1) Its first head was William Mooney, and it only became politically active in the election of 1800, when Aaron Burr used it to garner more votes for Jefferson. Stephen Allen, Isaac Fowler, and John Kelly all held its position of Grand Sachem, a spot held last by Carmine DeSapio in the 1950s, but that was more famously held by a man who briefly escaped jail time by fleeing to Spain. That man had earlier used its influence to steal millions of dollars, as exposed by Samuel Tilden. Also known as the Columbian Order, FTP name this New York City political machine famously run by “Boss” Tweed.

Answer:TammanyHall, or Society

2) This novel owes its title to a line in Homer’s The Odyssey when Agamemnon speaks to Odysseus. One character in this novel, a skillful carpenter, breaks his leg and his father attempts to mend it with cement, causing his blood flow to be cut. That character Cash has one sister named Dewey who was raped and impregnated by the store clerk Skeet MacGowan. Vardaman is the youngest of the children in this novel and was present when his mother died about whom he once said “my mother is a fish.” FTP, the Bundren family must bury the body of Addie in Jefferson in what 1930 novel by William Faulkner?

Answer: As I Lay Dying

3) In the third section of this work the author uses the example of mistaking a mannequin for a person to demonstrate the non-positional nature of recognizing subjectivity in others. The revelation that man is “condemned to be free” is contained in this work subtitled An Essay On Phenomenological Ontology. “The Look” and the “Origin of Negation” are two sections in it, though the most famous section discusses “bad faith.” Positing existence before essence, FTP, this is what existentialist work by Jean-Paul Sartre?

Answer:Being and Nothingnessor L’Etre et le Neant

4) This figure once erected an altar on mount Ebal and carved the laws of Moses into it. Believed to be an Imam by Shi’ah Muslims, this man was one of the twelve spies sent to Canaan by Moses, and accompanied Moses part of the way onto Mount Sinai on his journey to receive the Ten Commandments. He commanded the Israelites at Rephidim against the Amalekites during the Exodus, and at one of his more notable battles in Caanan, this man asked God to keep the moon from coming, prolonging the daylight and allowing him to finish the battle. FTP, name this successor to Moses as leader of the Israelites, the conqueror of the city of Jericho.

Answer: Joshua

5) Though not free energy, if the Hemholtz kind of this per unit volume is a function of the strain tensor, it is called the elastic kind of this quantity. A numeric value for it for every point in space for a conservative force in which the work done is zero when moving along a path starting and ending in the same location. Caused by a restoring force that tends to pull an object to a lower energy state, the many forms of it include nuclear, electrostatic, chemical, and gravitational. FTP, name this form of energy that is stored within a system, and which may be exampled by a ball in mid air just about to begin to fall.
Answer: potential energy

6) Jellyfish are notably excluded from one action demonstrated in this novel and one character tells a story about girls who eat treacle but is later stuffed into a teapot before emerging during the trial of the Knave. Eating certain parts of a mushroom as well as food marked “EAT ME” helps change the size of the title character, who plays a game using hedgehogs and flamingos at the house of the Duchess. Inspiring a sequel entitled “Through the Looking Glass,” FTP name this novel featuring characters such as the mock turtle, the Queen of Hearts, and the Cheshire Cat, a novel by Lewis Carrol.
Answer: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (accept Alice in Wonderland)

7) Nahn is a spectroscopic binary that makes up its nose. Al-Tarf is its brightest star that is designated with the beta Bayer designation. A loose cluster of feint stars called the Praesepe or the Beehive, is another feature of the constellation. Lying between Gemini to the west and Leo to the east, the tegmine star system makes up its shell while the Acubens make up this constellation’s claws. People born in between June 21 and July 22 are said to be born FTP, under what zodiac crab constellation?

Answer: Cancer

8) One story in this work involves the rooster Chanticleer, who escapes his death by the fox Russell after seeing a prophetic dream about his death. Another episode involves an Oxford student who tells John the carpenter that a flood is coming and convinces him to sleep on the roof in a bathtub. It begins in Southwark at the Tabard Inn, where Harry Bailey hosts his guests. Its most famous story involves an old woman, who challenges a knight to find out what women desire the most from men. FTP, The Prioress, the Nun’s Priest, the Miller, and the Wife of Bath are some of the storytellers in what Chaucer work?
Answer: The Canterbury Tales

9) Originally proposed by Jacob Hacker, a version of it managed approval in the Senate’s HELP committee while another version only managed to get through the House Energy and Commerce Committee when its reimbursement rates were decoupled from Medicare, still garnering opposition from many Blue Dog Democrats. While some on the left have said that this proposal would provide “choice and competition” through an exchange, ultimately leading to lower health insurance costs, many on the right contend that it is a “Trojan horse” intended to achieve single-payer. FTP, name this plan, a government-run insurance plan currently being debated in Congress.

