Disadvantaged Summary and analysis 2016 Results and 2017 Results

Progress 8

2015/16 / 2016/17
Disadvantaged / -0.11 / -0.11
Nat. none Disadvantaged / 0.12 / 0.12
Difference / -0.23 / -0.23

Progress 8 shows a consistent picture from 15/16 – 16/17. Progress 8 data remains in line with National non disadvantaged students.

Progress 8 English Element

2015/16 / 2016/17
Disadvantaged / 0.57 (Sig+ top 10%) / 0.13
Nat. none Disadvantaged / 0.09 / 0.09
Difference / +0.48 / +0.04

Progress 8 English element was sig+ for 15/16. 16/17 unvalidated data shows the school disadvantaged students are still working above non disadvantaged students nationally. In 15/16 the students studied the iGCSE, the coursework element of this helped the disadvantaged students to make very good progress. Since changing to the 9-1 GCSE qualification Progress 8 English has dipped but the schools disadvantaged students are still working beyond national non disadvantaged students.

Progress 8 Maths Element

2015/16 / 2016/17
Disadvantaged / -0.25 / 0.05
Nat. none Disadvantaged / 0.11 / 0.11
Difference / -0.36 / -0.06

Progress 8 Maths element shows an improving picture and we remain in line with national non disadvantaged students. An increase of 0.3 in the P8 maths figure between 15/16 and 16/17 demonstrates that the departmental action plan, interventions and time spent working with the disadvantaged students has had significant impact.

Progress 8 EBacc

2015/16 / 2016/17
Disadvantaged / -0.49 (Sig- bottom 10%) / -0.34
Nat. none Disadvantaged / -0.15 / -0.15
Difference / -0.34 / -0.19

Progress 8 EBacc shows an improving picture. In 2015/16 outcomes for disadvantages pupils against this measure were in the lowest 10% nationally. The data is still affected significantly by outcomes in Science as identified in our Disadvantaged Student Strategy. As a school we are confident that outcomes for all pupils, including those who are disadvantagedwill improve this year.

Progress 8 Open Element

2015/16 / 2016/17
Disadvantaged / -0.09 / -0.13
Nat. none Disadvantaged / 0.11 / 0.11
Difference / -0.20 / -0.24

Progress 8 Open Element shows a consistent picture from 15/16 to 16/17. Our disadvantaged pupils have access to a broad range of subjects including a small number of vocational courses. The broad curriculum choice continues to have a positive impact on this P8 element and on the subsequent Post 16 progression pathways for these pupils.

2014/15 / 2015/16 / 2016/17
% 4+ English and Maths / 28% / 39% / 63%
% 5+ English and Maths / 31%
% 4+ Maths / 37% / 43% / 69%
% 5+ Maths / 31%
% 4+ English / 58% / 74% / 75%
% 5+ English / 50%
EBacc 9-4/A*-C / 5% / 13% / 9%

There was a significant improvement in the number of disadvantaged pupils who attained Grade 4+ in both English and mathematics. This improvement was under pinned by a 26% increase in the number of disadvantaged pupils attaining the equivalent of a grade C in mathematics – further evidence of the impact of the maths department’s work on improving outcomes for disadvantaged pupils. The percentage of pupils attaining a grade 4 in English remains high at 75% despite the move to the new English GCSE.

2017 Key Stage 4 Results Analysis

Subject Overview:

MEP(+) Figs in ( ) denote size of gap by pupil equivalence.

Disadvantaged outperforming non Disadvantaged (+/- 3 students) / Disadvantaged performing in line with non-Disadvantaged (+/- 2 students) / Non Disadvantaged outperforming Disadvantaged (+/- 3 students)
·  Art
·  Business Studies
·  Drama
·  Geography
·  German
·  Health & Social Care
·  History
·  ICT
·  Media
·  Music
·  PE
·  Product Design
·  RE
·  Science
·  Spanish / ·  Computing (3)

EP (=)

Disadvantaged outperforming non PP (+/- 3 students) / Disadvantaged performing in line with non-Disadvantaged (+/- 2 students) / Non Disadvantaged outperforming Disadvantaged (+/- 3 students)
·  Art
·  Business Studies
·  Computing
·  Drama
·  Geography
·  German
·  Health & Social Care
·  History
·  ICT
·  Media
·  Music
·  PE
·  Product Design
·  RE
·  Science
·  Spanish

In all subject disadvantaged students are making progress in line with that of their peers in School. Where gaps do exist if can be attributed to equivalence of a very small number of students.

2017 Year 10 Analysis

Subject Overview:

MEP(+) Figs in ( ) denote size of gap by pupil equivalence.

