Walton High School Model UN Agreement
The Model UN Team at Walton High School is a competitive organization that competes at conferences hosted by colleges and universities throughout the Southeast. As a competitive organization, we represent WaltonHigh School and as a member, you are expected to prepare and perform in a professional manner so that the team can compete at the top of its ability.
By signing and turning in this agreement, you acknowledge that you have received and understand the information contained below regarding the expectations of you, as a team member on the Walton HS Model UN Team.
Team Communications
The blog and e-mail blasts are the main mode of communication between the sponsor/team and team members. You need to register for Edmodo as soon as possible. Once information is posted on the blog and an e-mail has been sent, you are considered to be notified. In addition, you should listen to the morning announcements and pay attention to posted flyers. You may also stop by G-114 at any time. If you have any questions or cannot attend an event in which you are expected, personally speak with Mrs. Cohen, Mr. Orff or a member of the executive board as soon as possible.
1) Go to 2) Choose “I’m A Student”
3) Select an easy to remember “username” and “password” 4) Use the name we call you in MUN
5) Enter group code: 62hqvh
Dues for the 2013 – 2014 school year are $25. They may be paid by the exact amount of cash or by a check made out to Walton High School with Model UN on the memo line. Upon payment of dues, you will receive your Team Manual.
As a team member you are expected to participate in team fundraisers. These may include, but are not limited to, sports clean-ups, bake sales, raffles, etc. Remember these events are designed to decrease conference costs and fees for the team as a whole. Failure to participate in these activities may endanger your participation in conferences, the ability to receive awards and/or a letter, etc.
Mock Conference
As part of preparation for conferences, you are expected to attend the Mock Conference during fall semester. The date is SEPTEMBER 28, 2013 (9:00am-2:00pm) in D-139. In order to attend a conference, attendance at the Mock Conference may be considered mandatory. Please begin to resolve any conflicts now.In addition, attendance may be considered when determining awards or a letter.
The main activity of Model UN is attending conferences. Information about conferences is on the Team website, including dates and locations. Most conferences are open to the entire team, and yet no one is guaranteed to attend any given conference. However, if due dates for deposits, paperwork, etc. are missed, you may not be allowed to attend and forfeit your ability to receive an award and/or a letter. If any monies are paid, they will be forfeited to the Team to cover costs assumed by the Team on your behalf. Please pay attention to when things are due so you do not jeopardize your attendance of conferences.
As a member of the Model UN Team, you are representing the Team, Walton High School and Cobb County School District; therefore, you areexpected to conduct yourself in a professional and appropriate manner. This includes attendance and timeliness at meetings and activities, appropriate behavior at meetings and activities. Any action that violates any Cobb County policy will be grounds for dismissal from the Team and requisite action with the administration. Any additional cost of transportation home due to behavior issues will be your responsibility.
In trying to maintain consistency in team members’ attendance to Team Meetings, a uniform attendance policy has been drafted.
If a member misses two meetings that deal with conference-related issues, they will lose eligibility to attend that particular conference.
If a member misses a total of five meetings, they will be ineligible to receive an individual award or a letter at the Model UN Banquet at the end of the year.
If a member misses a total of seven meetings, they will lose their membership on the Team.
In either above scenario, any deposits paid will be forfeited.
Attendance at a Meeting will be expected if the student is in school on the day of the Meeting
Only PPO-recognized absences will be excused from the Meeting
Members are expected to see Mrs. Cohen, Mr. Orff or a member of the executive board before the meeting with any conflicts.
All Team Meetings are posted on the Team Website. Adjustments to the calendar may be made as preparations for the conferences progress. Any changes will be reflected on the calendar and presented on the morning announcements.
Dress Code
Appropriate dress is required for attendance at Team events.
Meetings: Regular school dress code applies
Team Activities/Conferences: Semi-Formal/Formal dress
Guys: Suit or shirt and tie with slacks, dress shoes
Girls: Dress, skirt or dress pants and blouse, appropriate shoes
No t-shirts, shorts, jeans, sandals, or tennis shoes
Conference dances: Dress as you wish within the CCSD Dress Code
Any violation of dress expectations risks your participation in the activity.
Additional Forms
Attached, you will find additional forms that are required by the Cobb County School System for participation in any off-campus and/or overnight activities for Model UN. Please complete the forms and return them with the Team Member Agreement. Please note that the Medical Release Form must be notarized prior to turning it in to Mrs. Cohen.
Walton High School
Model UN Agreement
We fully understand all of the expectations, rules and requirements of the Walton High School Model UN Team. We also understand that any actions that are contrary to this agreement or any instructions given by Mrs. Cohen or Mr. Orffmay result in dismissal from the Team or jeopardize travel to conferences, which in turn may result in the loss of payment(s) of monies already made to the team for any travel/conference expenses.
Print Name: ______
Signature: ______Date: ______
Print Name: ______
Signature: ______Date: ______
Cobb County School DistrictForm IFCB-3
A community with a passion for learning!
I hereby request that (Student’s Name-PLEASE PRINT): be allowed to participate in athletic team, band, orchestra, chorus, and/or any series of field trips related to one particular area of study or activity. I understand that transportation may or may not be provided by the Cobb County School District (District). In the event transportation is not provided by the District, transportation will be the student’s responsibility.
Detailed trip information, including destination, date, time of departure, time of return, purpose, and supervision, should be given in writing to the parents at least two (2) weeks prior to each trip in the series.
The District does not or may not carry any insurance relative to the trip, including the cost of the trip, or for injuries to the student. I represent that the student has insurance either through the student accident insurance offered by the District or through my own insurance carrier.
If any emergency medical procedures or treatment are required by the student during the trip, I consent to the trip supervisor(s) taking, arranging for, and consenting to the procedures or treatment in his/her or their discretion.
I agree to release, indemnify, and hold harmless the Cobb County School District (District), its Board of Education, and its employees, agents, or assignees, as well as its approved adult trip supervisors (“District Indemnitees”) from and forever promise not to sue them on any and all claims, demands, rights, causes of action, liabilities, losses, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees), whether known or unknown, that I, any other parent or guardian of the above-named student, or the student may have or may allege to have against the District Indemnitees or which may be brought against the District Indemnitees arising out of or in any manner relating to the student’s participation in the field trips, including but not limited to the rendering of emergency medical procedures or treatment.
NOTE: This form must be signed by student if the student is 18 years of age or older.
Name of Student (PLEASE PRINT) Signature of StudentDate
Name of Parent/Guardian (PLEASE PRINT)Signature of Parent/GuardianDate