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by Eric Rodwell
Copyright OKbridge, Inc. 2001

System Summary:

Bid / Rule
1 / 16+, any shape
1 / 11-15, 2+ s
1, 1 / 11-15, 5+ cards
1NT / 13-15
2 / 11-15, 5+ s
2 / 11-15, 4-4-1-4 or 4-4-0-5
2NT / 20-21
other / normal preempts

System in Detail:

I. Why Play Precision?

The key is bids have limits -- it is much easier to focus on what you can make (game, slam, etc) if partner's bid is limited. In precision, openings show 11-15 instead of 11-21 in Standard.

II. Some General Points:

1) Use hand evaluation in any situation. Points in aces and kings are good, as are good distribution and points in long suits. Open 1 with A-Q-J-10-x-x A-x-x A-x-x x, in spite of only 15 points.

2) The two main "variables" in Precision are your 1NT opening range and whether you require 6+ clubs to open 2. I will take the standard Precision 1NT of 13-15 and 2 shows 5+ first, but I recommend a 1NT range of 14-16 and that a 2 opening promises 6+ clubs.

3) In response to a 1NT or 2NT opening, use your normal response methods. Precision has nothing to add to this subject. Similarly, in response to 1 or 1, or preempts use your normal methods. The "Precision" openings are 1, 1, 2, and 2.

III. Responses to 1 (16+, any shape).

1-1 : 0-7, artificial negative. All other responses are game forcing.
1, 1, 2, 2 : 8+, 5+ cards in suit. Bid longest suit first. With 5-5, bid the higher-ranking suit first.
1NT : 8-10 balanced, can contain 4-card Major(s).
2NT : 11-13 balanced, can contain 4-card Major(s).
3NT : 14-15 balanced, can contain 4-card Major(s).

This leaves two hand-types that aren't described: 4-4-4-1 shapes with 8+ HCP, and 16+ balanced. With 16+ balanced, respond 1NT and after looking for a fit, take over with Blackwood and put the hand in a slam. With 4-4-4-1, jump in your short suit starting with 2:

1 - 2 : 4-1-4-4, 8+.
2 : 1-4-4-4, 8+.
3 : 4-4-4-1, 8+.
3 : 4-4-1-4, 8+.

Opener sets the trump suit over these 4-4-4-1 responses. With a minimum, Responder bids game; with extra strength Cue-bid, with a strong hand bid Blackwood.

If Responder responds in NT, Opener's cheapest bid in clubs is Stayman. No transfers are used, since we want opener to declare the hand if possible (ie other bids are natural). Opener can show a club suit by bidding Stayman and rebidding clubs over the reply.

If Responder bids 1, 1, 2, or 2, Opener can raise with a fit (especially a Major), or bid his own 5+-card suit. With a balanced hand, or 4-4-4-1 short in Responder's suit opener bids NT, over which all bids are natural. The bidding continues naturally.

If Responder bids 1, opener's rebids are:

1 - 1
1NT / 16-19 (or whatever your 1NT opening range would dictate).
2NT / 22-23. Use the 1NT opening or 2NT opening structure in response.
3NT / To play, but use Stayman and transfers in response.
1, 1, 2, 2 / 16-20, non-forcing. The simple way is to play that 5+ cards are promised. The most effective way, however, is to allow a 1 or 1 rebid with a 4-card suit and a 5-card side minor.
2, 2, 3, 3 / Forcing. Shows a hand that is worth opening 2 with in Standard. Respond to these bids as if partner had opened 2 and you had responded 2, waiting.

IV. Responses to 1 (2+ , 11-15).

Responses to 1 are "normal bridge." Responder must remember that Opener could have 2 or 3 and 4 or 5, and not raise diamonds without 5-card support.

1 - 1, 1 / 4+ cards in the suit. You can choose to respond with less than 6 HCP, or to Pass 1 with up to 8 HCP since opener is limited.
1NT / 7-10 (6-10 if you prefer), no 4-card Major.
2NT / 11-12, invite, no Major.
3NT / To play.
2 / Forcing, either to game or one round depending on preference.
2 / Inverted, forcing one round (or weak standard raise if you prefer).
2, 2, 3 / Whatever you play jump shifts to show (strong, weak, other).
3 / Preemptive (unless you don't play a 2 raise as inverted).

