
ACEC: / BethBauerStephanieMorseColleenMerkel / ACEC–IndianaACEC–IndianaACEC–Indiana /
2014Chair: / CarlCamacho / LochmuellerGroup /
2015 Chair: / Adam Burns / Crawford, Murphy, and Tilly /
BoardLiaison: / CherylCunningham / PCSEngineers /
Randall Brooks / Burgess and Niple /
ChipCharles / CrossRoadEngineers /
BradFaris / Butler,FairmanSeufert
VSEngineering /

HarryFox / CDMSmith /
PamelaGriesemer / KERAMIDA /
Chad Grabinski / etica group /
Jason Hesler / Certified Engineering /
Mak Knowles / HWC Engineering /
Jason Koch / DB Engineering /
Sean Porter / GRWEngineers
Parsons /

Joe Rengel / A&F Engineering /
LoriRushin / EiltsConsulting /
MattSmith / StrandAssociates /
ZachWolf / UnitedConsulting
AmericanStructurepoint /

Jim Trachtman / Hanson Professional Services /


2.Subcommittee Update:

a.Diversity Subcommittee

i.Started a program level spreadsheet for various XBE initiatives

ii.Difficulty engaging with EEO office

b.Funding Best Practices

  • Overall, there was some slight confusion as to the goals of this subcommittee. We discussed whether we are to focus in on helping DPW in finding additional funding ( I think intent was to find additional funding for DPW)OR are we to focus on ways to help DPW efficiently and effectively spend their money. Some further clarification from DPW and/or ACEC may be needed.
  • There was discussion about a salary survey
  • Zach brought up the fact that DPW may be utilizing a segment of the RebuildIndy team to complete the exact same task, so he will check with Andy to make sure we were not duplicating efforts.
  • The goal of this as we understand it is to compare current DPW salaries to other similar agencies including, but not limited to other City’s DPWs, CEG, and the private sector.
  • There was discussion about investigating a possible commuter tax
  • We discussed long-term planning and funding options
  • Selling bonds – strategies and techniques
  • Storm Water rate adjustment
  • We discussed working with DPW to see if there was a way to produce an 18-month letting list similar to INDOT
  • Our final discussion point was surrounding the fact that we are all engineers and not municipal finance experts. We can certainly work to gather some data on what other local public agencies are doing, but it may be difficult for us to provide a recommendation to DPW without having someone on the subcommittee who is adept in municipal finance.
  • Andy would like the group to help gather information regarding what other Cities and States are doing to help bridge the gap between available funding and NEED. He mentioned Texas as an example.
  • The potential utilization of franchise fees.
  • The potential utilization of user fees
  • Along with the storm water rate adjustment, bonding scenarios, and a commuter tax that we’ve already brought up.
  • Along with the research into what other entities are doing, he would like a little information (if available) as to what is needed in order to put these items into place (i.e. legislation and/or ordinance changes)
  • Andy said that there are currently no RebuildIndy team members looking into the salary survey under his supervision and he thought it would be a good idea if this subcommittee took on that responsibility.

c.Sustainability Best Practices

Subcommittee is reviewing the 2012 Best Practices Report and will update with more current information.

Need to include Envision/ISI language in the report

Continue to coordinate with the Office of Sustainability.

d.Pavement Evaluation and Maintenance Best Practices

No Report

e.RPR Training and Blog Coordination

No Report Post note: RPR Training set for March 17th.

3.DPW Executive Committee Updates


i.Understanding motivations of EEO office is difficult

ii.Rather than ACEC meeting with AF directly – work through Andy

iii.Provide the ammunition data and supporting information to move to a programmatic system.

iv.Base analysis on 2013 actual program.


i.Salary survey is a critical item from DPW

ii.2014-04 came as a surprise to some consultants (mostly magnitude)

iii.DPW has interest in having less/substantial RFQ’s, rather than multiple/small listings

iv.ACEC community would like to help develop a reliable 12-mo/6-mo listing

1.Is DPW willing to increase response time to 4 weeks rather than 2?

2.Could the program be released quarterly with priority designations?

v.Mechanism to “legislate” piles of money what is this?.

c.RPR Training and Blog

i.Any engagement with Rick Brost yet? Establishing relationship with Rick Brost.

ii.i.DPW has interest in moving away from “part-time” inspection.

iii.ii.Will still amend contracts (push to the low end of fees), but should be targeting Levels of Inspection document to develop initial fees.

d.Still having trouble with subconsultant payment.

i.Would like recommendations from committee on language to insert into DPW boilerplate contract to codify intent.

1.ACEC Committee (Burns) will author some draft language to be reviewed by the committee

2.Needs to include investigation prior to enforcement clauses

ii.Needs to be practical and have a penalty

4.New Business

a.As transition in Construction Director occurs can this committee assist in the transition?

b.Continue to monitor INDOT/LPA funds reallocation position


a.February 19, 2015 – 10:30 am at CMT.