Washington State Council for Basic Skills – Work Plan for 2016-17
The Council for Basic Skills (CBS) has identified the following list of priorities. CBS aspires to integrate advocacy, retention and completion, evidence of success, professional development, and equity between colleges and community-based programs into their work.
· Goal 1: Implement and scale comprehensive innovative college and career pathways to accelerate student completion and foster economic growth.
· Goal 2: Guide and support transformational instructional practices that accelerate students toward completion of diplomas, equivalents, certificates, the Tipping Point, and AA/BA degrees leading to family-sustaining employment.
· Goal 3: Create and maintain strategic alliances to leverage local resources and increase navigation support to students.
· Goal 4: Develop system leadership and sustainable practices to encourage overall system stability.
· Goal 5: Develop and support practices of equity and inclusion
Goal 1: Implement and scale comprehensive innovative college and career pathways to accelerate student completion and foster economic growth.Objective / Strategy / Group(s) Involved / Expected Outputs or Outcomes
1.1 Increase participation and success of underrepresented populations
1.2 Continue system-wide discussions about overlap/alignment with developmental education and basic skills transitions to strengthen pathways to college and careers. / 1.1a Continue to expand I-BEST options
1.1b Fully implement WIOA
1.1c Establish increased navigational support to BEdA students.
1.1d Work with WSSSC to strengthen wraparound services to BEdA students.
1.2a Continue building a relationship with executive Committees of WEC and/or ATC ,and CESC
1.2b Plan a system-wide convening with a focus on precollege instructional alignment.
1.2c Identify where in the system this work has been successful.
1.2d Develop a relationship with Library Leadership Council / CBS, CBS Executive Committee,
SBCTC , Retention Committee, WSSSC
CBS Executive Committee
Transitions Committee, WEC, ATC, LLC. AEAC / 1.1a Increased career pathway options; increased FTE for underrepresented populations
1.1b Increased collaborations among BEdA programs, WDCs, Workforce Education, and CTE programs; increased FTE for underrepresented populations.
1.1b Distribute common definitions of wraparound services and models.
1.1c & d Increased completion and transitions; increased SAI points per student
1.2a Appropriate placements into IBEST options, HS21+ options, and other BEdA programming options
1.2b Seamless pathways for BEdA programming students leading to AA and certification completions
1.2c Share best practices for system building
1.2d Integrate information literacy and college readiness into BEdA programming; increase transitions
Goal 2: Guide and support transformational instructional practices that accelerate students toward completion of diplomas, equivalents, certificates, the Tipping Point, and AA/BA degrees leading to family-sustaining employment.
Objective / Strategy / Group(s) Involved / Expected Outputs or Outcomes
2.1 Support and improve high quality instruction in IDEA, HS 21+ and contextualized pathway courses.
2.2 Support the contextualization of BEdA supported courses to support high school completion & equivalency certification and to transition to postsecondary education and employment.
2.3 Strengthen and maintain a culture of rigorous instruction and evidence of increased performance.
2.4 Support the expansion of adult high school diploma credential (HS21+)
2.5 Colleges and CBOs establish articulation agreements for transitioning students
2.6 Integrate BEdA programs into Guided Pathways work at state level and at each institution / 2.1 Develop and disseminate Canvas and online resources for HS21+ Curriculum
