August 6, 2013FY14
AUGUST 6, 2013 - 5:00 P.M.
The regular meeting of the Warren County Special Services School District Board of Education was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Board President, Mr. William Spencer.
Notification of the meeting was given in accordance with the requirement of the New Jersey Open Public Meeting Act, Ch. 231, P.L. 1975 and sent to The Daily Record and the Star Ledger and the Administrator/Clerk of the Board of the County of Warren.
Those present saluted the flag and observed a moment of silence in honor of those serving in the military.
Roll Call
Members Present:Dr. Kevin Brennan, Ms. Mary Jane Deutsch, Mr. Robert Hopeck, Ms. Kathi Howell, Ms. Kim Reitmeyer, Mr. William Spencer
Members Absent:Dr. Rosalie Lamonte
Administration Present:Mr. Joseph E. Flynn, Superintendent; Ms. Raelene Catterson, Business Administrator/Board Secretary
- Motion by Ms. Howell, second by Ms. Deutsch for the board to approve the minutes of the Board of Education regular meeting and executive session on June 25, 2013 and reorganization meeting on July 2, 2013.
Vote: 6 – Yes. Motion carried.
- Summer School (ESY)
- We had a total of 16 up by 2 from last year.
- The summer went very well
- EVVRS/HIB Report
- Contract Negotiations (Executive Session)
- Facilities
- Space for Occupational/Vocational/Life Skills program
- Visit to the House with Dept of Ed.
- All moves are complete and teachers are setting up classrooms
- Visit to several Programs
- Visit to Bergen County SSSD
- Visit to Somerset ESC
- Additional Personnel for next year.
- Preparing for the 2013/14 school year
- Orientation will be on August 26th at Warren Tech
- I-Pad training on August 27th at Alpha
- Orientation with New staff will be August 29.
- Visit all programs
- HIB Report January 1, 2013 through June 30, 2013
- EVVRS Report January 1, 2013 through June 30, 2013
- Resignation letter from SaraMislan-Lotter, (.2 Social Worker)
- Superintendent’s 12-13 Merit Goal approval letter from the Executive County Superintendent
- Copy of Revised Policy 0000.01 Introduction (M)
- Copy of Revised Policy 0000.02 Introduction (M)
- Copy of New Policy 3232 Tutoring Services
- Copy of Revised Regulation 3232 Tutoring Services
- Copy of Revised Policy 5120 Assignment of Pupils
- Copy of Revised Policy 5300 Automated External Defibrillators (AED) (M)
- Copy of New Regualtion 5300 Automated External Defibrillators (AED) (M)
- Copy of Revised Policy 5533 Pupil Smoking (M)
- Copy of Revised Policy 7434 Smoking in School Buildings and on School Grounds (M)
- Copy of New Policy 7522 School District Provided Technology Devices to Staff Members
- Copy of New Policy 7523 School District Provided Technology Devices to Students
Motion by Mr. Hopek, second by Dr. Brennan to approve the following action items:
- Approval of Check Register(s)
BE IT RESOLVED; that the Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the School Business Administrator confirms and approves the June 30, 2013 bill list in the amount of $76,520.31 and the July 31, 2013 in the amount of $360,239.97.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Business Administrator be authorized to process August, 2013 invoices for payment for the current fiscal year with Board confirmation at the next regular meeting.
- Approval of Financial Reports
BE IT RESOLVED; that the Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the School Business Administrator approves the Board Secretary and Treasurer Reports for the month ending June 30, 2013.
- Acceptance of Financial Reports Certification
BE IT RESOLVED; that the Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the School Business Administrator accepts the certification of the Board Secretary, and certifies: in compliance with NJAC 6A:23A-16.10(c), that to the best of our knowledge as of June 30, 2013, no major account or fund has been over-expended and that sufficient funds exist to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the 2012-2013 school year.
- Transfer of Funds
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education, upon the recommendation by the School Business Administrator, approves the transfer of uncommitted funds within the 2012-2013 school year budget as per the attached list.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Business Administrator be authorized to do account transfers that may be needed to close the fiscal year with Board confirmation at the next regular meeting.
- Appropriate Fund Balance
BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education, upon the recommendation be the School Business Administrator, authorize the withdrawal of $16,916.23 from General Fund unassigned fund balance to provide for Legal Fees, Merit Pay, Salaries, and the appropriation of funds to the following line items:
11-000-230-331 / LEGAL FEES / $1,057.2811-000-223-500 / STAFF TRAINING / $ 93.80
11-000-230-100 / SUPERINTENDENT MERIT PAY / $3,567.00
11-000-291-241 / PERS CONTRIBUTION / $ 3,783.00
11-000-216-100 / RELATED SERVS SALARY / $ 8,415.15
Roll Call Vote: 6 – Yes. Motion carried.