Disadvantaged outperforming non Disadvantaged (+/- 3 students) / Disadvantaged performing in line with non-Disadvantaged (+/- 2 students) / Non Disadvantaged outperforming Disadvantaged (+/- 3 students)
·  Art
·  Business Studies
·  Computing
·  Drama
·  English
·  Food Technology
·  French
·  Geography
·  German
·  Health & Social Care
·  History
·  Maths
·  Media
·  Music
·  PE
·  Product Design
·  RE
·  Science
·  Spanish

EP (=)

Disadvantaged outperforming non Disadvantaged (+/- 3 students) / Disadvantaged performing in line with non-Disadvantaged (+/- 2 students) / Non Disadvantaged outperforming Disadvantaged (+/- 3 students)
·  RE (4) / ·  Art
·  Business Studies
·  Computing
·  Drama
·  English
·  Food Technology
·  French
·  Geography
·  German
·  Health & Social Care
·  History
·  Maths
·  ICT
·  Media
·  Music
·  PE
·  Product Design
·  Science
·  Spanish

In all subjects disadvantaged students are making progress in line with or above that of their peers in School. Where gaps do exist if can be attributed to equivalence of a very small number of students.

2017 Key Stage 3 Analysis

Year 9 Subject Overview

Subject Overview:

MEP(+) Figs in ( ) denote size of gap by pupil equivalence.

Disadvantaged outperforming non Disadvantaged (+/- 3 students) / Disadvantaged performing in line with non-Disadvantaged (+/- 2 students) / Non Disadvantaged outperforming Disadvantaged (+/- 3 students)
·  Computing
·  Design Technology
·  English
·  Food Technology
·  Geography
·  History
·  Maths
·  Science / ·  Art (7)
·  Drama (6)
·  French (4)
·  German (3)
·  Music (4)
·  PE (3)
·  RE (3)

EP (=)

Disadvantaged outperforming non Disadvantaged (+/- 3 students) / Disadvantaged performing in line with non-Disadvantaged (+/- 2 students) / Non Disadvantaged outperforming Disadvantaged (+/- 3 students)
·  RE (4) / ·  Design Technology
·  Drama
·  English
·  Food Technology
·  French
·  Geography
·  German
·  History
·  Maths
·  Music
·  PE
·  RE
·  Science / ·  Art (4)
·  Computing (3)

In the majority of subjects disadvantaged students are making progress in line with that of their peers in School. Where gaps do exist if can be attributed to equivalence of a very small number of students. The proportion of pupils making “more than expected”progress is a concern as the number of subjects where the gap is attributed to more the 3 students is too large. Current year 10 data shows an improvement.

Year 8 Subject Overview

Subject Overview:

MEP(+) Figs in ( ) denote size of gap by pupil equivalence.

Disadvantaged outperforming non Disadvantaged (+/- 3 students) / Disadvantaged performing in line with non-Disadvantaged (+/- 2 students) / Non Disadvantaged outperforming Disadvantaged (+/- 3 students)
·  Computing
·  Design Technology
·  Drama
·  English
·  French
·  Food Technology
·  History
·  PE
·  RE
·  Science / ·  Art (3)
·  English (4)
·  Geography (4)
·  German (3)
·  Maths (3)
·  Music (5)

EP (=)

Disadvantaged outperforming non Disadvantaged (+/- 3 students) / Disadvantaged performing in line with non-Disadvantaged (+/- 2 students) / Non Disadvantaged outperforming Disadvantaged (+/- 3 students)
·  Maths (3)
·  Science (3) / ·  Art
·  Computing
·  Design Technology
·  Drama
·  English
·  Food Technology
·  French
·  Geography
·  History
·  PE
·  RE
·  Science / ·  German (3)
·  Music (4)

In the majority of subjects disadvantaged students are making progress in line with or above that of their peers in School. Where gaps do exist if can be attributed to equivalence of a very small number of students. The proportion of pupils making “more than expected” progress is a concern the number of subjects where the gap is attributed to more the 3 students is too large. Current year 9 data follows this trend.

Year 7 Subject Overview

Subject Overview:

MEP(+) Figs in ( ) denote size of gap by pupil equivalence.

Disadvantaged outperforming non-Disadvantaged (+/- 3 students) / Disadvantaged performing in line with non-Disadvantaged (+/- 2 students) / Non Disadvantaged outperforming Disadvantaged (+/- 3 students)
·  Art
·  Computing
·  Drama
·  English
·  Food Technology
·  Geography
·  History
·  Maths
·  RE
·  Science / ·  Design Technology (3)
·  French (5)
·  PE (4)

EP (=)

Disadvantaged outperforming non Disadvantaged (+/- 3 students) / Disadvantaged performing in line with non-Disadvantaged (+/- 2 students) / Non Disadvantaged outperforming Disadvantaged (+/- 3 students)
·  Art
·  Computing
·  Design Technology
·  Drama
·  English
·  Food Technology
·  Geography
·  History
·  Maths
·  PE
·  RE
·  Science / ·  French (5)

In the majority of subjects disadvantaged students are making progress in line with that of their peers in School. Where gaps do exist if can be attributed to equivalence of a very small number of students.

Current 2017/18 Data

Year 11 Disadvantaged Analysis – Mark Book 1 October 2017

MEP Figs in ( ) denote size of gap by pupil equivalence. Using in house transition matrices.