Bidding continues as if you opened a Standard 1. If Opener rebids clubs on the 2nd round that should show both diamonds and dlubs, as in Standard:

2:at least 5-4 or 4-5 in the minors. With 5C and no 4D, rebid 1NT (or open 2 or 1NT).

V. Responses to a 2 Opening.

In "Standard Precision" 2 promises 6+ , or 5+ and a 4-card Major.


2 - 2 / Artificial, asking. Opener bids a Major if he has one. Lacking a Major opener rebids 3 to show a minimum and 2NT to show a maximum. If Responder raises later that is non-forcing; if Responder bids a new suit that is GF.
2, 2 / 5+ cards, non-forcing, up to invitational strength. Opener raises with 3+ card fit, and should try to "run" from the Major with a singleton or void in the suit.
2NT / Invitational, no Major.
3 / Preemptive raise. With values, bid 2 then 3 next time (still non-forcing).
3, 3, 3 / Game forcing, 6+ cards in the bid suit.
4 / Distributional raise, invites a 5 bid to make or as a save.

VI. Responses to a 2 Opening.

In "Standard Precision," = 11-15 with short , either 4-4-1-4 or 4-4-0-5.


2 - Pass, 2, 2, 3 / To play. With maximum and 4-4-0-5 opener can raise.
3, 3, 3, 4 / Invitational.
2NT / Asks for distribution. No reason it shouldn't be GF.
3:4-4-1-4 minimum.
3:4-4-1-4 maximum.
3:4-4-0-5 minimum.
3:4-4-0-5 maximum.

VII. Competition over Precision Openings.

Over 1, I prefer that Pass shows 0-5 HCP (or a Penalty X of the overcall, shown by leaving in a reopening X or Cue-bidding later). Bids show 8+ and are GF in the same style as responding to 1. A Cue-bid shows a balanced hand looking for a stopper. Double shows 6-7 HCP with any shape.

1 - 1 - X : 6-7 with any shape. Opener's 1NT rebid can be Passed (system on over NT rebids if Responder Passed to show 0-5, or X'd to show 6-7). Opener's Jump is Game-forcing; opener's non-jump new suit bids are forcing for one round.

For Opener, if Responder could have no points (1 - P - 1, or 1 - overcall - Pass), Opener's X is for takeout, new suit bids are non-forcing, and jumps are forcing. If Responder has promised points, then Pass and bids are forcing, and X is Penalty.

Over 1 Opening, use normal methods as if 1 was Standard.

Over a 2 Opening, Negative X's are used (through 3 is my preference). Bids of 2, 2, and 2 are the same, if available. New suit bids at the 3-level are forcing. Over a 2 opening, no Negative X's. Bids retain the same meaning if available.

VIII. Some parting thoughts on 1NT range, 2 and 2 opening style.

I prefer a 1NT opening to show 14-16. This makes for nice 3-point ranges: 1 followed by 1NT = 11-13, 1NT opening = 14-16, and 1 followed by 1NT = 17-19.

I prefer a 2 opening show 6+ clubs. When the hand is 5-4-2-2, I consider it balanced and plan to rebid 1NT (of course I raise a Major with 4 trump, and rebid 1 over 1 with 4). With 4-1-3-5, or 1-4-3-5, I rebid 1 over 1, or 1NT over 1.

I prefer a 2 opening can contain 3-4-1-5, or 4-3-1-5. This complicates the responses so this is not for new Precision users. The 2NT response is still game forcing but the responses are different:

2 - 2NT
3: 4-3-1-5. Responder sets trumps and opener shows his range by raising or Cueing.
3: 4-3-1-5. Ditto.
3: 4-4-1-4 minimum.
3: 4-4-1-4 maximum.
3NT : 4-4-0-5 minimum.
4 : 4-4-0-5 maximum. Responder might have to use 4NT as an ace ask, since he doesn't have room to set trumps.