The anticipated enrollment pattern of the classes of the Warren County Special Services School District for the 2013-2014 school-year is as follows:
Teacher / Sep. / Oct. / Nov. / Dec. / Jan. / Feb. / Mar. / Apr. / May / JuneAUT-E Franklin / NF / 2
AUT-I Pohatcong / MH / 5.5
BD-I Great Meadows / MS / 2
BD-S WC Tech / LF / 10
CS-S Great Meadows / DK / 6
MD-S Hackettstown / KL / 4
MD-I Great Meadows / DF / 2
LLD-S WC Tech / Tech / 19
Total: / 50.5
Motion by Ms. Reitmeyer, second Ms. Deutsch to approve the following action items:
- RESOLVED: to accept the retirement of Susan Dyer (aide @ WHRHS)
- RESOLVED, to approve Ms. Jaime O’Grady as Testing Coordinator
- RESOLVED, to approve Ms. Jaime O’Grady as HIB Anti-Bulling Specialist
- RESOLVED, to approve the employment of Ms. Christine Cortese, Part-Time Speech Therapist, (.4 - maximum 2 days per week) at Step 1-MA ($49,485. Prorated to $19,794.) of the 2012-2013 Teacher’s Salary Guide effective September 1, 2013. Salary to be adjusted upon ratification of new contract.
- RESOLVED, to approve the employment of Ms. Dara Monsorno, Part-Time Intervention Specialist (Behaviorist), (.4 - maximum 2 days per week) at Step 5-BA30 ($50,685 Prorated to $20,274.00) of the 2012-2013 Teacher’s Salary Guide effective September 1, 2013. Salary to be adjusted upon ratification of new contract.
- RESOLVED, to approve the employment of Ms. Casandra Weinschenk, Part-Time Social Worker, (.4 - maximum 2 days per week) at Step 2-MA ($49,985 Prorated to $19,994.00) of the 2012-2013 Teacher’s Salary Guide effective September 1, 2013. Salary to be adjusted upon ratification of new contract.
- RESOLVED, to approve the employment of Ms. Jewels Quelly, Part-Time Classroom Aide, (FTE .5) at Step 1 ($17,560 Prorated to $8,780.00) of the 2012-2013 Paraprofessional’s Salary Guide effective September 1, 2013. Salary to be adjusted upon ratification of new contract.
- RESOLVED, to approve the employment of Ms. Janet Cunningham, Part-Time Classroom Aide, (FTE .5) at Step 1 ($17,560 Prorated to $8,780.00) of the 2012-2013 Paraprofessional’s Salary Guide effective September 1, 2013. Salary to be adjusted upon ratification of new contract.
- RESOLVED, to approve the employment of Ms. Dana Cadigan, Full-Time Contracted Aide, at Step 1 ($17,560) of the 2012-2013 Paraprofessional’s Salary Guide effective September 1, 2013. Salary to be adjusted upon ratification of new contract.
- RESOLVED, to approve the employment of Ms. Gina Sammarone, Full-Time Contracted Aide, at Step 1 ($17,560) of the 2012-2013 Paraprofessional’s Salary Guide effective September 1, 2013. Salary to be adjusted upon ratification of new contract.
- RESOLVED, to approve the employment of Ms. Janice Fantuzzi, Full Time Teacher at Step 13-BA ($62,090) of the 2012-2013 Teacher’s Salary Guide effective September 1, 2013. Salary to be adjusted upon ratification of new contract.
- RESOLVED, to establish the Bus Driver rate of pay to be $17.00 per hour for the 2013-2014 school year.
- RESOLVED, to approve the employment of John Haines, Bus Driver at a rate of $17.00 per hour effective September 1, 2013.
Roll Call Vote: 6 – Yes. Motion carried.
Motion by Ms. Reitmeyer, second Ms. Deutsch to approve the following action items:
- RESOLVED, to approve Niomi White from Eastwick College to do an OT Internship (40 hrs) starting in September 2013.
- RESOLVED, to approve the first reading of Copy of Revised Policy 0000.01 Introduction (M)
- RESOLVED, to approve the first reading of Copy of Revised Policy 0000.02 Introduction (M)
- RESOLVED, to approve the first reading of Copy of New Policy 3232 Tutoring Services
- RESOLVED, to approve the first reading of Copy of Revised Regulation 3232 Tutoring Services
- RESOLVED, to approve the first reading of Copy of Revised Policy 5120 Assignment of Pupils
- RESOLVED, to approve the first reading of Copy of Revised Policy 5300 Automated External Defibrillators (AED) (M)
- RESOLVED, to approve the first reading of Copy of New Regualtion 5300 Automated External Defibrillators (AED) (M)
- RESOLVED, to approve the first reading of Copy of Revised Policy 5533 Pupil Smoking (M)
- RESOLVED, to approve the first reading of Copy of Revised Policy 7434 Smoking in School Buildings and on School Grounds (M)
- RESOLVED, to approve the first reading of Copy of New Policy 7522 School District Provided Technology Devices to Staff Members
- RESOLVED, to approve the first reading of Copy of New Policy 7523 School District Provided Technology Devices to Students
Roll Call Vote: 6 – Yes. Motion carried.
