of the English language through study and analysis of increasingly complex elements of the German language.
GIV.10 The student will apply German language skills and cultural understanding in opportunities beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes.
(Facts & Skills)
• Maintain a discussion about your family and personal relationships
• Resolve a conflict with a friend in a role play
• Demonstrate comprehension of content from authentic biographical texts.
• Evaluate and interpret written and audio texts and materials from autobiographical accounts.
• Produce oral and written reports onpersonal biography, biography of another person.
• Present the information collected in a personal interview. / CULTURES:
• Explore attitudes towards personal and professional relationships
• Explore attitudes about family structure and familial roles
•Make connections to fields of psychology and human development
• Compare and contrast life experiences from various generations.
• Compare attitudes about family structure and familial roles
• Identify local German-speaking communities and cultural events. / • Explaining relationships between people / family tree
• describing emotions
•showing empathy and understanding
• resolving conflicts
USEFUL VOCABULARY / See LCPS suggested vocabulary list
RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES / • personal traits and physical characteristics
• review of present tense regular and irregular verbs
• review word order
• review cases
• review personal pronouns and possessive adjectives
RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES / Denk Mal, Lek. 1 (pp. 2-40) pp. 282-297
See LCPS German Teacher Exchange Site for additional resources
NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate rubrics for speaking and writing CPAs. / Suggested Interpretive Task / Suggested Interpersonal Task / Suggested Presentational Task
Students read and interpret an article about changing attitudes toward familial roles / Two students play the roles of feuding friends/siblings and find a way to resolve conflicts / Present your ideal friend or mate to the class, explaining personal traits and qualities
APTHEME: Personal and Public Identities
THEMA 2: Vielfalt und Toleranz / Recommended pacing: 4 weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit.
National/State Standards:
GIV.1 The student will exchange information orally and in writing in German on a variety of topics related to contemporary and historical events and issues.
GIV.2 The student will demonstrate skills necessary to sustain extended oral and written exchanges in German.
GIV.3 The student will comprehend spoken and written German found in a variety of authentic sources.
GIV.4 The student will relate information in German, combining learned and original language in oral and written presentations of extended length and complexity.
GIV.5 The student will present in German student-created and culturally authentic essays, poetry, plays, and/or stories.
GIV.6 The student will analyze in German how various perspectives reflect the practices and products of German-speaking cultures.
GIV.7 The student will demonstrate increased understanding of the connections between content studied in German class and content studied in other subject areas.
GIV.8 The student will discuss in level-appropriate German the effects of cultural similarities and differences on social, economic, and political relationships in the global community.
GIV.9 The student will expand understanding of the English language through study and analysis of increasingly complex elements of the German language.
GIV.10 The student will apply German language skills and cultural understanding in opportunities beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes.
(Facts & Skills)
• Maintain a discussion related to diversity and multiculturalism in local and global communities
• Express benefits and drawbacks of city life.
• Discusshistorical contexts diversity in german-speaking communities
• Demonstrates comprehension of content from authentic audio visual texts relating to multiculturalism
• Evaluates and interprets written texts, graphs and charts on migration trends.
• Produce an oral or written presentation
reflecting current trends and/or attitudes in
society related to cultural diversity / CULTURES:
• Explore attitudes toward recent demographic shifts
• Explore examples of multiculturalism in various contexts
• Explore examples of cultural integration
• Make connections with field of diplomacy, social sciences, international relations / COMPARISONS:
• Compare city life in Europe and the USA
