Step 1 – Sewer Cleaning
There can be a number of reasons for a sewer to backup. When it does, most homeowners are not sure what to do.
The first thing a homeowner must do is have a local plumbing contractor come into the home and attempt to clean out any build-up or obstructions in the line,
Please note, a sewer line may require two or three additional cleanings before the blockage disappears. We ask that you continue to work with a local plumber to restore your service line and report any reoccurrences with our office. We will monitor the occurrences and if necessary schedule camera inspection.
Step 2 – Camera Inspection
If the reoccurrence of a blockage does not clear up, a sewer camera inspection may be required. The camera inspection will determine the type of blockage and location (see Step 3).
For a sewer camera inspection, you will need to:
arrange a time and date to be home for the inspection
arrange and pay for another sewer cleaning for the same day as theinspection
provide us with a history of previoussewer cleanings
allow us into your home for the sewer camera inspection
The Town of Vermilion may reimburse the owner or resident a portion of the sewer cleaning cost2 if the blockage is located within the outer line of the street1.
Step 3 – Sewer Line Repair
If the blockage is within your portion of the line, you will be responsible to arrange and pay for any repair or replacement of the sewer service line. If the blockage is found to be on the outer line of the street1, we will arrange to have the line restored at no cost to the property owner.
Questions or Concerns
Still have questions or concerns? Please call us at 780-581-2415.
1 By-law #2-87 states that the outer line of the street means that area of the travelled portion of the street which is subject to vehicular traffic but excludes private driveways.
2 Sanitary Sewer Service Maintenance Policy states that if it is determined that the blockage is in the travelled portion of the street as defined in By-law #2-87, the Town will reimburse to a maximum of $135.00 + GST per occurrence to the owner or resident upon submission of an invoice within 30 days of the cleaning with the following conditions: The invoice must have the date, civic address, and the invoice must be paid.
High water bill?
Is your water consumption unusually high compared to the previous billing period? Call us! We can help you identify the source of the problem before you need to call a plumber.
A leaky toilet can lose between 400 L to 34,560 L of water per day! That can be as much as $75 per day on your water bill. A leak can be as simple as the flapper not closing properly whereas other leaks can be harder to detect.
You can check for leaks in the toilet by adding food coloring in the tank. If it seeps into the bowl without flushing, you have a leak.
Do you have low water pressure or no water?
No water or poor water pressure can be caused by a variety of factors including:
a leak in the service or main line
a plugged water softener
a frozen service line (winter season)
a plugged screen on a faucet
water shut off for cancellation or nonpayment of bill
faulty taps
Not all leaks are the Town’s responsibility to repair. These water leaks include:
a leak in your portion of the service line
a leak in your home
a leak from groundwater saturation
a leak from a natural spring
Checking for a leak...
Start by shutting off all the taps in your home, if the dials on the meter are turning then there is a leak in your home.
If the leak is not from within the home, check if it is from an alternative source. Turn off your shut-off valve (usually located in the basement near an outside wall), then check around the outside of your home for the source of the leak, if necessary, please call us and we can help you identify the location of the leak.
Water under pressure follows the path of least resistance e.g. loose soil or under asphalt. This is why the location of a leak is not always where the water appears on the surface.
Do you have water seepage in your home or in your yard?
There are a number of reasons as to why there would be water seepage on your property and may not necessarily be a leak. What appears to be a leak may actually be from an alternative source:
a sump pump discharging
a swimming pool being drained
a lawn sprinkler system
a rain barrel that is not level or overflowing
groundwater saturation
cracks and holes in basement foundation
a natural spring
a plugged eavestrough
Who is responsible for repairing a leak?
The responsibility for a leak is determined by the location of the leak. If the water is shutoff at the curb stop and the leak stops, then the leak is on the property owner’s portion of the line and would be the responsibility of the property owner.
Responsibilities of a Property Owner:
arrange for a contractor to repair your water line
paying for the repairs ofyour water line
Responsibilities of a Contractor:
obtain permits and locates
repair or replace the line(preferably with pvc pipe)
Responsibilities of the Town of Vermilion:
shut off water prior to repair
set up a temporary water supply
turn water back on
While your water is off during a repair, we recommend that you keep your taps closed to prevent flooding when your water is turned back on.
What is a curb stop???
A curb stop is the water control valve between the main and individual service lines.
When a curb stop is located within a propertyline and it requires replacement or repair the property owner is responsible toreplace any concrete, asphalt, etc. surrounding the curb stop.