Walter Thompson Welford
Walter Thompson Welford—Bibliography
(1)1947The reflectivity and transmittivity of multiple thin coatings. J.Opt.Soc.America, 37, 576-581.
(2)1949Wavefront aberrations of oblique pencils in a symmetrical optical system: refraction and transfer formulae. Proc.Phys.Soc.(Lond),62B, 726-40.
(3)1950Chromatic variation of spherical aberration. BritishJournalofAppl.Phys.1, 67-73,
(4)1950The computation of wavefront aberrations of oblique pencils in a symmetrical optical system. Proc.Phys.Soc.(Lond),63B, 709-723.
(5)1951(With L. C. Martin and P.B. Watt)An apparatus for correlated interferometer and resolving power tests on camera lenses.OpticaActa,specialnumber, 26-31.
(6)1951A beam splitter for non-collimated light. J.Sci.Instr.,28, 351-2.
(7)1951Criteria of image forming quality in photographic objectives. PhotographicJournal, 91B, 138-141.
(8)1952Note on a new constant deviation prism arrangement. J.Opt.Soc.America, 42, 142-3.
(9)1952Distortion and field curvature in air-survey lenses. EmpireSurveyReview, 11, 333.
(10)1952Iterative ray tracing. Proc.Phys.Soc.(Lond),65B, 731-5.
(11)1953The oblique transmission of multilayer thin films. J.Opt.Soc.America, 43, 539.
(12)1953An interferometer for simultaneous observation of concentration and concentration gradient in liquid columns. Nature, 172, 461.
(13)1953(With R Barer) A rational microscope lamp. J.RoyalMicroscopicalSoc., 73, 148-155.
(14)1954Light distribution in the image of an incoherently illuminated edge. J.Opt.Soc.America, 44, 610-15.
(15)1955Astigmatism of skew pencils in optical systems containing toric surfaces. J.Res.NationalBureauofStandards, 54, 251-262.
(16)1955Images of incoherently illuminated bright and opaque discs. J.Opt.Soc.America, 45, 1006-8.
(17)1955(with J. A. Dobrowolski) Optical aspherizing by vacuum evaporation. Nature, 175, 646.
(18)1956A new kind of interference filter. InAstronomicalOpticsandRelatedSubjectsEd.Z.Kopal, (North-Holland,), 409-14.
(19)1956(With J. A. Dobrowolski) Production of aspheric surfaces by vacuum deposition. InAstronomicalOpticsandRelatedSubjectsEd.Z.Kopal. (North-Holland,), 360-364
(20)1954Computations in thin film optics, Vacuum. 4, 3-19.
(21)1957(With J. A. Dobrowolski, W. Godfrey and P.N. Slater) Measurement of the diameter of opaque cylinders by scanning microscopy. J.Opt.Soc.America. 47, 186-90.
(22)1957Scanning microscopy and partical size determination.J.oftheQuekettMicroscopicalClub, 4, (February)
(23)1957(With E. W. Richards and A. R. Thomas) Design of a 21ft. grating spectrograph using a plane grating.A.E.R.EReportsNos.2152,2163and2338.
(24)1958(With P.N. Slater) Light transmitted by very small pinholes. J.Opt.Soc.America, 48, 146-9,
(25)1960Length measurement at the optical resolution limit by scanning microscopy, Contribution to OpticsinMetrology, pp, 85-91, (Pergamon)
(26)1959(With L. Riddiford, B Van der Raay, C. C. Butler, N. C. Barford, D. Macmullen, A. Thetford, D. B. Thomas, A. Amery, W. H. Evans, M. J. Moore, P. Polak, H. W. B. Skinner, P. R. Williams, D. Shaw, A.G. Ashburn and M.Snowden) Some features of the British National Hydrogen Bubble Chamber. Proc. Intern.Conf.OnHigh-EnergyAcceleratorsandInstrumentation,CERN,445-453.
(27)1960On the limiting sensitivity of the star test for optical instruments. J.Opt.Soc.America, 50, 21-23.
(28)1958Problems of length measurement by scanning microscopy. Proc.ImekoConference,Budapest,ActaImeko, pp. 219-28
(29)1960Use of annular apertures to increase focal length.J.Opt.Soc.America, 50, 749-753.
(30)1961(With C. J. D. Spencer) An apertometer for microscope objectives. J.Sci.Instr., 38, 328.
(31)1961(With I. Leifer and C. J. D. Spencer) Use of aroclor resin as a high refractive index mounting medium for microscopy. J.RoyalMicroscopicalSoc., 80, 163-4.