• Compare examples of integration / assimilation of culture
• Research cultural backgrounds of famous German speakers
• Collaborate with international club(s)
• Collaborate with model UN / •Historic and current demographic make-up of German-speaking nations
•Express advantages and disadvantages
• Dative and Genitive Cases
• Two-Way prepositions
USEFUL VOCABULARY / See LCPS suggested Vocabulary Lists
Places in the City
Possessive adjectives and personal pronouns (Nom., Akk., Dat.)
RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES / See LCPS teacher exchange for additional resources
NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate rubrics for speaking and writing CPAs. / Suggested Interpretive Task / Suggested Interpersonal Task / Suggested Presentational Task
Interpret a graphic representation of demographic shifts in D/A/CH
Evaluate information presented on City vs. Rural life in Germany / Discuss examples of multiculturalism in your city and in a European city
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of life in a modern European city / Present examples of your own cultural, German culture and cultural diversity present in your community.
THEME: Contemporary Life
THEMA 3: die Medien / Recommended pacing: 4 weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit.
National/State Standards:
GIV.1 The student will exchange information orally and in writing in German on a variety of topics related to contemporary and historical events and issues.
GIV.2 The student will demonstrate skills necessary to sustain extended oral and written exchanges in German.
GIV.3 The student will comprehend spoken and written German found in a variety of authentic sources.
GIV.4 The student will relate information in German, combining learned and original language in oral and written presentations of extended length and complexity.
GIV.5 The student will present in German student-created and culturally authentic essays, poetry, plays, and/or stories.
GIV.6 The student will analyze in German how various perspectives reflect the practices and products of German-speaking cultures.
GIV.7 The student will demonstrate increased understanding of the connections between content studied in German class and content studied in other subject areas.
GIV.8 The student will discuss in level-appropriate German the effects of cultural similarities and differences on social, economic, and political relationships in the global community.
GIV.9 The student will expand understanding of the English language through study and analysis of increasingly complex elements of the German language.
GIV.10 The student will apply German language skills and cultural understanding in opportunities beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes.
(Facts & Skills)
• Maintain a discussion related to ways that students receive news of current events
• Discuss new developments in the social media and their role in the mass media environment
• Demonstrate comprehension of an authentic German newspaper article or broadcast news report
• Produce oral and written reports on news reports and/or entertainment programs in the German media / CULTURES:
• Research a news article that is presented in both the US and Europe; compare and contrast the different approaches
• Explore the kinds of media classes offered at German-speaking schools
• Make connections with the social sciences, e.g., how biases affect how a story is reported
• Make connections with health concerns related to the over-consumption of media / COMPARISONS:
• Compare and contrast media consumption in the US and in Germany
• Invite a student from the morning announcement crew to explain the process / • interpret authentic broadcast and print media
• Relate information gleaned from a media broadcast
• Interpret additional information from relative clauses
• Express opinions about current events learned about via media reports
USEFUL VOCABULARY / See LCPS suggested Vocabulary Lists
• subordinating and coordinating conjunctions
• Phrases for expressing opinions
RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES / • News broadcast for youth:
• Most watched German news program:
• Slow German ( „Fernsehen“, #055, and „Radiosender“, #067
• „Deutschland sieht fern“,„Frauen spielen anders“—texts with vocabulary and questions: VISION > LCPS German Teacher Exchange
See LCPS Teacher Exchange Site for addtional resources
NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate rubrics for speaking and writing CPAs. / Suggested Interpretive Task / Suggested Interpersonal Task / Suggested Presentational Task

