President Pro Tem Bonnie Wurst called the meeting to order at 7:30pm on September 6, 2016 at 701 Parlette Court with the following members present: Jim Neumeier, Daniel E. Lee, Bonnie Wurst, Chad Doll, Randy Fisher, Rachel Barber and Dan Graf. Also present were Mayor Tom Stinebaugh and Safety Service Director Chad Scott. There were 5 visitors present. Law Director Dennis Faller and President Steve Henderson were absent.
Received Income Tax Summary Report for Month Ending 08-31-2016.
Motion by Lee, second by Fisher to approve the minutes of the August 15, 2016 Council Meeting as submitted. Vote – 7 yeas, 0 nays.
Tourism Commission – a meeting was held on 08-29-2016 and the following was discussed:
The committee came together on August 29th, at 6:15 pm to discuss the use of the lodging tax fund.
The committee reviewed the documents prepared previously by Marlene Graf for the use of applying for funds and grading the applications. After much discussion about the use of the funds Marlene Graf made a motion to give out up to 8 grants of up to $1000.00 for applications received by December 30th 2016.
Motion was 2nd by John Rausch. The motion passed unanimously.
Applications can be picked up at the city office or online. All applications will be reviewed by each member independently and then discussed as a committee.
The committee would like to get more information about the use of these funds to support the river scape project, improvements to either the 110 or 111 city entrances, use for way signage, and uses for the 50th anniversary of Neil Armstrong’s landing.
Ms. Barber asked for clarification about the committee wanting further information on the use of these funds. Mr. Lee stated that the committee would like more information about the funds needed for the Cityscape, the 110 and 111 entrances, pricing on way-signage, and possibly using funds for the 50th anniversary. Ms. Barber stated that her understanding was that the committee would review applications that were turned in to them, as opposed to their designed projects. Ms. Barber then read the applicable portion of said ordinance regarding the Tourism Committee, clarifying that the committee will review applications for funding and submit their findings to Council for their approval. Mr. Fisher stated that the City could submit an application for a project, but that the committee is not to develop projects for the usage of said funds. Mr. Neumeier and Mr. Fisher also stated their concern about the limitation of project ideas due to the $1000 limit made by the committee. Mr. Lee and Mayor Stinebaugh both stated this was done in order to move forward and be frugal with the funding, but that the parameters can be amended. Ms. Barber asked if there is a match requirement. Mr. Lee answered, no. Mr. Fisher asked the committee to reconsider the $1000 limit at their next meeting. Mr. Lee agreed to this. Ms. Barber stated that all interested parties, including the City, must go through the application process, per the wording of said ordinance.
Lands & Buildings Committee – a meeting was held on 08-30-2016 and the following was discussed:
Graf made a motion, seconded by Doll, to accept the July 19, 2016, minutes as presented. The motion passed unanimously.
The group discussed several issues with specific properties around the community, including:
restrictions on commercial signs in residentially-zoned areas;
weed control on private property;
permanent/semi-permanent yard or garage sales;
electronic vending machines.
Scott and committee members will follow up on these issues.
Barber also brought up the specific issue about areas in town with no curb lawn, where the sidewalk meets the curb, and the frequent occurrence of weeds in this area. The group discussed other problem areas of weeds, including along Hamilton Road on the bridge and near (corner) drains. Scott stated that having the City use Round-Up could cause many problems, as it could migrate into the drains. Lacking further insight into this issue, the committee members expressed the hope that residents could be encouraged to spray weeds on city property adjacent to their own.
The group discussed issues related to sewer improvements along the Auglaize River. Scott noted that several manholes will not pass the test (re the pressure check). The residents at 406 West Auglaize Street noted that water still stands at the rear of their property (near the river). Barber had been told that an unidentified man had walked along the river from Blackhoof to Hamilton (and beyond?), creating a four-page punch list of problems with the sewer reconstruction, including one or more sites where the old sewer had not been filled in/collapsed and was now collapsing on its own.
Scott stated that the City is working on these issues. He did not know the identity of the person who had created the punch list. It was also noted that a section of North Street in front of the former Machine Company was settling.
When asked about the lease agreements for 404 West Auglaize Street with the adjacent property owners, Scott stated that the matter was in the Law Director's hands.
Graf noted that the company that now owns the Machine Shop has been siding over the large window sections, covering the broken windows.
The group discussed the CRP contracts, one of which is about to expire. Scott has spoken with Chris Turner, the advisor for Future Farmers of America, about taking over the project. Mr. Turner has not called him back. The committee encouraged Scott to get the word out about this through the Daily News and other media about the soon-to-be available contract for maintenance of the parcels.
Scott brought to the committee's attention that Robin LaFontaine is interested in selling the properties at 102 North Blackhoof and 101 River Street, and, if sold to the city, might be willing to provide favorable payment terms. In the past, various city officials have discussed the idea of expanding Belcher Park to include these parcels of land.
Graf noted the large amount of dust on Walnut Street as a result of the Gardens' construction project. He wondered whether an additional retention basin was in the plans.
He also noted junk cars behind Liberty Tax and the donut shop.
Doll brought up the issue of the goose problem along the river. Scott then mentioned the extraordinarily cruel notion (in Rachel Barber's opinion) of shaking the eggs in the nest so they do not hatch.
Lacking new research, the group tabled further discussion about the issue of fence materials. Doll will investigate further.
Barber made a motion, seconded by Graf, that the committee enter executive session to discuss the possible acquisition of real estate. The motion passed unanimously.
