Warren County Extension Council Minutes

Tuesday, July 18, 2017, 6:30 pm

Warren County Extension Office

The Warren County Extension Council was called to order byChair, Amy Tlachat 6:40 pm.Present were Council members, Jason Delay, Charles Ertzinger, Stacy Henson, Kate Patterson, and Amy Tlach. Also present: Cortney Garrington, Executive Director, and Andrea Nelson, Regional Director. Absent were Mark Davitt, work obligation; Steve Heaberlin, on vacation; Andy Lent, work obligation; and, Mark Matlage, on vacation.

Tlachdeclared theConsent Agenda itemsapproved which consistedof the May, 2017 Minutes; June and Year-end 2017 Financial Reports;volunteer re-approval of Kelli McCormick; co-leader of the White Oak Climbers; Carli Milby, Organizational Leader of the Indianola Clover Kids; and, Meredith Jinks, Orgniazational Leader of new Clover Kids club in Norwalk; the staff narrative reports; audience counts of past events and upcoming calendar of events.

Henson moved that the May2017 vouchers of $28,075.04numbered 11709 to 11732and May ACH’s be approved. Patterson seconded. Motion passed unanimously with no abstentions. Patterson moved that June 2017 vouchers be tabled to the next meeting. DeLay seconded. Motion passed unanimously with no abstentions.

Proposed Personnel Changes were reviewed. Ertzinger moved to return the Addition to Addendum A to the Personnel Committee for consideration. DeLay seconded. Motion passed unanimously with no abstentions. DeLay moved to move forward with the other Personnel Changes and job descriptions to be included in the July end-of-month payroll. Ertzinger seconded. Motion passed unanimously with no abstentions.

Ertzinger advised that the IECA met on June 10 with feedback from Council Conference. The next conference is scheduled for March 10, 2018. Items discussed were background screening and how often criminal information was specified, should DHS involvement be recommended, looking into changing re-screening from three to four years; Legislative day will continue; John Lawrence gave an update on the budget; promoting County Point of Contacts; a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with county fairs is in revision; and other MOU’s were extended for two years.

Garrington advised that we’ve had positive feed-back for the 100 year celebration. Fair entry was positive and fair clean-up went well. The 4-H Summer Day Camps were very successful. Farmland Leasing is scheduled in August at the Farm Bureau; Cops & Bobbers will be the final day camp, partnering with the Indianola Police Department and held at Ahquabi; the Master Gardener program has changed so that the participants will have more hands-on experience; the Private Pesticide training has been moved from the Farm Bureau in December to Annelise Winery.

Nelson discussed Year-end figures andwould like the Council to encourage staff participation at the Office Professional and Annual Conferences; the marketing position was outlined (handout) and notice given of a change in health and wellness programming.

We are awaiting the Madison contract for the Families and Nutrition Associate Educator.

Warren County Extension Council Minutes

July 18, 2017, 6:30 pm

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It was requested that Garrington explore alternative insurance options.

The next Council meeting is scheduled for September 19, 2017 at 6:30 pm (no Council meeting is to be held in August).

DeLay moved to adjourn. Patterson seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:22 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

______Dated: ______, 2017

Kate Patterson
