Student’s code of conduct
We as a nursery team are here to help you further your knowledge and experience in child care, by becoming involved in children’s day time routines and activities in a positive and enthusiastic environment; which we as a nursery aim to provide.
At Curious Kittens we value the children’s happiness, safety and security as our prime concern.
Through working in partnership with activities and responsibilities, our aim is to support your confidence to grow.
- Students should make themselves familiar with our Policies and Procedures.
- Students should read our Policy for Students on placement and read and sign our Acceptable Useage document.
- Students should be aware and observing the children’s safety and security throughout the day.
- Students should not answer the door.
- Communication and teamwork is very important in the nursery. Always let a member of staff know of your actions and whereabouts. You must sign the register on entering and leaving the building. This is located in the staff room.
- Make sure you are aware and familiar with the fire exit procedures for each room, as they do vary. Notices are displayed in the classrooms. Make yourself aware of fire blankets, extinguishers. Always help staff to keep areas tidy in case of an emergency evacuation, e.g. keeping chairs tucked in, pick up toys from the floor, and clean up any mess or spillages.
- Students must wear appropriate uniform.
- Mobile phones should be locked away.
- Personal technologies must not be used in the work place for taking, storing or sending photos or data. It is completely unacceptable for students to take photographs of children for their own use.
- Students have to take their breaks off site and use the college canteen.
- If you are absent please phone the nursery at 8.00 to let someone know. On 305345.
- Please be aware of your time keeping for when you are starting work and during breaks.
- Never be afraid to ask for advice, guidance or support – we are here to help.
- Please remember we have a strict code of confidentiality everything you hear should stay within the nursery.
- We will be setting you a target/task each week to plan for the following week.
- As you move through the rooms please make yourself aware of the aims and the needs for children. As this can vary on the individual.
- Be aware of your interaction levels with the children, understand their capabilities and were you may need to support them.
- Become familiar with our policies within the nursery.
If at any point you have any queries or are unsure please feel free to approach members of staff in the room for help and guidance.
Please print name and sign: Mentor sign:
August 2017