Mrs. H. Reeder’s 7th Grade Tech Ed Syllabus

Email: Phone: 398-7400 Ext. 2417

Website: Grades: MMS Portal

*Make up times: 7:45 – 8:00 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday

Course Description:

Technology Education is part of the Life Applications rotation. It is a trimester course that prepares students for life beyond middle school. During the sixty day course, students will learn about various areas of technology. Some of the units we will study are transportation, electricity, construction and engineering. We will discuss careers related to these areas and the courses that are available in our senior high school.
Class Expectations:
1. Do things that will not prevent me from teaching you, or prevent others from learning.
2. Follow the ROCK Rules and all other school rules.
Class Rules:
Respect Yourself / *Listen to others
*Be on time
*Use appropriate language, tone, and volume
*Demonstrate tolerance
*Follow the dress code / Computer Lab Expectations
*Keep passwords private
*Use school appropriate resources and sites
*Credit sources
*Follow the AUP
Organize and Plan For Success / *Be prepared every day – bring a pen or pencil, your AR book, binder and materials
*Use your agenda to record assignments
*Keep iPods & cell phones off and in locker
*Check your grades online and your Email regularly
*If you are absent, check Mrs. Reeder’s website and see her before or after class to catch up
Care For People and Property / *Maintain personal space (keep your hands and objects to yourself)
*Help others and treat them kindly
*Leave computers, equipment and tools as they are (no downloads or messing with anyone else’s computers or cables – This is your warning!)
*Report problems to Mrs. Reeder IMMEDIATELY
*Keep food and drinks away from the computers
*Use and return classroom materials properly
*Ask permission to leave the room & sign out (get a drink in the hallway on your way here)
Keep On Learning… / *Follow directions the first time
*Listen and ask questions to clarify
*Be in your seat and remain on task by working quietly
*Be attentive, actively participate, and give your best effort
*Check Mrs. Reeder’s website for information and extra credit
ROCK stars, iROCK award, ROCK star certificate & breakfast, positive reinforcement, and free time in class.
Warning, Minor Doghouse Report, Major Doghouse Report.
*Making projects is a privilege. Students that do not complete work or cause behavior problems will not be permitted to make projects.
**Severe infractions may warrant immediate removal from the classroom.
There will be a few homework assignments. Students may need to do work at home if they are absent or do not finish something in class. Check Mrs. Reeder’s website for more information about assignments.
Mrs. Reeder’s Website:
My webpage has a lot of useful information. The 7th Grade Lesson Plans and Worksheets page has information about what we are doing each day in class and usually has copies of the handouts and materials. This also has the bell ringer and exit activity questions, dates of tests, and due dates for projects. My website also has information about how to earn extra credit.
Grading and MMS:
I grade based on a point system. These points come from homework assignments, tests, classwork, and projects. Students will be given plenty of time to complete assignments in class. If students do not use their class time wisely, they may need to finish work for homework or come in during Bullpup Scholar hours (7:45 – 8:00 every morning but Thursday) to make up work. *Check MMS for current grades and missing work.
Students are responsible to make up ALL work when they are absent or miss class. They will need to complete all notes that were missed and may have to work on assignments outside of class to complete them by the due date. My website has information for students that are absent. Email is a great way to contact me with any questions. I am also available every morning but Thursday from 7:45 to 8:00.
Tests are announced several days ahead of time. If a student is absent the day before a test, he or she will most likely be required to take the test with the rest of the class. If the student is absent on the day of a test, it will be made up the day he or she returns.
Missing Work and Late Work Policy:
Current grades are accessible on the MMS portal and occasionally class time is given for students to check their grades. Any assignment that is labeled as missing can still be made up with a late penalty. Students will lose 10% of the points for each day an assignment is late. I will not accept an assignment that is more than five days late. Assignments that are a zero can no longer be turned in. If a student is absent on a day that an assignment is due, it will be due the day the student returns to school. If a student has a question about an assignment or grade, he or she should immediately check with the teacher. It is the responsibility of the student to check his or her grades regularly and turn in missing work within the time limit.
Starting Class/Bell Ringers and Ending Class/Exit Activities:
Students need to follow the instructions on the board when they enter the classroom. Bell ringers and exit activities are assigned daily and due each Friday. The information at the top of the paper needs filled in as well as the date, question, and answer. The questions are graded on completion. Students need to work quietly and independently on the bell ringers and exit activities. Any student that is absent for class should write the date then absent across both parts on the day he or she missed. If a student is absent on Friday, the bell ringer is due the day he or she returns to school. If a student is in school but not in the classroom during the bell ringer or exit activity he or she can get the information from a neighbor or off my website. Extra copies of the bell ringer worksheet are available on my website. After the bell ringer is answered the students need to read or wait quietly in their seat for class to start.
Organization, Binders & Pencils:
It is very important for students to be organized and keep their handouts and packets in their binders. The handouts and packets will be used during class and are graded. Students also need to bring a pencil or pen and an AR book to class with them each day. Please keep this syllabus for reference. Graded papers can be recycled after the grades have been checked in MMS.
MORE time:
Whenever students finish an assignment early they will have MORE time. During MORE time students need to: check MMS and finish any missing assignments, do Other school work, Read AR, and check his or her Email. This is a great time for students to get caught up on computer work, finish homework, go to the library, practice study island, read, study, or just get organized. Students need to work independently and quietly during MORE time. *Students are NOT permitted to play computer games or do things that are not for school during MORE time.

Mrs. Reeder’s 7th Grade Tech Ed Syllabus

Making projects is a privilege. Incomplete classwork or failure to turn in homework will result in my privileges being taken away. I am responsible for my behavior, all assignments, and due dates. I have reviewed the expectations and understand what is expected in Mrs. H. Reeder’s Technology Education class. I agree to abide by these rules and the overall rules at our school and understand the consequences of my failure to follow these rules.


Student Name (Printed) Student Signature


Parent or Guardian Signature


Parent or Guardian Email Address or Phone Number