Doll made a motion, seconded by Graf, that the committee exit executive session.
The motion passed unanimously.
Doll made a motion, seconded by Graf, to adjourn. The motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Graf then clarified, that the large amount of dust is at the Gardens construction site itself and that he had been referencing junk cars at 212 E. Auglaize St. Mr. Neumeier asked if the City has any ordinance in place to enforce construction sites to spray water in an effort to keep dust at a minimum. Service Director Scott advised that he was not sure about this.
Ms. Barber then advised that citizens have contacted her expressing that they felt they should not be asked to spray weeds.
Ms. Barber asked for the status of the CRP. Mr. Scott advised he had no new information at this time, and the contract ends September 30, 2016. Mr. Scott explained that Dave Sheets with Pheasants Forever has been the person applying for the government funding to care for a 45 acre parcel of land south of the Auglaize County Fairgrounds and US 33. Mr. Scott added that a municipality may not apply for the funding, and that the only suggestion has been to have the local FFA chapter take over this duty. Mr. Neumeier asked how much money was received per year. Mr. Scott answered, approximately $5000 per year. Mr. Scott expressed his concern about having FFA students take on such a big job, and for several years. Mr. Neumeier asked what will happen if the deadline arrives and no one has been found to take on the project. Mrs. Wurst answered, the City will have to take care of the property with no federal funding. Mr. Scott then asked if Council would want him to set the parameters should he find an interested person to do the work. Ms. Barber answered that the Lands and Buildings Committee would help with this.
Streets & Alleys Committee – a meeting was held on 08-17-2016 and the following was discussed:
1. Approved minutes of July 13, 2016 Neumeier/Fisher, passed 3-0
2. The committee discussed comments given at the 501 Intersection public hearing held on August 16. Approximately 31 residents, 5 government officials, 2 media personnel, and 3 Choice One employees attended. After a presentation explaining the proposed project by Choice One, comments were heard from the public. Most comments were in opposition to the closing of Cole Street intersection at 501. The committee decided not to make a recommendation on the proposal at the present time. Various improvements to signage and lane markings were then discussed.
The committee asked the Administration to make the improvements and will wait until March to review results on reduction of accidents at the intersection.
3. A proposed ODOT Bike Route through the city was presented by Chad Scott. The route was developed and approval requested by ODOT. Scott explained that ODOT is making similar requests in other Ohio cities and will supply signage to identify the route through the city. It runs north/south on Wood Street (Rt 25A) to East Benton Street east/west to Willipie Street (Rts 501/198). The committee recommends approval of the route by Council. Fisher/Neumeier, passed 3-0
4. A request by the Administration to limit parking to only one side of Pine Street (between Auglaize and Middle Street) to allow safe travel for city vehicles was discussed. It was noted that a number of cars park on both sides of the street. The committee request that the administration contact residents on that section of the street for their reaction to the parking limit.
5. The committee discussed a concern that the school speed limit signs on Redskin Trail noted 20 mph speed limit during restricted hours but did not specify the hours. Scott had discussed the issue with school officials. They concluded it would be difficult to list hours because of the numerous times throughout the day when activities are scheduled at the school. Scott reported that police will use their discretion on enforcement based on level of activity at the school.
6. The committee asked that Finance Committee reexamine financing the propose Buchanan Street reconstruction for 2017. Mary Ruck reported that street construction. Bids are usually requested late fall or early winter. She also reported that the sewers under the street are in critical conditions. No interest loan is available to the city for its portion of the project. It was stated that waiting will result in additional cost of the project due to inflation.
7. Ruck reported that the current Gibb Street reconstruction project is still on budget. Dominion Gas has completed their work and is paying for the additional cost of down time of the contractor.
Regarding item number 4, Service Director Scott stated that he spoke to the citizens living on the east side, and they have agreed to park on Auglaize Street.
Mrs. Wurst asked if a portion of the streets will be marked for the bike route. Mr. Graf replied, no, that signage will be used. Mrs. Wurst stated that bicycle riders weave in and out of the parked cars while riding on the street, or they ride on the sidewalk on Benton Street. Mrs. Wurst asked if the City is expecting an increased number of bicycle riders. Mr. Fisher answered, no, and that the signage is of no cost to the City.
Streets & Alleys Committee – a meeting was held on 08-30-2016 and the following was discussed:
1. Approved minutes of July 13, 2016. Neumeier/Fisher, passed 3-0
2. The meeting was requested by Mary Ruck to discuss results of an evaluation of the seawall along the river behind town and its implications concerning the Riverscape Project. The report indicated the wall had issues that would need to be addressed in the future and certain features of the Riverscape Project should be changed. It was the consensus of the committee that the light poles not be mounted on the wall. Instead they should be place on the grassy side of the seawall sidewalk. It was also agreed that the proposed railing on the top of the wall be placed on the proposed sidewalk about one foot from the seawall. These changes would help separate improvements to the lighting and railing from possible future, undetermined restoration projects of the seawall.
3. Graf raised a concern about the elimination of parking along Heritage Park/Drive which would result in visitors to the park using the private parking areas of the businesses. He suggested the city seek easements from the businesses to enable moving the roadway south to provide room for the parking along the park. He also opposed the construction of a fireplace in the shelter house stating that it would possibly be a place where trash would be thrown, vandalized, seldom used and that the money could be better utilized elsewhere in the project. Ruck and Choice One stated that ODOT doesn’t like changes after project has been approved.
4. Barber suggested the businesses could conduct a study to better utilize the parking on their properties.