Wardington Memorial Hall AGM –16th July2015 at 7.00pm in the Memorial Hall



Trustees: Clive Hunt (Chairman), Andrew Pearson, Forbes Elworthy

Management Committee: Paul Bimson (Secretary), Amanda Thompson, Ian Thompson, Anne Wilkins, Bridget Elworthy, Steve Mackenzie-Lawrie

Members of the Community: Several in attendance

Opening remarks:Clive Hunt reflected on the sad passing in November of Lady Wardington. The Wardington community are particularly grateful for her generous donation to enable the refurbishment of the hall to a very high standard, therefore ensuring its future as a valuable asset for the village. Will Pease has kindly offered to take on the role of a Trustee of the Hall therefore ensuring a continued interest from the family in the Wardington community. Clive also thanked Amanda Thompson for her time as caretaker for the Memorial Hall since its official opening 2 years ago.

  1. Apologies (Management Committee members) –Norman Hudson, James Wild, Eddie Price (for the bowls club).
  2. Minutes of the AGMheld on3rd July 2014– These were circulated and agreed as a true record.
  3. Accounts for the Year ended 31stMarch 2015– The Accounts were circulated and presented by Clive Hunt.
  • Management Account –Income from the hire of the Hall was over £6,000, an increase of over 30% on the previous financial year. The operating surplus was a record £3,240.With reserves plus income from hire of the Hall, grants and donations, we were able to invest a further £12,500 in improvements to the Hall.
  • Capital Account – This Account, which is under the control of the Trustees, funded the continued improvements to the Hall including the installation of reverberation panels in the main hall, building work in the patio area including improved drainage and the installation of stone paving and the felling of Leylandii trees to allow for more sunlight to the rear of the Hall. This produced a net deficit in the year of £3,838 and a closing bank balance of £381.00.
  1. Chairman’s Report

Clive Hunt reported that during the year, the Hall was used on 228 occasions which is an average of 19 occasions per month. Regular hirers include the Bowls Club, Pilates with Debbie Young,Ballet Fitnesswith Ginny Steven, Parish Council, Afternoon Teas, the Over 60’s Club and the Film Nights. Private bookings included several children’s parties, weddings including a Tyrolean themed wedding breakfast and special occasion events.

The Trustees had recently reviewed and agreed the on-going strategy for the Hall as:

  • To continue to provide an events/activities facility primarily for the Wardington community
  • To develop hiring and usage of the Hall through ‘word of mouth’ communication, not costly advertising
  • To maintain the Hall to a high standard and thus ensuring a competitive edge over similar local halls

The policy for hiring rates will be to maintain the ‘village’ rates as low as possible whilst increasing the premium chargeable to non-village hirers.

  1. HallProperty Report

Paul Bimson reported that the Hall is being kept in good order via a regular maintenance programme supported by members of the Memorial Hall Management Committee and other volunteers. At these sessions (usually on a Saturday morning), improvements to the paint work, general repairs, removal of debris in gutters etc. is undertaken. More volunteers are especially welcome – dates for the maintenance sessions will be advertised via the Warbler etc.

The condensation problem reported at the last AGM appears to have been overcome via improved ventilation by leaving the windows partially open on their security locks.

The installation of reverberation panels has had the desired effect enabling a significant reduction in sound reverberation in the main hall.

Improvement projects over the next nine months include (subject to funds being available):

  • Improving the Hall lighting with additional lights
  • Provision of new chairs with padded seats
  • Installation of a baby changing unit
  • Improving the facilities in the Lady Wardington room to help secure further bookings as a meeting room for use by local businesses (new table and chairs, flip chart etc.)
  1. Hall Activities Report

Wardington Village Cinema evenings will recommence on the 25th September and then the 3rd Friday in the month through to December (we will take a view from the audience if a December screening will prove popular during the Xmas period). The Afternoon Teas are proving very popular and interest in other community activities has been received including an Art Club. Other planned activities during the winter include the annual Fish & Chip Quiz night and Table Top sale.

  1. Election of Officers& Management Committee

Clive Hunt stood down as Chairman but is prepared to continue as acting Treasurer. An acknowledgment of Clive’s valued contribution whilst in the role for the past 3 years, was expressed by all present at the meeting.

The following officers were elected: Paul Bimson (Chairman) -Paul agreed to undertake the role for 1 year until a replacement can be found for the longer term. Paul Bimson (Acting Secretary), Clive Hunt (Treasurer).

Standing down are Linda Matthews and Pat Bryant with the following elected to the Management Committee: Bridget Elworthy, Norman Hudson, Steve Mackenzie-Lawrie, Andrew Pearson, Amanda Thompson, Ian Thompson, James Wild and Anne Wilkins.

  1. Any Other Business

A discussion took place concerning the height of the step from the hall to the terrace.

The meeting closed at 8.00pm.


July 2015