Comment on: Precision by Rodwell!
Subject: canape / By: MrPsyche
Date: 2004-11-27 19:59
what openings would you recommend if playing canape?
Subject: Prefer 6+C for 2C? / By: adholmes
Date: 2004-07-17 03:52
If 2C= 6+ Clubs what do you do with 4-1-3-5 or 1-4-3-5 open 1D also??
I have much better methods
Subject: 2C continuation suggestion. / By:
Date: 2003-01-09 16:01
I have played Precision variants for a long time and have the following suggestions over a 2C opening.
2D: Relay
2H: F1 round; 5+ in suit
2S: F1 round; 5+ in suit
2N: Bad raise of clubs
3C: Good raise of clubs
After 2C - 2D:
2H/2S: 4 cards in suit
2N: Single suited in clubs (strong)
3C: Single suited in clubs (weak)
3D: Strong two suited in clubs and diamonds
Subject: Printer Version / By: GB1
Date: 2002-10-04 13:53
How come the Printer 'Friendly' version doesn't work ??
Geoff Barrett
Subject: printing / By: valis
Date: 2002-05-23 14:59
Of course it will print. If you see it on your screen, you can see it on your printer, if you handle it correctly. It may take more than just a alt-F-P.
If it won't print as text try printing it from a graphics app like Corel or Adobe, etc. Even MS Paint in a pinch.
Subject: 1NT opener / By:
Date: 2002-02-14 10:13
When I open 1nt, I have 14-16 HCP vul and 11-15 not vul. This is just a bit different but I think it works great.
Subject: Printer friendly version / By:
Date: 2001-12-31 21:59
It looks good, but it wont print.
I have Internet Explorer.
Many thanks, Eric. I wish there were a book of hands.
Subject: please post a Precision convention card / By:
Date: 2001-10-21 11:17
It would be nice to have an OKBridge standard for those of us who like Precision as well as those who encounter Precision opponents. Maybe the same for Acol. Don't see much Roman or Polish Club or anything like that, but the first two do have players.
Subject: Precision, which version? / By:
Date: 2001-10-13 07:38
There are many modifications of precision system. version 1, 2, 3----etc.Is there any standardized, most popular one?
Subject: More modern? / By:
Date: 2001-09-16 01:04
Can someone point to a more modern reference online? Thanks...
Subject: System Summary / By:
Date: 2001-09-03 15:20
Very poor ( bad ) description. Missing basic ideas and explains. For example: can add word 'good' for clubs for opening 2c.
Bambam Precision is created 1965-1970 ( not 1940 )
Subject: precision / By:
Date: 2001-08-07 11:39
these notes are from 1940
Subject: 4315/3415 2D-2NT rebids typo / By:
Date: 2001-07-30 00:08
In the section on 3415 2D openings, the 3C and 3D rebids after 2NT ask are identical. Is one intended to be 4315 and one 3415?
Subject: precision by Rodwell / By:
Date: 2001-07-26 20:25
It seems many people's response to precision being my favorite system to bid is "I DON'T PLAY PRECISION. I think viewing this summary will convince more partners to use precision. The major advantage being the limited openers.
Subject: 2d-2nt / By:
Date: 2001-07-25 15:26
3c = 3-4-1-5
3d = 4-3-1-5
Subject: interference / By: ocr
Date: 2001-07-25 04:54
It might be interestíng how to handle best 1- and 2-suited interference over a strong c opening.
A subject Eric has surely given much attention.
otto "ocr"
Subject: Typo / By:
Date: 2001-06-13 10:51
Thanks "sly," it's been fixed! -- Webmaster
Subject: mistake / By: sly
Date: 2001-06-12 20:12
Hi all!
I think was a misprint after 2D responsese. Probably CTRL+V was used after 3H/S:-)) Logically 3H/S is INV, isn't it?
Gyorgy Szalay, "sly"
Subject: Great summary / By:
Date: 2001-06-12 09:03
Thanks for the summary of "simple" precision. This should make pick-up precision partnerships LOTS easier.
/ Subject:

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