WSN TC conf call 7/18/05 minutes
Minute taker: Latha Srinivasan (HP)
Quorum reached (15 voting members)
1. Approval of minutes from June 20th & July 7 – no objections
Action Item Review:
2. AI 56 – the work has been done. Closed
3. AI 79 – no progress, open.
4. AI 81 -- open.
5. AI 82 – closed
6. AI 85 – open
7. AI 93 – closed
8. AI 95 – open
9. AI 97 – closed
10. AI 98 - closed
11. AI 99 – open
12. AI 117 – closed
13. AI 118 – open, Peter has a potential suggestion
14. Week of 9/12 (F2F) is the week of EMW – could cause potential conflicts for folks who participate in other TCs such as WSDM. Moving it by a week may help others. We need to bring this up to the WSRF TC as well. The next week may have some conflicts as well (Martin Chapman). Talk to Dave Snelling since he is hosting the event at Fujitsu.
15. Public Review Process – zip file containing artifacts has been mailed to the OASIS member list. There is a mailing list to post comments. No useful mail yet, only spam so far! What do we do with issues during the 60 day PR? Track them the normal/usual way.
16. Errata (ref. 9 and 10) – we just maintain an errata file for tracking purposes.
17. WS-Topics status
Sid Askary has published a 1b version. Peter has a version with some changes. The spec. should be ready for process to verify issue resolution as we did for Base-N and Brokered.
18. Potential new issues:
a. Destroy Operation Name [11]
Paste in operations from WS-RL. There are 2 Destroy operations with similar signatures. Intention was to decouple from WSRF-RL. They come from different namespaces. However, while constructing WSDL, you have to rename one of them. Suggestion: to rename Destroy as we define it. Action: new issue for BaseN and Brokered.
b. Identifying a registered publisher [12]
How does a broker identify that publisher is indeed registered? Matt Roberts’ mail: return 2 EPRs. Action: new issue for Brokered.
c. Lifetime of PullPoints [13]
Action: new issue for Base-N
19. Are PullPoints required to accept notifications from third parties? [14]
This is a discussion from last F2F. If it is general-purpose, it is difficult to optimize.
Action: New Issue to be raised for Base-N.
20. Any other issues?
Sanjay: How are the above new issues tracked now that we are in Public Review?
Peter: As usual. Any recommendations?
Sanjay: We will have to go through another round of Committee draft and PR draft.
21. OASIS Artifact Identification Requirements WD [15] and my comments [16]
Draft: More rigorous about recording metadata about documents (such as version).
File naming scheme should contain this metadata info in some coded form. Not very different from the conventions we use now.
We have to use RDDL and have the RDDL doc. point to the URL of our namespace.
Some tidying up of the file structure with the URI structure.
Recommendation: TC members Look at the WD [15] and provide comments.
22. Sanjay: Question about Issues document. Open Comments – can they be closed?
Will add comments in the issue text about the cd version where the comments are addressed.
Peter: Point to PR draft.
23. End of call : 12:50 pm ET