Motion by Ms. Howell, second Dr. Brennan to approve the following action items:
- RESOLVED, to approve quoted transportation contract with GST Transport Corp., Washington, Terminal for the 2013-2014 School Year as follows:
Multi-Contract #: Q1322
Renewal #: / July 8, 2013 TO AUGUST 8, 2014
Contractor Name: GST Transport Corp. / Contract Amount: $2,580.00
Terminal Location: Washington
CODE 0228
School / Arrival / Departure / Per Diem / # of / Per Annum / Per Diem / Cost Rep. # / # of Days / Inc/Dec / Per Diem / Annual
Route # / Destination / Type / Time / Time / Cost / Days / Cost / Aide Cost / of Aides / For Aide / Provision / Contract Total / Contract Total
Q1322 / MT VILLA SCHOOL / 1 / 10:00AM / 1:00PM / 129.00 / 20 / 0 / 0 / 1.00 / $215.00 / $2,580.00
- RESOLVED, to approve transportation contract with GST Transport Corp., Washington, Terminal for the 2013-2014 School Year as follows:
Multi-Contract #: GST NP1314
Bid # : 2013 14NP / CONTRACT PERIOD:
Renewal #: / September 1, 2013 TO June 30, 2014
Contractor Name: GST Transport Corp. / Contract Amount: $82,440.00
Terminal Location: Washington
CODE 0228
School / Arrival / Departure / Per Diem / # of / Per Annum / Per Diem / Cost Rep. # / # of Days / Inc/Dec / Per Diem / Annual
Route # / Destination / Type / Time / Time / Cost / Days / Cost / Aide Cost / of Aides / For Aide / Provision / Contract Total / Contract Total
NP 1 PINK / ST. PHILLIP AND JAMES SCHOOL / 2 / 8:00AM / 2:38PM / 229.00 / 180 / 0 / 0 / 1.00 / $229.00 / $41,220.00
8:00AM / 2:12PM
2:30 PM / 229.00 / 180 / 0 / 0 / 1.00 / $229.00 / $41,220.00
- RESOLVED, to approve quoted transportation contract with Akab, Inc. Phillipsburg Terminal for the 2013-2014 School Year as follows:
Multi-Contract #: Q1308A
Renewal #: / JULY 1, 2013 TO AUGUST 31, 2013
Contractor Name: AKAB, INC / Contract Amount: $5,100.00
Terminal Location: PHILLIPSBURG
CODE: 3018
School / Arrival / Departure / Per Diem / # of / Per Annum / Per Diem / Cost Rep. # / # of Days / Inc/Dec / Per Diem / Annual
Route # / Destination / Type / Time / Time / Cost / Days / Cost / Aide Cost / of Aides / For Aide / Provision / Contract Total / Contract Total
Q1308A / MIDLAND SCHOOL / 3 / 9:00AM / 3:00PM / 140.00 / 30 / 30.00 / 1 / 30 / .95 / $170.00 / $5,100.00
- RESOLVED, to approve quoted transportation contract with Akab, Inc. Phillipsburg Terminal for the 2012-2013 School Year as follows:
Multi-Contract #: Q1238X
Renewal #: / FEBRUARY 28, 2013 TO JUNE 30, 2013
Contractor Name: AKAB, INC / Contract Amount: $15,750.00
Terminal Location: PHILLIPSBURG
CODE: 3018
School / Arrival / Departure / Per Diem / # of / Per Annum / Per Diem / Cost Rep. # / # of Days / Inc/Dec / Per Diem / Annual
Route # / Destination / Type / Time / Time / Cost / Days / Cost / Aide Cost / of Aides / For Aide / Provision / Contract Total / Contract Total
Q1238X / PHILLIPSBURG H.S. / 1 / 7:25AM / 2:16PM / 225.00 / 70 / 1.95 / $225.00 / $15,750.00
Roll Call Vote: 6 – Yes. Motion carried.
No incidents reported
Motion by Ms. Reitmeyer, second by Ms. Howell, to enter into executive session at 5:47 p.m. to discuss personnel matters and negotiations with the WCSSEA.
Vote: 6 – Yes. Motion carried.
Motion by Mr. Hopek, second by Ms. Howell, to return to regular session at 6:04 p.m.
Vote: 6 – Yes. Motion carried.
Motion by Ms. Reitmeyer, second by Mr. Hopek to adjourn the meeting at 6:05 p.m.
Vote: 6 – Yes. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Raelene M. Catterson
School Business Administrator/Board Secretary
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