(32)1961(With I. Leifer and C. J. D. Spencer) Grainless screens for projection microscopy. J.Opt.Soc.America, 51, 1422-1423.
(33)1961Sizing and counting small particles by microscope. TheTimesScienceReview, 40, 6-9
(34)1963Optical Design.Chapter 4 ofAGuidetoInstrumentDesign. (Taylor and Francis), 93-226.
(35)1962Geometrical Optics; Optical Instrumentation. Vol. 1 of Undergraduate Textbooks in Physics, pp. 200 North-Holland.
(36)1962Bubble Chamber Photography. J.Phot.Science. 10, 243-51.
(37)1962Tracing skew rays through concave diffraction gratings. OpticaActa. 9, 389-94.
(38)1962Optical Problems in the Design of Large Light-Liquid Bubble Chambers. Proceedingof1961ConferenceonOpticalInstruments,ChapmanandHall. 173-192
(39)1963A Stigmatic Ebert-Type Plane Grating Mounting. J.Opt.Soc.America,53, 766.
(40)1963Aberration Tolerances for spectrum line images. OpticaActa. 10, 121-7.
(41)1963Bubble Chamber Optics.AppliedOptics, 2, 981-96.
(42)1963Bubble Chamber Windows.AppliedOptics, 2, 1037-41.
(43)1965Aberration theory of gratings and grating mountings.ProgressinOptics, 4, 241-280.
(44)1966(With L C Martin) Technical Optics. Vol. I, 2nd Edition, Pitman. pp399
(45)1966Obtaining increased focal depth in bubble chamber photography by an application of the hologram principle. AppliedOptics, 5, 872.
(46)1967Optical Calculations and optical instruments, an introduction. Chapter 1, p. 1-42 of Vol. XXIX of HandbuchderPhysik, Springer.
(47)1967(With S. H. Rowe) Surface topography on non-optical surfaces by projected interference fringes. Nature, 216, 786-7.
(48)1967Illumination and Photography of Bubble Chambers. Chapter V, pp.233-313 of Bubble and Spark Chambers, Vol. 1, ed. R. P. Shutt, Academic Press.
(49)1968The Mach Effect and the Microscope.AdvancesinOpticalandElectronMicroscopy, Vol.2, 41-76.
(50)1968The Visual Mach Effect.PhysicsEducation. 3, 83-4.
(51)1968(With K. H. Carnell, N. C. Gortmans and C. Pataky) A telecentric camera lens for bubble chamber photography”, OpticaActa,15, 187-93.
(52)1968(With D. Roaf, C. A. Bailey, G. Davey, B. A. Hands, J. McKenzie, A. B. Miller, J. Moffatt, T. D. Peel, D. F. Shaw, W. Turner, G. C. Weeks, N. Hadley, M. Snowden, W. J. Tallis and R. N. Walker) An 80 cm. liquid helium bubble chamber.NuclearInstrumentsandMethods. 64, 301-9.
(53)1968A note on the skew invariant of optical systems.OpticaActa, 15, 621-623.
(54)1969Some applications of projected interference fringes. OpticaActa, 16, 371-376.
(55)1969Fringe visibility and localisation in hologram interferometry.OpticsCommun. 1, 123-125.
(56)1970A note on the theory of the Foucault Knife-Edge Test. OpticsCommun. 1, 443-445.
(57)1970Fringe visibility and localisation in hologram interferometry with parallel displacement. OpticsCommun. 1, 311-314.
(58)1970Optical processing of bubble chamber photographs. OpticaActa, 17, 563-564.
(59)1971Contrast and shape of bubbles images on bubble chambers with brightfield illumination. NuclearInstrumentsandMethods, 91, 381-387.
(60)1971(With R. A. Lawes) A laser illumination system for a Hough-Powell Device. SRC 1971 Report RHEL/R212.(HMSO)pp 38
(61)1971(With K. H. Carnell) Estimation of the size ofbubbles in a bubble chamber by contrast measurement. NuclearInstrumentsandMethods, 92, 229-232.
(62)1971The most general isoplanatic theorem.OpticsCommun. 3, 1-6.
(63)1971(With L. C. Martin) The light microscope.PhysicalTechniquesinBiochemicalResearch, Vol. 1A, Academic Press.
(64)1970Geometrical optics treatment of fringe localisation in two-beam hologram interferometry. ApplicationsdeL’Holographie,ComptesrendusSymposiumInternational,BesanconJuly1970, Paper 4.2
(65)1971(With J. C. Dainty) Reduction of speckle in image plane hologram reconstruction by moving pupils. OpticsCommun., 3, 289-294.