Answer:Public (Insurance) Option

10)Rhyncobdellida species of this animal are jawless and therefore must insert a needle-like proboscis into the body of the host to feed. In addition, they secrete an enzyme, hemetin which dissolves clots once they have formed. The Australian species of this creature is unique in that it has only two jaws instead of the normal three and it will make a V-shaped incision. Those who are bitten by this annelid can see a bite mark that is in a Y-shape. Belonging to the subclass Hirudinea, FTP name these animals, who bloodsucking habit can often be seen used for medicinal purposes.

ANSWER: leeches

11) This piece begins with the strings playing C and continues into two new songs. This symphonic poem, sung as the Christian hymn "Be Still, My Soul," was the national anthem of the Nigerian breakaway state Biafra. This piece, based on a text by Zachria Topelius, was composed to protest against the censorship of Russia in the composer’s native country. When it was renamed to escape Russian censorship, one popular re-titling was Happy Feelings at the awakening of Finnish Spring. FTP, name this famous piece, a work by Finnish composer Jean Sibelius.

Answer: Finlandia

12) While reciting his story into a black box, the protagonist of this man’s second novel reveals he is the last surviving member of the Creedish Death Cult and has a Sensitive Materials Sanitary Landfill named after him. In another of his novels, the protagonist has dropped out of medical school to support his ailing mother, and works in a colonial theme park, all whilst courting nymphomaniacs at addict meetings. Notable for creating the characters Tender Branson, Victor Mancini, and most famously, Tyler Durden, this is FTP, what author of Survivor, Choke, and Fight Club?

Answer: Chuck Palahniuk (PALL-a-nik)

13) A supporter of a Disabilities Bill to allow Lionel de Rothschild to serve in the House of Commons, he served as Chancellor of the Exchequer during Lord Derby’s three ministries, during which time he introduced the 1867 Reform Bill. Given the title Viscount Hughenden and Earl of Beaconsfield, he was in his day famous for various works of fiction including Alroy, Venetia, Conigsby, and Vivien Grey. The favorite of Queen Victoria, FTP, identify this conservative rival of William Gladstone, the first British Prime Minister with Jewish heritage.

Answer: Benjamin Disraeli

14) This author wrote an one story about a fourteen year-old girl who is forced to become a prostitute by her grandmother. In addition to the “Incredible and Sad Tale,” another of his novels opens with the discovery that Jeremiah Saint-Amour practiced cannibalism, and trying to retrieve his parrot from a tree, Dr. Urbino falls to death. In that novel, Florentino confesses his love to Fermina fifty-one years after their first affair. In his most famous work, after the failure of a strike on a banana plantation, the rain does not stop for five years in Macondo. FTP, name the author of Love in the Time of Cholera, who wrote about the Buendia family in One Hundred Years of Solitude.

Answer: Gabriel García Márquez

15) The procession of Wepwawet is one of four parts of mysteries celebrating this god, as shown by the Ikhernofret Stela in Abydos, a city important to his worship. He is sometimes called Wennenefer, meaning "one who continues to be perfect," and his name is given epithets such as "Lord of Duat," and "Father of the Kings." This wearer of the Atef crown is linked with the tree of life because a Tamarisk tree grew out of the chest containing his body, which supposedly surfaced in Byblos after his murder by his brother Set. FTP, name this Egyptian god of the afterlife, the husband of Isis.

Answer: Osiris (or Asar)

16) They originally came out against the Vietnam War and championed feminism, though rifts with liberal white supporters changed their orientation somewhat. Robert Lewis led this organization’s voter registration drive in Maycomb, Mississippi, and John Lewis was its head until another figure took it over and pursued goals of “black power.” Formed at ShawUniversity by Ella Baker and led by Stokely Carmichael, FTP, identify this Civil Rights organization that often worked with CORE.

Answer: Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (accept “Snick”)

17) A frog can be seen in the bottom left of this work, which also shows a loaf of bread near a basket filled with fruit. Its background and lighting suggest that it was created in a studio instead of in the Bois du Boulogne. The tasseled hat worn by one of the men was also traditionally worn indoors. The men, likely artist’s brother Gustave and his future brother in law, are juxtaposed against the bather in the background and the women who is seated with them, whose clothes are laid out beside her. FTP, name this realist work by Édouard Manet, controversial for its presentation of a nude picnicking with two gentlemen.

Answer: Le déjeuner sur l'herbe or Luncheon on the Grass

18) The ionic form of this element when combined with borohydride will become a powerful reducing agent that can turn aldehydes to ketones and ketones to alcohols. Its elemental form was first isolated in 1806 by a Sir Humphrey Davy who ran molten caustic soda through an electric current. This was certainly an accomplishment since its high reactivity does not allow it to exist in nature. In the flame test this element will burn yellow. When it combines with chlorine one can see its most common form in nature. With the atomic number eleven, FTP name this most common alkali metal which has the symbol Na.