Watch an episode of Tagesschau or Logo! Nachrichten and give a summary of one of the reports

/ • Interview another student about the kinds of media they use
• Participate in an online forum on various topics / • Create a short TV Show, News Report or Podcast
• Write a News Article about current events
THEME: Contemporary Life
THEMA 4: Reisen / Recommended pacing: 4 weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit.
National/State Standards:
GIV.1 The student will exchange information orally and in writing in German on a variety of topics related to contemporary and historical events and issues.
GIV.2 The student will demonstrate skills necessary to sustain extended oral and written exchanges in German.
GIV.3 The student will comprehend spoken and written German found in a variety of authentic sources.
GIV.4 The student will relate information in German, combining learned and original language in oral and written presentations of extended length and complexity.
GIV.5 The student will present in German student-created and culturally authentic essays, poetry, plays, and/or stories.
GIV.6 The student will analyze in German how various perspectives reflect the practices and products of German-speaking cultures.
GIV.7 The student will demonstrate increased understanding of the connections between content studied in German class and content studied in other subject areas.
GIV.8 The student will discuss in level-appropriate German the effects of cultural similarities and differences on social, economic, and political relationships in the global community.
GIV.9 The student will expand understanding of the English language through study and analysis of increasingly complex elements of the German language.
GIV.10 The student will apply German language skills and cultural understanding in opportunities beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes.
(Facts & Skills)
  • Express indecision and ask for and make suggestions
  • Ask for and give directions
  • Ask for information at the train station / airport
  • Read a map and follow oral directions
  • Listen and comprehend conversations about vacation and travel destinations
  • Talk about where you went on vacation
  • get around a train station, airport, etc.
  • Present your dream vacation and what you would do there
  • Where do the Germans go and how do they get there?
  • How do Germans perceive American tourists?
  • Discuss the staggered German holidays / school vacations
  • Make connections to the travel industry and explore how it has changed in the digital age
  • How do Germans travel? (School, friends, parents)
  • Discuss youth hostels
  • Compare amount of vacation offered in Germany vs USA
  • Hotel amenities
  • Gastfreundlichkeit in the USA and Germany
  • Identify German states and their capitals
  • Booking accomdations
  • Asking for and making suggestions
  • Asking for and giving directions
  • Discuss cultural events
  • Expressing direction and location – Wo? Wohin?
  • Adjective endings

USEFUL VOCABULARY / See LCPS suggested Vocabulary Lists
Recreational and Leisure activities
Modes of transportation
Inviting someone and responding to an invitation
The future tense; making plans
  • Travel guides
  • City websites: etc
  • Metro maps
  • City maps / google maps – street views

Teachers should use the appropriate rubrics for speaking and writing CPAs. / Suggested Interpretive Task / Suggested Interpersonal Task / Suggested Presentational Task
  • Read a map and follow oral directions
  • Read a travel book/guide and plan an itinerary
  • Planning a trip together
  • Assisting a lost tourist
  • Give your blindfolded partner directions to a particular location
  • Answer an email requesting more information about a hotel and sights in a big city
  • City presentation – was gibt’s zu tun?
  • Make a youth hostel brochure
  • Recount a trip you made

THEME: Beauty and Aesthetics
THEMA 5: Kunstschätze / Recommended pacing: 4 weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit.
National/State Standards:
GIV.1 The student will exchange information orally and in writing in German on a variety of topics related to contemporary and historical events and issues.
GIV.2 The student will demonstrate skills necessary to sustain extended oral and written exchanges in German.
GIV.3 The student will comprehend spoken and written German found in a variety of authentic sources.
GIV.4 The student will relate information in German, combining learned and original language in oral and written presentations of extended length and complexity.
GIV.5 The student will present in German student-created and culturally authentic essays, poetry, plays, and/or stories.
GIV.6 The student will analyze in German how various perspectives reflect the practices and products of German-speaking cultures.
GIV.7 The student will demonstrate increased understanding of the connections between content studied in German class and content studied in other subject areas.
GIV.8 The student will discuss in level-appropriate German the effects of cultural similarities and differences on social, economic, and political relationships in the global community.
GIV.9 The student will expand understanding of the English language through study and analysis of increasingly complex elements of the German language.
GIV.10 The student will apply German language skills and cultural understanding in opportunities beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes.
(Facts & Skills)
• Express and inquire about one’s favorite works of art/music/lit.
• Express opinions about a particular piece of art or art movement
• Evaluate works of art/music/lit. on aesthetic criteria and categorize it in an era based on its characteristics
• Produce an oral or written presentation on a German-speaking artist/composer/author
• Produce an artwork and explain the process and symbolic meaning of the work / CULTURES:
• Explore European masterpieces in different disciplines of art and their historical/cultural impact
• Make connections to music and music history
• Make connections to art and art critique / COMPARISONS:
• Compare and contrast styles of art/music in Europe and America.
• Compare modern contemporary artists in Germany and the Unlisted States
• Explore European art in local museums
• Attend a concert of local music group performing music of German/Austrian composer / •Explore notable artists and art movements from D/A/CH