(66)1971(With R. A. Lawes)An illumination system of improved power and resolution for the Hough-Powell device.NuclearInstrumentsandMethods, 96, 383-386.
(67)1971(With K. H. Carnell) A method for precision spherometry of concave surfaces. JournalofPhysicsE, 4, 1060-62.
(68)1971Time-averaged images produced by optical systems with time-varying pupils. OpticsCommun.,4, 275-8.
(69)1971Development and performance of the Argonne National Laboratory 140 deg. camera lens. Proc.Int.ConferenceofBubbleChamberTechnology,1970 , ed M. Derrick, Argonne National Laboratory, Vol. 2, 915-940)
(70)1971Fisheye window concentricity problems. Proc.Int.ConferenceofBubbleChamberTechnology,1970 , ed M. Derrick, Argonne National Laboratory, Vol. 2, 997-1009.
(71)1971Bubble chamber holography. Proc.Int.ConferenceofBubbleChamberTechnology,1970, ed M. Derrick, Argonne National Laboratory, Vol. 2, 1024-1036.
(72)1972On the relationship between the modes of image formation in scanning microscopy and conventional microscopy. JournalofMicroscopy, 96, 105-7.
(73)1972A new total aberration formula.OpticaActa, 19, 719-27.
(74)1973(With R. Q. Twiss) On the coherence length of a monochromator for use with a Michelson stellar interferometer. OpticsCommun.,7, 103-6.
(75)1973Isoplanatism and holography. OpticsCommun.,8, 239-43.
(76)1973Aplanatic hologram lenses on spherical surfaces. OpticsCommun.,9, 268-9.
(77)1974Film flatness, lens distortion, illumination and other matters in bubble chamber photography. PhotogrammetricRecord, VIII, 167-177.
(78)1974Aberrations of the symmetrical optical system. Academic Press, pp 240.
(79)1974(With K. H. Carnell, M. J. Kidger, A.J. Overill, R.W. Reader, F. C. Reavell and C. G. Wynne) Some experiments on precision lens mounting. OpticaActa, 21, 615-629.
(80)1975(With P. Chandley) Reformulation of some of the results of P Beckman for scattering from rough surfaces. OpticalandQuantumElectronics, 7, 393-397.
(81)1975First order statistics of speckle produced by weak scattering media. OpticalandQuantumElectronics, 7, 413-416.
(82)1975Practical design of an aplanatic hologram lens of focal length 50mm and numerical aperture 0.5.OpticsCommun. 15, 46-49.
(83)1975A vector raytracing equation for hologram lenses of arbitrary shape. OpticsCommun., 14 322-323.
(84)1975Aplanatic hologram lenses. JournalofPhotographicScience, 23, 84-87.
(85)1976(With M. E. Barnett, P. R. Harnett and C. G. Wynne) An interactive hybrid processing facility for geological and geographical applications.Imageprocessing,SPIE74, 130-136.
(86)1976(With M. E. Barnett) Dimensional consistency in the formation of the diffraction theory of image formation. Optik46, 27-32.
(87)1976Aplanatism and isoplanatism. ProgressinOptics, XIII, 267-292.
(88)1976Optics. Oxford University Press
(89)1976Speckle in images.JOptSocAm., 66, 1172-1174.
(90)1977(With E. Jakeman) Speckle statistics in imaging. OpticsCommun.21, 72-79.
(91)1977(With A. B. Ellis, S. R. Brookes, M. E. Barnett and R. W Smith) A ground SAR processor for SEASAT-A. ESA Contract Report 3143/77/NL/HP(SC), Marconi Research Labs.
(92)1977Optical estimation of statistics of surface roughness from light scattering measurements. OpticalandQuantumElectronics, 9, 269-287.
(93)1978(With M. E. Barnett and R. W Smith) Optical decoding of satellite-borne synthetic aperture radar.OpticaActa, 25, 707-714.
(94)1978Star Tests. Chapter 11, 351-379 of Optical Shop Testing, ed. D. Malacara, John Wiley New York.
(95)1979High aperture optics. ScienceProgressOxf.66, 81-92.
(96)1976Japanese translation of “Optics”, Oxford Physics Series textbook
(97)1978With D. J. Nicholas and C. Pataky) High aperture optics for laser compression experiments: a new type. AppliedOptics17, 3368-3371.