Answer: sodium

19) This novel opens with a wedding celebration, which many uninvited guests attend without contributing money. Although the Dutch midwife Madame Haupt helps out during the labor, the protagonist’s wife dies giving birth to a stillborn baby. The protagonist meets Jack Duane at a prison after attacking Phil Connor, the boss who raped his wife Ona. After emigrating from Lithuania and losing faith in the American Dream, Jurgis Rudkus turns socialist. FTP, the Pure Food and Drug Act and Meat Inspection Act were inspired by the depiction of filth of the Chicago meat-packing industry in what muckraking novel by Upton Sinclair?
Answer: The Jungle

20) This dynasty originated with the struggles of Ibrahim the Imam, whose brother Abdallah established it with a victory on the Greater Zab River. Muhammad al-Khwarizmi and Alhazen were famous thinkers during it, though the most famous may have been the writer of The Book of Healing, Avicenna. Their demise began with the loss of land to the Ghaznavids, Seljuks, and Almoravids, though its doom came with an invasion by Hulegu. FTP, what Islamic dynasty founded in 750 lasted until 1258 when its capital at Baghdad was sacked by Mongols?

Answer: Abbassid Caliphate

Tiebreaker: The only president to graduate from the US Naval Academy, his presidency saw US participation in Salt II, and the return of the Panama Canal territory. This founder of the Departments of Energy and Education was unpopular, partially because Operation Eagle Claw failed to end the Iran hostage crises. Also known for mediating between Anwar Sadat and Menachim Begin at Camp David is, FTP, this leader of Habitat for Humanity and former Georgian president.

Answer: Jimmy Carter


1) This Southern author’s works deal with moral and ethical dilemmas, as well as the grotesque nature of mankind. FTPE:

A) Name this Georgia born author that created Hazel Motes inWise Blood and Francis Tarwater inThe Violent Bear It Away.

Answer: Flannery O’Connor

B) This short story by O’Connor features the grandmother and her grandchildren John Wesley and June Star attempting to help the escaped murderer, the Misfit.

Answer: “A Good Man is Hard to Find”

C) This O’Connor short story follows a one-legged girl formally named Joy, who foolishly trusts a bible salesman who is only interested in stealing her wooden leg.

Answer: “Good Country People”

2) Dante's view is a prominent overlook in this national park, from which one can see Telescope Peak as well as parts of the Devil's Golf Course. FTPE:
A) Identify this national park, also the site of the lowest point in North America at the BadwaterBasin, which was known for its borax mines before it became a national park.
Answer: Death Valley
B) Just south of Death Valley is this great desert that contains Joshua Tree National Park, plenty of military weapons testing grounds, and a namesake rattlesnake with a deadly neurotoxin.
Answer: MojaveDesert
C) Both Death Valley and the Mojave Desert exhibit this kind of topographypossibly caused by the subduction of the Farallon Plate beneath the North American plate. It is characterized by extension in the Earth's crust which produces many normal faults along with horsts and grabens.
Answer: Basinand Range(Accept Fault-Block; Do Not Accept Great Basin).

3) Name this composer of variations on themes by Haydn and Handel, and whose first symphony was considered “Beethoven’s 10th”. FTPE

A) Identify this composer of a lullaby and TheGerman Requiem.

Answer: Johannes Brahms

B) This Brahms’ composition was a work created to thank the University of Breslau, where he had earned an honorary doctorate.

Answer: Academic Festival Overture

C) This companion overture to the Academic Festival Overture was said to "cry where the other laughs." It is in three sections, all in the key of D Minor.

Answer: Tragic Overture

4) A talented writer with an exceedingly cheery disposition, the title orphan of this work wishes her name were Cordelia. FTPE:

A) Identify this 1908 novel in which the titular literary heroine and best friend of Diana Barry is adopted by Marilla and Matthew of Avonlea.

Answer: Anne of Green Gables

B) Anne of Green Gables and all of its subsequent follow-ups were written by this Canadian children’s author.

Answer: Lucy Maude Montgomery

C) Montgomery's series on Anne Shirley takes place in this Prince Edward Island community located on a small peninsula.

Answer: Avonlea

5) FTPE, identify the following European monarchs with memorable nicknames.

A) This man was originally known as “the Bastard,” though the situation surrounding his lack of a father gave him claim to the throne of England, and after taking it from Harold II he became known as “the Conqueror.”

Answer:WilliamI of Normandy

B) For being well over six feet tall this English monarch was known as “Longshanks.” He conquered Wales and attempted to take Scotland as well, earning him the other nickname “Hammer of the Scots.”

Answer:Edward I

C) Also known as “the Just,” the most famous add-on to his name, Corvinus, means “like a raven.” He greatly extended Hungary’s borders during his 42 year reign from 1458-1490.