2.2a Support BEdA professional training for contextualization
2.3 Support BEdA training initiatives through advisement, by providing feedback, and by providing hosting sites.
2.4a Continue the HS21+ Taskforce
2.4b Increase HS21+ enrollments and completions
2.4c Create and support a cache of resources for HS21+ faculty
2.4d Investigate ways to adopt uniformity of FTE and transition of HSC credit to meet enrollment regulations
2.5 Programs with articulation agreements share agreements and successful strategies
2.6a. Align with inter- and extra-institutional partners with
· Placement/intake assessment
· HS alignment
· Dev Ed placement/ alignment/articulation
· CBO alignment/articulation
· Multiple measures
· Standardized assessment
2.6b. Create a taskforce on guided pathways / Innovations Committee
CBS Executive Council
HS21+ Task Force
Transitions Committee / 2.1 Disseminate resources to practitioners
2.2a Faculty have access to and use contextualized curriculum
2.3 Increased training opportunities for faculty; increased rigor for students
2.4 Increased enrollments and completions in HS diploma options
2.3 & 2.4 Increased SAI Points per student
2.5 Recommendation for state-wide tool or strategies for implementation
2.6 Clearly identify student pathways starting at the beginning of basic education
2.6 Recommendation from guided pathways task force
Goal 3: Create and maintain strategic alliances to leverage local resources and increase navigation support to students.
Objective / Strategy / Group(s) Involved / Expected Outputs or Outcomes
3.1 Evaluate and develop the appropriate role for CBOs in relation to the following:
· College & Career Pathways
· HS 21+
· I-Best
3.2 Engage local workforce WIOA development partners to explore opportunities that support adult learners in accessing employment and training support
3.3 Strengthen wraparound services to BEdA students. / 3.1a Utilize CBO’s collaborative relations in communities to enhance strategic alliances for entire CBS system.
3.1b Build pathways for students participating at CBOs and build CBOs into our pathways work
3.1c Explore ways to better utilize complementary strengths of CBOs and Colleges.
3.2a Establish clear roles for partners in core WIOA programs
3.2b Identify and leverage key resources and attributes for all core programing in an effort to achieve common performance measure in the system
3.2c establish seamless delivery of services with WDC; shared performance measurers
3.2 d Share MOU cost sharing models with system.
3.3a Work with WSSSC to strengthen wraparound services to BEdA students
3.3b. Collaborate with WEC and ATC to plan joint meetings or professional development opportunities / CBOs, CBS Membership and committees; plus Guided Pathways TF
WSSSC and/or ACC and ARC
AEAC / 3.1 Strengthened alliances and pathways for students
3.2a Serve shared students/clients seamlessly; increased enrollments and completions
3.2b MOU for colleges and WDCS; shared performance measures; unified system for serving WIOA students
3.3 Programs implement navigator positions to support completion and transitions; increased SAI points per student
Goal 4: Develop system leadership and sustainable practices to encourage overall system stability.
Objective / Strategy / Group(s) Involved / Expected Outputs or Outcomes
4.1 Increase professional development opportunities for staff and faculty
4.2 Create a shared understanding of BEdA program requirements for Deans and Directors / 4.1 Explore and recommend professional development opportunities for BEdA trainings
4.2a Create monitoring visit/audit guidance (peer to peer)
4.2b Create and implement a formal mentoring program for new Directors/Deans including New Directors Institute / All CBS committees / 4.1 Training opportunities
4.2a A system of support for meeting WIOA/BEdA requirements
4.2b Effective and knowledgeable administrators
Goal 5: Develop and support practices of equity and inclusion
Objective / Strategy / Group(s) Involved / Expected Outputs or Outcomes
5.1 Create a faculty and staff reflective of the communities we serve and an environment of inclusion on our campuses and in our institutions
5.2 Ensure a workforce knowledgeable in understanding issues of equity
5.3 Implementation of inclusive practices. / 5.1 Create an Equity and Inclusion Taskforce
5.2 Provide professional development opportunities during CBS
5.1-3 Work with new Policy Associate to plan and develop professional training for the BEdA training calendar (for faculty and staff)
5.1-3 Develop a relationship with MSSDC & DSSC / CBS Executive Team
All CBS Committees & Taskforces
MSSDC, DSSC / 5.1 Increase diversity within our workforce
5.1-3 Increased collaboration with MSSDC & DSSC
5.2a Trainings scheduled for 2017-18 SBCTC Training calendar
5.2b Increased recognition of value and effectiveness of our programs as an access or entry point for serving a diverse population in higher education