Swamp Rehearsal Notes:
Please excuse any typos or grammatical errors, these notes are not edited and were taken via talk to text.
- Ogres you need a lot more energy ogres you need to drive the energy of the show
- Sophia as you need to wear your hair in a braid
- Fiona I need to know what you think about your mom sending you off
- Stephanie when you say your prince will come have a total princess moment looking straight out
- Happy people all better
- Francine tuck in your blouse
- Gavin great energy in the beginning a big bright beautiful world
- Keep going Gavin, it's awesome
- Gavin my own little patch, cross to the hut
- Gavin do a fiddler shoulders at end
- ALL Blind mice are supposed to be on the platform after story of my life and doing a kick line.
Story of my life there are a lot of other people who are supposed to be on the platform, you guys this is about the audience being able to see you and having it look good from the audiences perspective please pleaseplease do that - Olivia go on the stage right platform with the Shrek entrance after story
- ALL You were only supposed to cross on hope, otherwise it doesn't work
- Cinderella hair needs to be changed
- Goodbye Those of you singing goodbye please make sure your stage right of Shrek
- Donkey are you wearing kneepads?
- Gavin when you want to put your arms above your head what they're in the
- If you're hat falls off take it off pick it up off the ground when you exit the scene
- Jude and Gavin and don't let me go to motivate the laying down
- Quinlon we need to look at your first entrance
- Guards you need to stand like a card all the time
- Amelia you have to know where the guard standing need to stand correctly
- Quinlon look over your right shoulder when she saying not my gumdrop buttons with the sinister smile
- Principle dancers you have to outshine in the regiment they are great moments don't want to be overshadowed
- Farquaad you have to have your head look at the audience when you cross stage
- Quinlon you need to wear black socks or black tights under your pants
- Duloc citizens re-center yourselves when you come back on
- All Fiona's is need to review their I know it's today blocking
- Donkey Cut the beard line, it was cut a couple weeks ago
- Knights be louder
- Dragon better each time
- Dragonettes you looked bored
- Dragon eyes off the floor
- Dragon I don't see the change where you start loving him
- Julia don't touch chest when you don't like your voice
- Shrek and Fiona I got you beat was much better
- Khalila louder
- Quinlon speak grumpy
- Quinlon review the wedding words and lines
- Gavin don't have your backpack anymore remember