HR: 4140, p.1
HRD:1104, p. 1
Scope: This policy applies to all regularly benefited positions.
A hard-to-hire position must be approved in writing by the President upon the written affirmative recommendation of the Executive Director of Human Resources and based upon the finding that either a) a recruitment for the position has yielded an extremely limited number of qualified applicants and an increased salary is necessary to fill the position or b) there is substantial evidence that the college’s standard starting salary is below applicable market rates. Absent either of these findings, a “hard to hire” designation is not appropriate where there is an adequate number of qualified applicants, but the first choice applicant is unwilling to accept the college’s standard starting salary for the position.
A staffpromotion occurs when an employee is selected to fill a vacant position in a grade higher than the employee's current position, or an employee's position is reclassified at a higher grade.
A transfer occurs when an employee is selected to fill a vacant position that is the same grade as the employee's current position or a lower grade.
Faculty and non-faculty salary schedules are evaluated and adopted each year by the college's Board of Trustees upon recommendation by the President. The approved salary schedules are published upon budget approval.
Salary Placement at the Time of Initial Appointment
Except for hard-to-hire and executive level positions, salaries are established at the beginning of the salary range for the position's grade or at the appropriate step and rank according to placement in rank procedures for faculty.
Individual salaries for hard-to-hire and executive level positions may be subject to negotiation at the time of hire by the Executive Director of Human Resources. No such appointee's salary may exceed the mid-point of the salary range of the position without the President's written approval. Faculty hard-to-hire positions are filled at a salary up to the maximum step of the appropriate rank with the Vice President's written approval and the President’s written approval
HR: 4140, p.2
HRD:1104, p. 2
Non-faculty hard-to-hire salary placements are coordinated with the Executive Director of Human Resources, the hiring supervisor, and the applicable member of President’s Council. Consideration for salary placement shall include an assessment of internal and external pay equity factors, the candidate's salary history, and the value of the position to the college.
Special Salary Adjustments
When an assessment of internal pay equity factors reflects a significant inequity, the Executive Director of Human Resources will provide a recommendation in writing to the President who may approve special salary adjustments in writing. Any such adjustments will be contingent on availability of funding.
Salary Placement for Non-faculty Promotions and Transfers
No salary adjustment increase is made for (1) an employee who transfers to another position at the same grade, (2) an employee whose current salary meets or exceeds the maximum salary of the position to which the employee is promoted, or (3) an employee who retains pay in a change to lower grade and is later promoted up to the original grade.
Transfers - An employee whose current salary exceeds the maximum salary of the position to which the employee is transferred will receive an adjustment to the maximum salary of the new grade. An employee who voluntarily transfers to a lower grade position will retain his/her current salary up to the mid-pointof the salary range for the new position.
Promotions - Promoted employees shall receive salary increases to the minimum of the new grade or 3% for each grade, whichever is greater, up to the maximum salary of the new grade. An exception to this practice applies where promotion is to a designated hard-to-hire position. In that case, the salary may be negotiated as set forth in the section titled “Salary Placement at the Time of Initial Appointment,” up to the maximum salary of the new grade.
A part-time employee's salary is converted to a full-time salary (at the same hourly rate) for comparability.
Movement through the SalaryRanges
Non-faculty employees are eligible to earn annual merit pay increases as a percentage increase to base pay until reaching the maximum salary for the grade for the position. When the employee's salary reaches the maximum of the salary range, the portion of
HR: 4140, p.3f.
HRD:1104, p. 3f.
merit pay that exceeds the maximum of the salary range will be paid as a non-base merit with the base salary remaining at the maximum. Pay increases are not guaranteed and are contingent on budget approval and funding.
Faculty members who meet annual performance criteria will receive a one-step increment in the next contract year pending budget approval and funding. Also, all ranks are accessible to all regularly benefited faculty members by promotion according to faculty promotion criteria. When the faculty member reaches the maximum salary in rank, the faculty member will receive a cash payment in place of the step increase. The cash payment will be the difference between the top two steps of the faculty member's rank. This cash payment is not guaranteed but will be granted if step increases are funded.
For more information contact: Human Resources Executive Director, (301) 934-7724.
Rev.; 07/99, 04/01, 07/02, 09/06, 3/07