Disadvantaged outperforming non Disadvantaged (+/- 3 students) / Disadvantaged performing in line with non-Disadvantaged (+/- 2 students) / Non Disadvantaged outperforming Disadvantaged (+/- 3 students)
·  Art
·  Business Studies
·  Computing
·  Product Design
·  Drama
·  English
·  Food Technology
·  French
·  Geography
·  German
·  Health & Social Care
·  History
·  Maths
·  Media
·  Music
·  PE
·  RE
·  Science
·  Spanish

Expected Progress

Disadvantaged outperforming non Disadvantaged (+/- 3 students) / Disadvantaged performing in line with non-Disadvantaged (+/- 2 students) / Non Disadvantaged outperforming Disadvantaged (+/- 3 students)
·  Business Studies
·  Computing
·  Product Design
·  Drama
·  English
·  Food Technology
·  French
·  Geography
·  German
·  Health & Social Care
·  History
·  Maths
·  Media
·  Music
·  PE
·  RE
·  Science
·  Spanish / ·  Art(3)

In all except for 1 subject disadvantaged students are making progress in line with that of their peers in School. Where gaps do exist if can be attributed to equivalence of a very small number of students.

Year 10 Disadvantaged Student Analysis – Mark Book 1 October 2017

MEP Figs in ( ) denote size of gap by pupil equivalence. Using in house transition matrices.

Disadvantaged outperforming non Disadvantaged (+/- 3 students) / Disadvantaged performing in line with non-Disadvantaged (+/- 2 students) / Non Disadvantaged outperforming Disadvantaged (+/- 3 students)
·  Art
·  Business Studies
·  Computing
·  Product Design
·  Drama
·  English
·  Food Technology
·  French
·  Geography
·  German
·  Health & Social Care
·  History
·  Maths
·  Media
·  Music
·  PE
·  RE
·  Science
·  Spanish

Expected Progress

Disadvantaged outperforming non Disadvantaged (+/- 3 students) / Disadvantaged performing in line with non-Disadvantaged (+/- 2 students) / Non Disadvantaged outperforming Disadvantaged (+/- 3 students)
·  Business Studies
·  Computing
·  Product Design
·  Drama
·  English
·  Food Technology
·  French
·  Geography
·  German
·  Health & Social Care
·  History
·  Maths
·  Media
·  Music
·  PE
·  RE
·  Science
·  Spanish / ·  Art(3)

Key Stage 3 2017/18

Year 9 Subject Overview:


Disadvantaged outperforming non Disadvantaged (+/- 3 students) / Disadvantaged performing in line with non-Disadvantaged (+/- 2 students) / Non Disadvantaged outperforming Disadvantaged (+/- 3 students)
·  Computing
·  Design Technology
·  Drama
·  French
·  Food Technology
·  History
·  PE
·  RE
·  Science / ·  Art (3)
·  English (4)
·  Geography (4)
·  German (3)
·  Maths (3)
·  Music (5)

EP (=)

Disadvantaged outperforming non Disadvantaged (+/- 3 students) / Disadvantaged performing in line with non-Disadvantaged (+/- 2 students) / Non Disadvantaged outperforming Disadvantaged (+/- 3 students)
·  Maths (3)
·  Science (3) / ·  Art
·  Computing
·  DT
·  Drama
·  English
·  French
·  FT
·  Geography
·  History
·  PE
·  RE / ·  German (3)
·  Music (4)

In the majority of subjects disadvantaged students are making progress in line with their peers. The year 9 MEP gap is more significant in 6 subjects. This has been highlighted in our disadvantaged student strategy and interventions have been put in place to support these students and subjects.

Year 8 Subject Overview: MEP (+)

Disadvantaged outperforming non Disadvantaged (+/- 3 students) / Disadvantaged performing in line with non-Disadvantaged (+/- 2 students) / Non Disadvantaged outperforming Disadvantaged (+/- 3 students)
·  / ·  Art
·  Computing
·  Drama
·  English
·  FT
·  Geography
·  History
·  Maths
·  RE
·  Science / ·  DT (3)
·  French (5)
·  PE (4)

EP (=)

Disadvantaged outperforming non Disadvantaged (+/- 3 students) / Disadvantaged performing in line with non-Disadvantaged (+/- 2 students) / Non Disadvantaged outperforming Disadvantaged (+/- 3 students)
·  Music (6) / ·  Art
·  Computing
·  DT
·  Drama
·  English
·  FT
·  Geography
·  History
·  Maths
·  PE
·  RE
·  Science / ·  French (5)

Year 7 Subject Overview:

MEP (+)

Disadvantaged outperforming non Disadvantage Disadvantaged d (+/- 3 students) / Disadvantaged performing in line with non-Disadvantaged (+/- 2 students) / Non Disadvantaged outperforming Disadvantaged (+/- 3 students)
·  Maths (5) / ·  English
·  Science

EP (=)

Disadvantaged outperforming non-Disadvantaged (+/- 3 students) / Disadvantaged performing in line with non-Disadvantaged (+/- 2 students) / Non Disadvantaged outperforming Disadvantaged (+/- 3 students)
·  English
·  Science / ·  Maths (3)

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