(98)1978(With R. Winston) On the problem of ideal flux concentrators. JOptSocAm, 68, 531-534.
(99)1978(With R. Winston)Two dimensional concentrators for inhomogeneous media,JOptSocAm, 68, 289-291.
(100)1978(With R. Winston). The optics of nonimaging concentrators: Light and Solar Energy. Academic Press, New York
(101)1979(With R. Winston) On the problem of ideal flux concentrators: Addendum.JOptSocAm, 69, 367.
(102)1979Two-dimensional non-imaging concentrators with refracting optics. JOptSocAm, 69, 917-919
(103)1979(With R. Winston) Geometrical vector flux and some new nonimaging concentrators.JOptSocAm, 69, 532-536.
(104)1979(With R. Winston) Ideal flux concentrators as shape that do not disturb the geometrical vector field flux: A new derivation of the compound parabolic concentrator. JOptSocAm, 69, 536-539.
(105)1980(With R. Winston) Design of nonimaging concentrators as second stages in tandem with image-forming first-stage concentrators.AppliedOptics, 19, 347-351.
(106)1980Laser speckle and surface roughness. ContempPhys,21, 4, 401-412.
(107)1980(With R. Q. Twiss) Adjusting spatially separated plane mirrors to coplanarity. AppliedOptics19, 2416-2418.
(108)1980Theory and principles of optical scanning microscopy.ScannedImageMicroscopy,ed.E.A.Ash, Academic Press p165-182.
(109)1981(With R. A. Lessard and F. L. Zhang) Sea-wave detection by optical Fourier transforms from Seasat SAR images.OpticaActa, 28, 283-287.
(110)1980(With F. C. Reavell) Precision construction of optical systems”, OpticalAlignment,SPIE251 2-4.
(111)1980Noncontacting measurement of surface roughness. SPIE235(AsphericOpticsDesign,ManufactureandTesting), 118-121.
(112)1980(With N.E. Ellis) Applications of aspheric optics in laser fusion. SPIE235,(AsphericOpticsDesign,ManufactureandTesting),18-20.
(113)1981(With R. W. Winston) Principles of optics applied to solar energy collectors. Chapter 3 pp. 3-1 – 3-24 of the Solar Energy Handbook, eds. J. F. Kreider and F. Keith, McGraw Hill.
(114)1981Optics. 2nd edition, Oxford University Press.
(115)1982(With R. W. Winston) The ellipsoid paradox in thermodynamics. J.StatisticalPhysics, 28, 603-606.
(116)1982(With R. W. Winston) Nonconventional optical systems and the brightness theorem. AppliedOptics, 21, 1531-1533.
(117)1982(With R. W. Winston) An upper bound on the efficiency of certain nonimaging concentrators in the physical optics model. JOptSocAm, 72, 1244-1248.
(118)1982(With R. W. Winston).Efficiency of nonimaging concentrators in the physical optics model. JOptSocAm, 72, 1564-1566.
(119)1983Connections and transitions between imaging and nonimaging optics.SPIE441, 7-9.
(120)1986Aberrations of optical systems. Adam Hilger Ltd. pp284.
(121)1986(With F. N. Goodall and R. A. Moody) Reduction photolithography by ablation at wavelength 197nm. OpticsCommun. 57, 227-229.
(122)1987(With J. O’Gallagher and R. Winston) Axially symmetric nonimaging flux concentrators with the maximum theoretical concentration value. JOptSocAmer.A4, 66-68.
(123)1987(With R. Winston) Generalized radianace and practical radiometry. JOptSocAmer.A4, 545-547.
(124)1988(WithJ. B. Lowry and M. R. Humphries). Pulsed Scophony laser projection system. OpticsandLaserTechnology, 20, 255-258.
(125)1988Microlithography and the ultraviolet: experiments with an excimer laser. ProcRoySoc.A419, 173-180.
(126)1988“Optics ”, 3rd edition, Oxford University Press. pp155
(127)1989(With R. Winston) High Collection Nonimaging Optics, Academic Press.
(128)1989(With I. M. Bassett and R. Winston) Nonimaging optics flux concentration. ProgressinOptics, XXVII, 161-226
(129)1990(With R. Winston) Measurement ofradiance. OpticsCommun., 76, 191-193.
(130)1991Aberrations of optical systems. Adam Hilger Ltd pp ix + 284 Amended reprint of 1986 edition..
(132)1991Useful Optics (Submitted for publication before his death, subsequently edited by R Winston). UniversityofChicagoLecturesinPhysics, The University of Chicago Press. pp140
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