First Grade’s Fourth Nine Weeks (Quarter 4)

Week / Lang. Arts / Math / Science/SS / Technology / Other
April 6-10 / Writing: Poetry
(1.12 a,b,c; 1.13 a,d,e,f,g; 1.14)
Reading:Rhyme (interpret)
(1.4a) / Computation & Estimation (1.5):
Addition & subtraction facts to 18 / Spring (1.4,1.6, 1.7)
Changes in spring, plants, animals / -Teacher Resource:Parts of a Plant (PwPt.)
-Ipad App: Math Fight
-Computer Lab: Pixie: Draw, label, and give function of a plant / *4/6- Planning Day
*4/7- Moveable Monday schedule
*4/9- 3rd Grade Musical (1:30)
April 13-17 / Writing: Poetry
(1.12 a,b,c; 1.13 a,d,e,f,g; 1.14)
Reading: Alliteration (1.4) / Computation & Estimation (1.6):
Create & solve story problems / Spring (1.4,1.6, 1.7)
Changes in spring, plants, animals / -Teacher Resource:Story Problem Train Station (PwPt)
-Ipad App: Math Slide
-Computer Lab: Pixie How I can take care of the earth. / *4/15- Report Cards go home
*4/15- Spring Chorus Concert (1:30)
April 20-24 / Writing: Poetry
(1.12 a,b,c; 1.13 a,d,e,f,g; 1.14)
Reading:Voice(1.3) / Equality (1.18):
Understanding and using the equal sign / Natural Resources (1.8bc):
Reduce, reuse, recycle; renewable vs nonrenewable / -Teacher Resource: Natural Resources Jeopardy
-Ipad App: Digger’s Map-Natural Resources and minerals
-Computer Lab: Creating a story in Pixie / *4/21-Assembly @ 9:30
*4/22- Earth Day
*4/24- Spring Bingo
April 27-
May 1 / Writing: Poetry
(1.12 a,b,c; 1.13 a,d,e,f,g; 1.14)
Reading:Personification(1.9f) / Money (1.7ab, 1.2):
Coin values & Collections ($1.00 or less) / Communities/ Local Government (1.12a,b,c):
Volunteers, traditions / -Teacher Resource: Dr. Jean Money Song
-Ipad App: Money Bingo
-Computer Lab: Creating a story in Pixie / *5/1- Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast
May 4- 8 / Writing: Nonfiction
(1.12 a,b,c; 1.13 a,d,e,f,g; 1.14)
Reading: Sequence of Events/Plots (1.7e, 1.9g) / Money (1.7ab, 1.2):
Coin values & Collections ($1.00 or less) / Communities/ Local Government (1.12a,b,c):
Volunteers, traditions / -Teacher Resource: Money Toy Shop (ActivInspire)
-Ipad App:Amazing Coin
-Computer Lab: Creating a story in Pixie
May 11-15 / Writing: Nonfiction
(1.12 a,b,c; 1.13 a,d,e,f,g; 1.14)
Reading: Connect to Cultures (1.8e) / Money (1.7ab, 1.2):
Coin values & Collections ($1.00 or less) / Countries & Cultures (LCPS1 WCW1; 1.12a,b,c):
Alaska / -Teacher Resource: Google Earth
-Ipad App: Splash Math Ch:10
-Computer Lab:Pixie: Show Me the Money (cost of toys) / *5/11 &12- Muffins for Moms
*5/14- First Grade Play (9:30 & 6:30)
May 18-22 / Writing: Nonfiction
(1.12 a,b,c; 1.13 a,d,e,f,g; 1.14)
Reading: Read for a purpose (1.9b) / Money (1.7ab, 1.2):
Coin values & Collections ($1.00 or less) / Countries & Cultures (LCPS1 WCW1; 1.12a,b,c)::
Australia / -Teacher Resource:Flipcharts
-Ipad App:Epic!
-Computer Lab: closed for SOL testing
May 25-29 / Writing: Nonfiction
(1.12 a,b,c; 1.13 a,d,e,f,g; 1.14)
Reading: Exaggeration (1.7d,e) / Money (1.7ab, 1.2):
Coin values & Collections ($1.00 or less) / Countries & Cultures (LCPS1 WCW1; 1.12a,b,c)::
Hawaii / -Teacher Resource: Flipcharts
-Ipad App: Book House Catalogue
-Computer Lab: closed for SOL testing / *5/25- No School: Memorial Day 
June 1-5 / Writing: Free Choice Writing (1.12 a,b,c; 1.13 a,d,e,f,g; 1.14)
Reading: Drama/Play (1.1c,d) / Review / Body Systems (Health 1.1):
Parts and functions of the body / -Teacher Resource: MSB body systems
-Ipad App:Human Anatomy Explorer
-Computer Lab: closed for SOL testing
June 8-12 / Writing: Free Choice Writing (1.12 a,b,c; 1.13 a,d,e,f,g; 1.14)
Reading: Fairy tale/folktale (1.9) / Review / STEM Lessons (1.1):
Scientific investigations / -Teacher Resource: Fractured Fairytales
-Ipad App: Favorite apps 
-Computer Lab: Pixie- favorite part of first grade
June 15-19 / Writing: Free Choice Writing (1.12 a,b,c; 1.13 a,d,e,f,g; 1.14)
Reading: Student choice  / Review / Summer Safety (Health 1.3) / *6/16 -LAST DAY OF SCHOOL
*6/17 & 18- Planning Days